Sebastián Oreamuno DCD Discover Dialogues images

Added 18th Jul 2022 by Amy Bowring / Last update 14th Dec 2022

2022_05_20 - Chilean Peña ad.pdf
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Sebastián Oreamuno DCD Discover Dialogues images

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Born in Santiago, Chile, Sebastián Oreamuno is a queer Toronto-based artist and academic currently pursuing his PhD in Dance Studies at York. His doctoral research explores the relationship between memory, place-making and cueca (the Chilean national dance). Other interests include the participatory body; popular culture; men and pointe; and multi-media artistic practices. He has performed/danced for Aria Evans, Noémie Lafrance and Sashar Zarif.

These images are provided courtesy of Sebastián Oreamuno to accompany his participation in DCD Discover Dialogues #2, July 19, 2022.
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Sebastián Oreamuno DCD Discover Dialogues images
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research belonging to Sebastián Oreamuno, for viewing purposes only
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page 6 VENCEREMOS NECISITA SU AYUDA. Los costos de esta produccion disponsible para la y correo son publicacion extremadamente altos y, aunque financiamiento de este boletin, no es de ninguna manera suticiente. Pensa mos que Verceremos cumple una tarea necesaria de intormac1on, analisis y difusion de la situacion en Ch.le entre el publico canadiense. Es por ello que creemos tirmemente que debemos continuar con la produccion del boletin. Sin embargo, esto sera posible solamente en la medida que nuestros lectores nos apoyen inaneieramente. P'or lavor envien donaciones a: Venceremos P.O. Box 80593 South Burnaby, B.C. Venceremos nceds your help! Production and mailing costs for Venceremos are extremely high. Although we have soine financing for the production of Venceremos, it is not good enough. We feel that Venceremos is providing necessary information, analysis and reporling of the Chilean situation to its Canadian readers. As a result, we feel that the newsletter must continue. However, that will be possible only with your support. We strongly urge those of you who are able, to please send a donation to Venceremos. CHILEAN PENA Ukrainian Hall 805 E. Pender December 3, 1976 at 7:30 admission $3.00 DOOR PRIZES. ENTERTAINMENT- RESISTANGE MUSIC FOOD. RINK . DANCING FREE CHILE All Proceeds to the Resistance O3 Venceremos P.O. Box 80593 South Burnaby, B.G. 28 X 1976 8.C CeMHITEt CAIR AUe T O o N TO VENCEREMOS NEEDS YOUR HELP: Cariada10 Canada 19-gaLd0

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