Sebastián Oreamuno DCD Discover Dialogues images

Added 18th Jul 2022 by Amy Bowring / Last update 14th Dec 2022

2021_11_16 - The Meaning of Folk Ballet.pdf
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Sebastián Oreamuno DCD Discover Dialogues images

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Born in Santiago, Chile, Sebastián Oreamuno is a queer Toronto-based artist and academic currently pursuing his PhD in Dance Studies at York. His doctoral research explores the relationship between memory, place-making and cueca (the Chilean national dance). Other interests include the participatory body; popular culture; men and pointe; and multi-media artistic practices. He has performed/danced for Aria Evans, Noémie Lafrance and Sashar Zarif.

These images are provided courtesy of Sebastián Oreamuno to accompany his participation in DCD Discover Dialogues #2, July 19, 2022.
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and Allende'fall(1973). It is set to last sixty minutes and it will have the participation Music Group,that represent the com- of about thirty persons. People -mostly young people-are the components of a Latin American and Chilean Folk Dance and en- lor munity uoun- of Chilean Workers In THE PARTICIPANTS: Who has answered us is the ar tistic director of the Group,Gabriel Edmonton. This group has made itself quite know including within Ca- es ino Cabrolier, Physical Education tea- nadian people because of the special choreography adaptation that they have arranged of the"Can- S- ido sta ras, uto- tata Popular Santa Maria de Iquique created by Luis Advis. We talked with their director and some of its members,so as el to know their experiences and at the same time to let them be la ecir n su bien dad, acquainted with the Edmonton community ,emphazising on all cho idad oun- that they have obtained as a re sult of their action as a group. The group has aprOxim ately cri- forty members having initiated son, their activities in August 1975. LATIN REPORT:What are the main rdad, periones cher in Chile,and who does the job here.He is 24 years-old. his directing activities he has same In the close cooperation of one commitee formed by Fernando Gonzalez and Julio Ocarez. We will finally pick up some of opinions expressed by Other members of the Group;whom we asked what they personally felt about participating in dancing. "I think that the most important fact to stand out ,is that all this has been done in order to show the actual Chilean reality (Pilar Gonzalez, Prim ary schoolteacher in Chile,a Spanish teacher for a purpose of the group? private academy in Edmonton). 'We don't pretend to be artists, (Answers the Director I must point out that of the Goup) the group but only to express our main siis only a part of a whole cultutuation,coincides another "(Marral manifestation of the Chilean cia Ravest, a student of Social e las eri- residing in Edmonton and by per- nos Work in Chile,unemployed in Ed- form ing our work we propose to oria cti- The Meaning of Folk Ballet es- sO ras, omo que idad esa cia asl- s,re- cial, cto lo amos entre Cola,o an traminado aciad amer al es el estra op enemos de opinion uestros por su S en que 1. En esta establish amos con As legir enn- fficult viamente rent permanent comuni- monton). some with cation that know we our to Owing languages,we s de di erdad dis- oUselves through s de todo what n todo caso mprender it's movement today. feel is media, Canadian the this will be to deliver Chile happening in do LATIN REPORT:How c a n you had no p e r s o n s who with ue consu- this indefectible va,no per- experience in dancing? to try to show maintain what alive is Our our own cultural assets ,that now are being diffe- wish to express the dance andd trying We and is not to DIRECTOR:Our purpose m in dancing,for ntiom (Ricarrepressed in o u r country" do Rosales,a bank clerk in Chile, here in Edmonton). must be understOod that we pretend is to let people know about Chile and it.s realia watchman It what also to help gathering funds" (Julio Ocarez,a public adminisrra- ty and clerk tion in Chile,a and Commerce studnt worker in Edmonton). as is part only o .ESS a wnole cultu- Our maln si- cides another (Marthe Chilean tuation,coinc cia Ravest,a student of Edmonton and by residing Social performing our work we propose to Work in in r2l erinos manifestation in of Chile,unemployed oría cti- Ed- The Meaning of Folk Ballet ess0- as, omo que idad esa- cia asi, to l0 amos entre ola,o tra- inado ciadamen l. es el stra opi nemos de la opinion estros por U- en que En esta mos conn gir en- iamente de di- dad disde todo todo casso prender e consu- establish some permanent communi- monton). cation As with we the know Canadian that this fficult owing to our diffe- today. LATIN this REPORT:How can you do with persons who experience in dancing? eor,dis- find Imente ando nues- nscientes n es- ad de sa- "Asi dianeo. E o los dicen tanta OS--aban- lecir,en el ra,por s u - had no DIRECTOR:Our purpose is not to we perfectionism in dancing,for that d ancing means itself,but rather as of expression, a means feel thing in form communic ating. The imprtant no- a of thing is that the particpants understood this perceiving what we wanted.This heldifped to O v e r c o m e inexperience ficulties together with the fact that wanted que be rent languages, we wish to express ouselves through the dance and it's movement trying to deliver what feel is happening in Chile defectible a,nopeIla r e a - media. will to do it and really made an effort. LR.-Apart from the "Cant ata Santa Maria",have you prepared or presented other works? We try to show what is Our and to maintain alive our own cultural assets ,that now are be ing repressed in our country (Ricardo Rosales, a bank clerk in Chile, a watchman here in Edmonton). I t must be understod that what we pretend is to let people know about Chile and it.s reali ty and also to help gather ing funds (Julio Ocarez,a public adminisrration clerk and Commerce studnt in Chile,a worker in Edmonton). *Our main task is to show the social situation in our country, and to maintain our principle values here within our community (Fernando Gonzalez,a dr aftm an student in Chile,an operator here, 29 years-old). Other members include :Monica Lee(Mathem atic student in Chile Sears Saleswoman in Edmonton), Monica Chavez(Obstetrician in Chile;a hospital house keeper in Edmonton),Sergio Flores(a high school student in Chile,the same here) D.-Yes,we inaugurated "ElDesafio Patricio Gonzalez(Architecture EN SENTIDC LABRA (The Challenge) a script and dances student in Chile,a workm an here) that is based on music from the Province of Maule(Central Chile). It was set on stage with the Scarlet Gonzalez (Physical Education musical collaboration of Marcelo Puente,a friend from Toronto. We have also presented a dance Thapsody of the central zone of Chile and of the southern Province of Chiloe, In this moment,the group Pparinga show based on 1s premusic that Mikis Teodorakis prepared TOr Costa Gavras Film "State of Slege". This work tries to show the poli- Ereis tical process in Chile,between Sovernment (1964-1970) student in Chile,a saleswom an here). Also we to should especially likke mention some members that aren't OChilean and that who give their enthusiasm and artistic ta- lents to the GrouP Alejandro Garcia, a Spaniard,from Segovia who has been here a year and a half.He was welder in his country and perfarmsthe same ac tivity over here.Ne is 22-years-old, Maria Thom asà Canadian,high school student;Anna Thom as,Cana- iian,high school student;Myro Coca rico,yugoslavian,sculptor, and Lois HarVy,Canadian,taacher. la mayoria joven- com- Gente pone el El significado conjunto de danzas fol- klóricas chilenas y latinoameric anas del Grupo de Trabajadores Chilenos en Edmonton. El conjunto ha 1legado hacerse conocido incluso en medios canadienses por la a de danzar novedosa adaptacion coreogr afica que ha hecho de la obra de Luis Advis "Cantata Popula Santa Maria de Iquique, Hemos charlado con su director sus integrantes con y algunos deconocé el cías y darlas a conocer,destacan- L. cO resultado do el aporte que c o m o de la acciónde 1 grupo se ha con- rie DIR seguido úsc El conjunto lo integran aproxima- damente 40 personas y comenza- la d- ron su tarea en agosto del añ n sino Lo LATIN REPORT: Que objetivs busca el Grupo? (Quien contesta e s tuvo se qu rar ia cia ,su cerlo LR. Maria O prep D.-Si, una oi que to de M con la Marce ronto.A una na ra cent vincia Actual un espe sica q1L Dara la "Estadc trael entre 1970)y La obra en ellai ta persa LOS INT Quien directopr briel Ca cacion aqui ma se prof. edad. El nosS secundadcomite q nando Ga com- el director del conjunto). Recogemos,fin almente,las impreDebo senalar que el grupo es par-siones de algunos integrantes del fol- ic anas hile- ral clu- mos propuesto establecer una comu- de todo un movimiento cultude los chilenos Edmonton OS Chilenos en Edmonton te ha upo,2a quienes preguntm os por 3T las experiencias que en 10 pE y al mostr ar nuestra obra nos he- or la afica nicacion con el medio sonal representa el baile: "Creo que lo imprtante es des- que esto se ha hecho Consider ando quepor lacanadiense. diferencia para mostr ar 1a realidad chilena de lengua esa comunicacion nos es (Pilar de Edumuy difiícil, hemos hecho del mo- cacion Gonzalez,profesora Baisca en Chile,aqui pro- Luis Ma- tacar vimiento ,de la expresion mediante fesora de Espanol danza,un modo de lenguaje para m ia Conpoder comunicar 10 que signinica "Nopriyada),ov pretendemos la ien- ctor la en ac ade- una 9 can- tado reaidad chilena de hoy. LR.- Como pudo Con- xima- nenza- con personas emprenderse que riencia previa en danza? DIRECTOR :Nuestra idea no es la busqueda de un perfeccionismo en etivos pacion aqui): Traamos de mostrar lo nuestro y mantener viva nuestra cultura,hoy reprimida en nustra patria "(Ri la damza,en 1a medida que la danno se justifica en si misma, cardo 10 testa es artistas, problemática'" (Marcia Ravest, estudiante de Servicio Social, sin ocu sino como expresión Lo importante tue que la gente tuvo conocim iento y capto lo que se quería.Ello contribuy ó a superar las dificultades de inexperiencia ,sumado al hecho de querer ha- cerlo v esforzarse en ello. LR. ser sino c o m u n i c a r / l o n u e s t r o , n u e s t r a esto no tenian expe- Aparte de la "Cantata santa Maria'" ,ustedes han presentdo en Rosales,empleado bancario Chile,cuidador de un local aqui en Edmonton). "Debe destacarse que pretendemos dar a conocer a Chile,su realidad y también,ayudar con fondos'" (Julio Ocarez(empleado de la Corfo - una entidad pública en Chile- y estu- diante de Comercializacion ;obre- ro aqui). prepar an otras obrass? "nuestro objetivo esenc:a! es moSD.-Si,hemos estrenadoEI DesI trar nuestra problematica social una obra argumental y de aanzas y mantener vivos los principios enque toma musica de la provinela tre nuestra comundad (Fernando de Maule y que, fue montada Gonzalez,dibujante tecnico en Chicon la colabor ac ion musical de le ,operario aqui,29 años). Marcelo Puente, un amigo de ToOtros integrantes:Monica Lee(esronto. Ademas hemoS tudiante de Matematicas en Chile, presenado 1a una rapsodia de danzas ae 20 vendedora en Sears ,en Edmonton) na central de Chile y, de la PTO Mónica Chávez(m atrona en Chile, vincia sureña de Chiloe. house keeper en un un hospital Actualmente el Grup0 prepal en Edmonton),Sergio Flores(estuun espectaculo basado en a u diante secundario en sica que Mikis Teodor ak1s Chile,estudiante aqui), Patricio Z Gonzalez(esDara la pelicula de Costas tudiante de Arquitectura en Chile Fstado de Sitio".Esta obraGavras mues obrero aqui),Scarlet tra el procesb politico de Chile tudiante de Educ ac ionGonzalez(esFisica en O a entre el gobierno de de Frei(1964 6,Vendedora aqui). Frei(1964 Chile,vendedora aquí),Luis Pereira(25 años, soldador en 1970)y la caída de Allende(1973). La obra dura sesenta minutos y en ella intervendran cerca de treinta personas. LOS INTEGRANTES.- uien nos director respondido es artistico del Grupo,Gaha Cabrolier,profesor de Edu- briel cacion Fisica en_Chile y quee aquí se desempena en la mis- ma profesión, Tiene 24 anos de edad, El nos aclara que ademas ess secundado en la direccion por un comite que también integran Fernando Gonzalez y Jullo Ocarez, trabaja Chile,aquí ). debe nombrarse muy es- en Tambien la Plant National pecialmente a algun0s integr antes no son que tan chilenos y que apor y calidad ar- entusiasmo tICa al Grupo; su Alejandro García,espanol,natural de SegÓvia;lleva un ano aqui. Era soldador en suy medio patria y aquí ejerce 1a misma actividad riene 22 anos.Maria as,cana diense,estud iante deThom high school Anna Thom de la anterior, as,canadiense,hermana igualmente estudian-de -

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