Rockstar Touring, 1980s

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Karen Jamieson / Last update 19th Mar 2022

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Rockstar Touring, 1980s

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The 1980s was a time of great activity for Karen Jamieson Dance, with the formation of the Company itself, international touring and the creation of Sisyphus, a work that would go on to be named one of the choreographic masterworks of the 20th century.

1983 - Sisyphus was created the same year that the Karen Jamieson Dance Company was founded. Of this time, Jamieson writes:
"I had undertaken to try to build a dance company, something I experienced as pitting myself against impossible odds. I was interested in the idea of dance itself as hard labour and the dancers forming the working class of the arts."
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Karen Jamieson Archives
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person text black and white girl human face crowd blur swimming ❗️Provocative photo Black and white
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