Carlu Carter - Clippings

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Carlu Carter 43a 042 2008-0-1.jpg
Carlu Carter 43a 042 2008-0-1.jpg
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Carlu Carter - Clippings

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YOUNG CANADA BALLET TROUPE PLEASES HERE BY JOHN HASKINS The Royal Winnipeg Ballet , a Canadian troupe which claims the word " royal ” in their title by , special favor of Queen Elizabeth , opened a week's engagement at the National Theater on Monday night . It is a young troupe , with the virtues and the faults of youth The company is integrated well , the corps de ballet precise in its drill , and everyone shows an eagerness which wins immediate sympathy . Principal dancers are not distinguished in their tech . nique , but in the theatrical num . bers of the company's repertoire they do quite well . All the dances on the opening program were contributed by the two choreografers of the com . pany , Gweneth Lloyd and Arnold Spohr , Spohr doubled as the lead . ing male dancer thru the eve ning , and in his work showed definite signs of someday becom ing a dancer of distinction . In Classic Manner " Ballet Premier , " first num ber on the program , was chore ografed by Spohr in the classic manner to music by Mendels . shon . It was not the best thing of the evening , however hard ballerina , Joan Stoneham labored to make it so . If there was a hero , it was the corps de ballet , but there was no hero in " Ballet Premier . " " Shadow on the Prairie , " with choreografy by Gweneth Lloyd and music by Robert Fleming , was something else again . For one thing it was a scenario with a distinctively Canadian theme which allowed the dancers to do something besides move around . Carlu Carter , as a young girl unhappy in the pioneering wil . derness , danced with considere able drama . The work is a trifle too long , and a few loose ends of symbolism are left lying about at final curtain , but interest is sustained thruout . Fine Setting Spohr returned to the scene as choreografer with " Intermede , " set to the oboe concerto of Do. menico Cimarosa . Vernon Kirke patrick of the National Sym phony orchestra played the con certo solo part with fine phras . ing and glowing tone . Spohr , Eva von Gencsy , and Jean Stone . ham were principals in the work , which was danced out rather geometrically before a fine ab . stract stage setting by John Graham . Final piece of the evening was “ The Shooting of Dan McGrew . " choreografed by Gweneth Lloyd and set to music arranged by the troupe's conductor , Eric Wild . The stage setting , by John A. Russell and Joseph Chrabas , was very good . All hands whooped it up with great gusto in the Malemute Saloon , and everyone had a good time . Wednesday will bring Alicia Markova and Roman Jasinski to join the company as guest stars , and they will be welcome .