Lois Smith - Photos - 1955 Washington DC 1955, Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Lois Smith 629 217 2012-5-154 300dpi.jpg
Lois Smith 629 217 2012-5-154 300dpi.jpg
(No description added)

Lois Smith - Photos - 1955 Washington DC 1955, Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre

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1 Plastic bag containing:

- Lois Smith 625
Celia Franca and others on tour with The National Ballet of Canada. Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre, Washington DC. 1955.

- Lois Smith 626
Celia Franca and others on tour with The National Ballet of Canada. Includes George Crum, David [possibly Adams], Edalyne [possibly Edeline Brant], Judith, Marilyn Rollo, Angela Leigh, Colleen Kenney, Oldyna Dynowska, and Grant [possibly Strate].
Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre, Washington DC. 1955.

- Lois Smith 627
Note: “Odd – Betty Pope”
On tour with The National Ballet of Canada. Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre, Washington DC. 1955.

- Lois Smith 628
On tour with The National Ballet of Canada. Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre, Washington DC. 1955.

- Lois Smith 629
Walter Burgess and Frank Radwell, positions unidentified on tour with The National Ballet of Canada. Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre, Washington DC. 1955.

- Lois Smith 630
On tour with The National Ballet of Canada. Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre, Washington DC. 1955.

- Lois Smith 631
Lois Smith (front), Sylvia [], Bob [possibly Robert Ito], Walter Burgess, and Frank Radwell on tour with The National Ballet of Canada. Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre, Washington DC. 1955.

- Lois Smith 632
Add [], Andre [], and Lilian [possibly Jarvis] on tour with The National Ballet of Canada. Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre, Washington DC. 1955.

- Lois Smith 633
Bleu Gibson, Myrna Aaron, and David Adams on tour with The National Ballet of Canada. Carter Baron Outdoor Theatre, Washington DC. 1955.

- Lois Smith 634
Lois Smith backstage for The National Ballet of Canada’s Gala Performance. Washington DC. 1955.
The collections that this item appears in.
Lois Smith Portfolio
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person text clothing newspaper black and white man human face window photo Black and white
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A man sitting in front of a window
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