Lois Smith - Photos - Coppelia Act II, 1951-52; Étude 1951-52; Giselle Act II, 1952-53; Nutcracker Act IV, 1952-53

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Lois Smith 297.jpg
Lois Smith 297.jpg
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Lois Smith - Photos - Coppelia Act II, 1951-52; Étude 1951-52; Giselle Act II, 1952-53; Nutcracker Act IV, 1952-53

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1 Plastic bag containing:

- Lois Smith 296
Promenade Concert, Coppelia Act II, 1951 – Myrna Aaron, Diane Childerhose, Colleen Kenny, Joyce Hill

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Étude, 1951-52, Earl Kraul, Olydna Dynowska, Katharine Stewrt, and Natalie Butko

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Coppelia II, 1951-52 – Robert Ito, Fergus Hunter, David Adams, Howard Meadows, Grant Strate

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Coppelia Act II, 1951-52 – Celia Franca, Grant Strate, Howard Meadows

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Nutcracker IV, 1952-53 – Earl Kraul

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Nutcracker IV, 1952-53 – Irene Apiné, Jury Gotshalks

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Nutcracker IV, 1952-53 – Lois Smith

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Giselle II, 1952-53 – Stewart James, Natalie Butko

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Grant Strate rehearsing Coppelia, Act II, 1951/52

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Natalia Butko and Oldyna Dynowska in The National Ballet of Canada’s Étude. 1951-52.

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Grant Strate and Celia Franca with Vera Keiss (sitting) in The National Ballet of Canada’s Coppelia act II. 1951-52.

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Natalia Butko in The National Ballet of Canada’s The Nutcracker scene IV. 1952-53.

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Lois Smith in The National Ballet of Canada’s Giselle scene II. 1952-53.

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Left to right: Celia Franca, Joyce Hill, Colleen Kenney, and Myrna Aaron in The National Ballet of Canada’s Coppelia act II. 1951-52.
The collections that this item appears in.
Lois Smith Portfolio
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