Felix Cherniavsky - Contemporary Articles about Maud Allan

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1331a 51 2008-2-74.jpg
Maud Allan 1331a 51 2008-2-74.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Contemporary Articles about Maud Allan

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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BOOKS Shadow Dances Life before and after the ballet might not be so beautiful . AUD ALLAN , the Cana dian - born barefoot M O dancer is a mysterious a figure . She is mentioned briefly in Max Wyman's 1989 Dance Can . Salomé , inspirational icon for Maud Allen , Tom Robbins ada : An Illustrated History and she appears fleetingly in the many writings swirling around her more hanged for the grisly murders of a set scene . She is the part : she famous contemporaries Isadora two young women ; and Maud as a lives the role , and her audience Duncan and Vaslav Nijinsky . An dancer , most notably in her one- enjoys the completeness of her old photo anthology may hold an woman tableaux The Vision of Sa- visualization the more because image or two of a dark - haired lomé , became the toast of Edward . there is never any suggestion of woman with luminous eyes clad in ian London , toured the world to artificiality about it . " Grecian draperies or bedecked considerable acclaim , and ended Maud Allan's extraordinary with Salomé's jewels . Her career her days in obscurity and poverty musicianship appears to have seems all the more extraordinary in Los Angeles in 1956 . been the basis of her siccess as a when one remembers that 19th Readers coming to The Salomé dancer , yet it strikes nie that little century Canada was more likeiy to Dancer with a special interest in is made of this gift . The author is yieid a beaver peii than a modern ict inay uniwiliingiy find them- noi sympathetic cowards his sub dancer . selves mired in True Detective ; the ject and this may be explained by Felix Cherniavsky's The Salomé first third of the book is primarily his unusual connections to her : Dancer , The Life and Times of concerned with Theo's crime and Felix Chernlavsky's father was Maud Allan ( McClelland and trial . Mr. Cherniavsky has not re- Mischel Cherniavsky , one of three Stewart , Toronto , 1991 , 309p . , sisted the obvious temptation to brothers who made up a classical $ 19.95 ) manages to combine turn his book into a pot boiler . Nor trio that toured and performed many details with a little enlight- is he particularly astute on dance with Maud Allan . The large Cher enment . Just a few of the facts history . An idea of how Maud Al- niavsky family were suspicious of sound like racy fiction : Maud Al- lan danced can be gathered from Maud , particularly when one of lan was born Maud Gwendolyn the scatterings of first - hand ac- the brothers , Leo , entered into a Durrant in 1873 to a mother of counts . One of the more intriguing tempestuous affair with the lead uncertain background and a attempts was made by S. Morgan ing lady . Maud and Leo never shoemaker father of English de . Powell , the foremost Canadian married but upon Maud's death , scent . ( Cherniavsky speculates on critic of his time , in a 1916 issue Leo and his sister became execu the mother being the illegitimate of the Montreal Star he wrote , “ It tors of her estate . Felix Cherni child of a woman known as " the is an artless art that directs her avsky not only came into Maud's $ 50,000 diamond widow " and dancing , for you never lose the trunks of letters and memorabilia Adolph Sutro , one of San Fran- perfect Illusion of the dramatic or but he also inherited his family's cisco's more colourful mayors ) ; poetic moment . She never sug- wariness . her brother Theo Durrant was gests Maud Allan acting a part in Megorin Vielona Monday Wetly letrange * * * Nonsense ! 32 MONDAY MAGAZINE - DEC . 19-25 , 1991 w Melly daleko Utruder to st Sone e ?

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