Felix Cherniavsky - Contemporary Articles about Maud Allan

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1326 51 2008-2-74.jpg
Maud Allan 1326 51 2008-2-74.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Contemporary Articles about Maud Allan

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7 HARVEY PO marketing The alternative view I AM baffled by a passage in an otherwise magisterial revicw by Peter Mandelson of Veron Bogdanor's splendid Power and the People ( June 15 ) . Mandelson rejects Bogdanor's passionate argument for the merits of the single transfcruble vote on the Jasis of the link between MP and constituents . In fact , having a small I number of moderately sized multi - member constitucacies will enhance rather than depreciate the link , which at the moment is greatly cxaggerated by single - seat Mºs . Mandelson goes on to repeat his advocacy of the alternative votc . While I readily recognise that it would be much better to settle for that , rather than toʻadopt the horrible hybrid system of proportional rep cscntation that operates in Get nany , the Labour government is pledged to set up a commission to recommend a proportional alter gative to first - past - the - post for the people to decide in a referendum , Ironically , the alternative vote is not a proportional system . The solution would be to have a referendum with all four systems on Jews " could have cmigrated from the ballot paper to be decided by the the whole of Nazi Europe before the altemative vote that the minister autumn of 1941. had it not been for without portfolio favours . the wicked " western democracies Bernard Black who supposedly " shut the door ' in Hcud of political studies their faces . Yet he wilfully ignores St John's College , Hampshire onc German document of November 23 , 1940 , detailing a Rcich security Matters of fact main office prohibition of Jewish cmigration from the general - govcm RARELY have read such an ill . ment area of Poland , published hy informed , arrogant and boorish re- Rubinstein on pp81-82 . Indeed , view as that by Tom Bower of there are other German documents William D Rubinstein's book , The from 1940 one knows about , and it is Myth of Rescuc ( June 15 ) . a fact that , on September 15 , 1940 , Bower's central point is that Richard Lichtheim , head of the Jew because there exists a strong body of ish Agency in Geneva , reported a Literature whose main thrust is to general han on Jewish einigration accuse the westem Allies of " fail . from the German - occupied tem ing ' ' to " rescue " the Jews from the tories of Holland , Belgium , Den clutches of the Nazis , and thus from mark , France and Poland . " the Holocaust " , such literature and Such ignorance of basic historical all its failings should be above any facts serves merely to underline the form of criticism . Not merely is this polemical nature of Rower's re . a ridiculous and dishonest intellec- marks about that other red - herting , tual position to adopt , but it socks of the bombing of Auschwitz . Indeed , racism . Bower's words imply that his comments about the RAP nou anybody who attacks that literature being ordered to look for the gas may themselves be accused of anti- chambers on their reconnaissance semitism or even be idendfied with photographs are pure fantasy . the deniers of the Holocaust . John P Fox Howcyer , there is much worse to Lecturer in Jewish History note about Bower's review . He re and Holocaust Studies peats the old chestnut that " the Jews ' College , London NW4 We welcome letters on all subjects raised in the Books section . Please keep them short and send them to Sunday Times Books , 1 Pensiingion Strees , London El 9XW . Salome in the dock cvil that has appeared in Europe dur ing the last 350 years . He was the agent of the devil in every possible way . He was a man whosc whole objective in life was to attack and to socer at virtue , and to undermine it in every way by every possible mcans , sexually and otherwise . " Sensational witness followed sen sational wimcas , none more so than Mrs Villiers - Stuart , a character out of Buchan , a double agent sent by the govemment to ensnare Pember . ton Billing . but ending up as his mis . tress ( his charisma must indeed have been considerable ; the Christian Sci entists decided that he was the mes . siah come to save the planet , and sent along a senior female adember of the congregation lo be impreg . nated by him , which service he effortlessly performed ) . Hoarc mar shals his cast with much theatrical flourish , in a narrative technique of some brilliance , skilfully putting the story on hold while he introduces cach improbable new character in depth Morc important . he shows the forces that were at work in the back . Continued from page ! presided over in Gilbert and Sulli van , or perhaps Lewis Carroll fash . ion by Mr justice Darling , was a chaotic affair , in which days were spent on strictly immaterial but highly sensational evidence , In the midst of it , Wilde was sub jected to a new , posthumous trial , his life and morals reviewed and Salome analysed from a pathological per spective . That uniquely vile creature Lord Alfred Douglas , frothing at the mouth , and cager to inflict more dam . age of Wilde's poor friend Robbie Ross , whom he had already suc ceeded in hounding out of public lifc , carne into the dock and denounced the other man whose life he had de stroyed in Savonarola - like terms : " I think ( Wilde ) ja the greatest force for F or an English nou gled out for pr New Yorker , a yes American publication For the tribute to con Updike in the form fully favourable co the latest novel fro Mailer must count a equivalent of a hole In Jim Crace's Christ's 40 days in th ( yes , this was another ambitious English n heard so much about maused with a stu mand of the textur : Herod's Palestine and bling heterodoxy wrote . This “ assau ing " of the Gospels author to be " a hallucinatory skill crable cruelty " . The majority of ! have concurred wi view . " Cracc is as unique gifts . Itis eve domestic details of world and the minuti less desert landscap ing , " wrote Russell prajsing , in The Tin the finest novels I've read io years " . Francis Spufford , in the London Eve ning Standard , found Quaran tine astonish ing . As if seen through a rippled curtain of heat , the fam iliar mcaning of the story dis forts . It be . comes Some thing straagc , un homifying . " Readis plunged the reader is quarantine from erkrges in an alten served Victoria Gl The Daily Telegraf dangers inherent in theme , Tobias Jone in The Spectatur , imagine who will d starting , beguiling atheists who resent bolism and deific Christians offended length , cynical rci sus's 40 days in the a waring which The Literary Rc cveryone is going innir ground the government , on one side , the military on the other , both of whom had vested interests in the outcome of the case and reveals the impact of the trial and its revely tions , real and trumped - up The nation was agog , at every level , high society and the homo sexual community holding is breath with trepidation as waves of prej . udice and fear were unleashod among the general public . To the general dismay of the “ civilised " , Pemberton Billing won his case , and he and his supporters went on a rac ist rampuge , in an ugly preview of Mosley's Blackshirts . but within a few months , the war came to an end , and the mood in the country changed abruptly , a wave of hedonism embodying and exceeding cverything that Pemberton Billing and his supporters had dreaded en . gulfed the lund . That , too , would pass in the face of the collapse of the markets . Bui Hoarc has identifled one of the key moments in the fomation of the modem world , and he has dirumented it with dazzling brilliance . a Cover : Maud Allan as Salome CEP Trust PILE ' EM HIGH mes Kipper Williams UN VI л VI V IT CONTAINS Innen א ת כן ! hanif..1

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