Felix Cherniavsky - Contemporary Articles about Maud Allan

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1325 51 2008-2-74.jpg
Maud Allan 1325 51 2008-2-74.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Contemporary Articles about Maud Allan

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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BOOKS В mre ar isc from i every tly as he in De but ac cionship stands in ge . The T : lifc has a certain dherents n him as or hatc . his own nadc for lc . " Hc te norms posed as whether has cn libertar and free ide him in fixed Above mc , and ry of the thrilled pre - war Europe with The Vision of Salome , her sensational , interpretive dance piece in the manner of Isadora Duncan , hcr appearances given an extra frisson by public awareness of the widely leaked secret of her brother's conviction and execution for the sexual murder of two young women . Her appearance in Wilde's play , 10 years later , cruscd only a mild stir , until Pemberon Billing's newspaper , Thc Vigilante , the or gan of moral and military renewal , publish ed an attack on her under the astonishing hcadline , The Cult of the Clitoris . hc fact that the word was unknown to the vast majonty of the readership as , for that matter , was the exis tence of the organ itself - did not obscuro the intention of the attack , which clearly identified the performance and its potencial audience as sexually perverse Alusion was made to " the 47,000 " , a reference that would have been perfectly clear to the read crs of The Vigilante , which had been clain ing knowledge of a certain Black Book compiled by German High Command and containing the names of all those highly placed Britons ( 47.000 of them ) who would be susceptible to its fiendish plot to comupt the flower of our men and women with per verted sexual practices . The year was 1918 , the final interminable year of the Great War , and a sort of hysteria was raging at the in ability of the government , now in the hands of Lloyd George , to overcome the enemy . Paranoia sought increasingly wild explana tions for this , a fifth column was supposed , and those with any German connections , cultural , financial or familial , were dc nounced . Homosexuality , widely believed to bc a vice of German origin , was an obvi . ously fertile ground for Hunnish infiltration . and homosexuality was suspected at the highest levels -- not altogether incorrectly , though quite unconnected with any treason able activity . Pemberton Billing had been a tirelexx scourge of the govermeni , criticis ing both its moral and its strategic conduct ; they were keen to shut him up and saw Maud Allan's libel case as a potential ve . hicle for hus undoing . She was encouruga in her action against him , which now became a CIOWT , prosecution . Pemberton Billing , an appalling proto fascist ex - actor , inventor , businessman , pub lisher , philanderer , homophobe and racist . whose buccaneer personality it is , nonc the less , hard to resist , seized his moment tu air every conviction that he had about all his ob sessions , randomly denouncing any public personality whom he regarded as suspect as being included in the 47,000 " . The trial , ntly and ' s Last is death , raksions . the de s Maud i dancer qaverick mberton cerning micre of his book ed up to struggle 1 Wilde stroy it , case the lion in surt casc | Hoare ough his onalities SALOME IN THE DOCK by the pendent y drama cided to iance . In ced and BY SIMON CALLOW A

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