Felix Cherniavsky - Response to "The Salome Dancer"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1299 51 2008-2-72.jpg
Maud Allan 1299 51 2008-2-72.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Response to "The Salome Dancer"

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( wreal sarete ( e qué , but his prose fails to titillate 3. and After digesting page upon page of opportunistic , self - centred patholog Allan Allan manipulations , one tends to ical liar , and a woman ruthless in her agree with daddy . In fact , Allan's dealings with even close friends . ms to character comes across as so singu- Long after her rollercoaster career uthor larly unsympathetic you stop caring had shuddered to a halt , she kept a book . what the opportunistic one - hit won- lesbian lover paying the rent for her ised of der will do next . luxurious digs in London while she . ) , and Allan ( born Maud Durrant ) gallivanted around Hollywood in an eo ( vi- moved to San Francisco from attempt to get an acting career | with Toronto when she was 6 , and moved going . When the lover ran out of nip ce- to Berlin to study piano and voice money , Allan discarded her without lasted when she was 22 years old . While a backward glance . les , at studying , she made ends meet by If Allan's tiresome self - glorifica ere en- teaching English , designing corsets , tion doesn't deter you , Cherni and illustrating women's sex manu- avsky's endless endnotes will . Far ion of als . She began dancing when she was from brief attributions , they are 30 , changed her name to distance meaty additions to the main text and or the herself from her brother's crime , and must be read in tandem at the risk of 2 other spent the majority of her 12 - year being misled . Allan lied about things comes dance career in London — the one after her brother was executed talent city that gave her the artistic recog- she falsely informed people ( proba f fame nition she was convinced she de- bly for the publicity ) that her mother keting served . carried his ashes with her when she na . Allan insisted her concert dances travelled . Sometimes these falsifica is peo were a spanking new art form de- tions are indicated in the main text , nance spite the fact that modern dance and at other times you don't realize atues ) . contemporaries Isadora Duncan , the truth until the endnote is con father Loie Fuller and Ruth St. Denis were sulted . The notes slow down an al s were busy making a lasting avant - garde ready cumbersome read . made impression worldwide . • Kathryn Greenawar is The Allan comes across as a charming . Gazette's dance critic . lite Maud Allan , circa 1900 . Auguit 10/91