Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 2

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1255a 51 2008-2-71.jpg
Maud Allan 1255a 51 2008-2-71.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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The Globe and Mail , Saturday , July 27 , 1991 A clumsy setting for the barefoot dancer IN both earned international ... Review by CAROL BISHOP THE SALOME DANCER HE Durrant children , Wil- The Life and Times of Maud Allan liam Theodore and Maud , born in Toronto in the 1870s , BY FELIX CHERNIAVSKY McClelland & Stewart , 308 pages , $ 19.95 notoriety in their lives and are unknown in Canada today . In 1879 Russian tour " was to match or the Durrant family moved to San eclipse the success of Isadora Dun- ; Francisco , where Theodore Durrant can , who a few years earlier had was executed at San Quentin 19 taken Russia and the young Rus - years later for the murderer of two sian poet Sergei Essenin ( Duncan be young girls . His younger sister was did not meet Essenin until 1921 ) - studying music in Berlin at the time by storm . " He quotes the Russian of her brother's crimes , and went on dance critic Valerian Svetlov as dis of the London - music hall . As Maud missing Allan as “ a slavish imitatori of Isadora Duncan almost a cari- A Allan , she was one of the most suc cature . " Cherniavsky neglects Svet- $ cessful of a new genre of artists lov's other comments about Allan's I the modern barefoot dancer . All of great musicality , expressive face and society flocked to London's Palace professional arm of Varieties to watch her program Indeed , another Russian review movements . danced to well - known classical mu written by the dramatist Nikolai Ni sic . The King and Queen saw her at kolaivich Evreinov , commenting on both the theatre and private perfor Allan's Moscow mances . Allan made more money ( Cherniavsky erroneously states that performance and attracted a larger audience than no record of her Moscow perfor her contemporary , Isadora Duncan . mance has been discovered ) was She was best known for her daring dance , The Vision of Salome , which quite positive . I dwell on this issue of the conflicting viewpoints of two of she performed in a halter top made Russia's most significant critics as from jewels and strings of pearls and illustrative of the still unresolved a gauzy , see - through skirt which accentuated her bare limbs . Her ca issue of Allan's validity as a serious dancer . reer spanned three decades , from a

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