Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 2

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1216 51 2008-2-71.jpg
Maud Allan 1216 51 2008-2-71.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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91/19/1998 20:52 403-4846430 CHERNIAVSKY FAX PAGE 01 3 Charlez Gardner Court Haberdasher Street London Ni 6 DE 15.4.98 Dear Feiss Cherms ) I was doighid to receive your fax yosterd . A fortuitous piece of timing , as I was then working on laut - minate corrections to the US edibon of WLS , and was able to make the amendinants you suggested . w The's hast Shend As for your comments on my book wel , I am truly gratified that it pleased you 50 . You raise some fascinating points - 7. wish we were a little nearer , geographically would be great to actually meer and chat about these things in person . I value you commenta greatly I must also thank you for the very extraordinary call I receive this morning - from Noel Pemberton Bülling ! His daughter , no less , who was named after him . We had a warın chat , and I'm sending her a copy of my book I hope she doesn't find my portrait of her quixotic father offensive 2 Re . your specific queries . No , I never was able to find out more about Spencer - I came up against the same barriers you describe . I long to know what happened to him . The lovely photo of Maud in bed was discovered by a friend of minic who works on the Daily Mail . I was lodged in their photo archive . It is the only one of that period in ther file . I know of no other photos of the West Wing sadly , tho ' I'm sure a little digging around in newspaper archives over here might turn something up . Will you need a good copy of Maud in bed photo ? I can try and get one done over here , if reproduction from my book is not good . I am at present reviewing a book for the Financial Times which mentions Maud , and I think would interest you . The title is Rising Stax Dandisau , Gender , and Performance in the Fin - de - Siecle , and the author is Rhonda K Garebck . It's due to be published this month in the States ) by Princeton University Press . It is an academic thesis , but has much of interest ( to us both ) to say , for yonid or the Do please keep in touch , and let me knowdf ) can help in any way . I hope you aren't a victim of the big freeze - Over here things are naturally cald ! Presne wohlen ? Yours , Phip

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