Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1184 51 2008-2-70.jpg
Maud Allan 1184 51 2008-2-70.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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_ ב ב 1 ב 1 : . 1 II.40 UJ - 40404 DU CHERNIAVSKY FAX uu : H0 Aga - WILL WED MISS MARY More Hospital Space Needed N OFFICERS SAILED FOR HOME Ermelore magna eros Veterans Will Have Tag Day PAGE itt han iride Artisin ehituulensis of patriotindo weather it trukling all the wines of So , wlala Tiri when it . i . claun , ata meuting the town ambitious , and they have Wlati ( } 1144 , Lut liss there , explaining the object of the hekun to oporuto in the producing my best felen . nis tvers militlu , isppealed for men to clusu akain . E * K * ftit tim coming in I nuly thouki i sin Jain it . Over 47 of those present from the country im rominirim C Ilutuh Turnah ke hive MIXDid their intention there and quanttules , and it Xmod tout r hrux , and that'ta ! 1 , " then furm unit of the reserve there will be a bik *** w.son within 1.1K alvok with chiption , and militsitat Cruxstick now weeks . Thy - will ! ded . * Do you think w Sergeant Jor Parvex , goturned hallod with delight by the Jousewife , 116 Was sin in the sinuut veltran of the l'rincon Pat har who has been making her kom with sex kin ' sornothin ' on it ? Vo : been appointed to make the necessary out esks all winter and only allowing ! td RAM a drinkin ' tronun 30 trrangein.nts of establishink the unit the family one earh al brokfortidur dost makin ' me arroioni ut . Crossfield . It It expected that and that only on Handay morningalen 048ht It myncl . Why har 4 company at Cruyulleki alone : Good luck to the hen and her awakon - Trei ko anyone with me I will be formed . Ing wenye of duty : #pr whola bottle myscir , sure , I den MISCHEL CHERNIA VSKY tior Agistruta Davidson dis . charge , Virk Sticht Thi and said , " Thank yord . yo14 . tim Judgc , yore Honor : thank ROGERS , OF VANCOUVER cor . OL Since the three Ruxsinn inusicians me the Cherntavaky brothers have made A telegram wen went to Ottawa on su ang islands in Calgary , this he- Wednesday morning by the local re- 1 be their tourth visit , it was with preventativer of the hospitals ' com- poi difficulty that in interview was oh - iniralon , taking that additional hox - day tuired . As Vr . Lo Cherniuvaky ropital ypaco he arranged for in Calathe gary . Ws marked , " It Wun't the same.coming we releFTAN'A 3.d W'irc ) in to Calgary 19 It is to other places JA1 AL . March 7. - One hun Lars we have come to know KO bir wenty Canallan officers inany people here that we looked ror Canada from England futward to the visit , " The Chernavnkyx !! ke Canada andi ick leave the crazon *** arr . planning tynt ! two months in In London ( 4LICH ! Thic pla nym . included Lout.-C. this summer , when they will be tak díthor Victoria of Vancouver agitin mus director of enkneuring their holidays . During tho xum The Returned Veterans ' muxociation is uomo colesterowanie do 10. mer months Michel Chernjavsky will will hold a tas dny on March 17 , 8C Ne urgeon - will take up his new be married to Miss Mary Rogers , of Putrick's day . medical commissioner at mobielusete Vancouver . Since they live planned devoted to the objects of the associa - ja . to tour the State tlon . next fall Misk deut . Downey , who have Rogers will accompany them on their travels . non pointments . the ' parts are : Capt . Seattle is recuperatink from wounds Grokor Cherniavaks , who is now in VANCOUVER'S MAYOR further mcdical treat THINKS CHANGE NEEDED sustained while fighting in the Rux new appoint Capt . Makwood Lor the inladoks majd , " \ Pr : thought he was Capt . Makwood or the sun irmy . Or his brother Jr. Cher Hpecial lenve . The tol . ) ( B , Newa - Teleran ' Leaned Wire ) returning um sick leave : attie panerjast #ummer about nim xayor McBeath initiated a moral still fighting , when i rend in a Se . VASCOUVER , B. C. , March 1 . stone , medicals : Major Lleut . Fish , Lleut . D , S. coming hack . We were in Victoria cleanup crusade , today , when the do ut . A E Maldonall . at that time , but it he did not know lice at his instructions lawyed sum it is returning to be at the where we were word hadn't reached monter against a number of hotela us yet that ine had been wounded . " and uptown cafes for breaking the Ottawa . Mr. Chernavsky also mentioned the regulations by golling liquor After ANCE ADVOCATE ILL fact , that at one time his brother hours and to girls and youthe . Cregor Wie fighting in a trench that The mayor himsell did a little 0. Barch 7 .-- Ex - Control . I was directly opposite to the Aus- private scouting two weeks ago and ence , of this city , and al trian trench where Fritz Kreisler , Baw atter closing time at night in emperanco . Advocate , Is the celebrated Austrian violinist was , numerable neers served out ot . sliver N I hero at his home from since their last visit here in Sep- tea pots to persons under 20 years Mr. Spence is also atember the Chernlavskym have play - old . So he engaged several private authority on all munici - ed in many of the const cities in detectives and their reports ho de . Callloinla , in Honolulu , in New Or clares brought to light an astonish leans and then on their way to Cal- / ing state of affairg . STER 18 PROUD BOY gary they visited the principio cition 8 canes in which women , wote 80 7. Man . , arch 7 - Philip of Cannda . in New York the brow much Intöxlented that they sang - and n , Aged 10 of Millwood , theru gave private recital at the danced all nvor tho dining rooms in jendav nisht won the first home of Mrs. Johns R. Drexall , Mr. Jag unrestrained manner are describ oin the cult deeding com . Chérniavsky said , " We Announceded in thojatildavits sont to the mayor tr d was personally compli - two concert in Vew York but before and in one cane an employe of a caro hla muccess by the gover ! we left han glver Hit , Wo are entered into an arrangoment with ono IA and this priza ribbon wris soins to give il recita !: in Carnogle of the detectiver to upply him with N him by the Lady Maude hall on Decemher 39 , We are all suitable stomriedora papfonanlp the pe booked up till that day . " nexttimo ho should happon that way HU ) % ..

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