Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1154a 51 2008-2-70.jpg
Maud Allan 1154a 51 2008-2-70.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Re : More Comments Subject : Re : More Comments Date : Thu , 08 Nov 2001 13:47:52 -0700 From : Felix Cherniavsky < fenba @ compusmart ab.ca > To : cubfan826@mail.tds.net Touche ! Thomas Hutchinson name stumps me a bit !! That is , if she had a brother , then why was she adopted ? Come to think of it , in those days adoptions were possibl ; y less secretive , in fact casual ? Until very recently , of course , birth parents ' names were censored , n'est ce pas ?. Why , as you will hear on the Australian tape , is Maud directly related to a cousin Allan according to the story ? [ warning , be patient with the introductory talk - worth waiting for . And finally - this STILL does not explain Sutro's indisputable interest in the family , does it ? !! That is the syphean knot !! I'm sending you a few original letters , which of course you may photocopy if possibl ; e or otherwise transcribe but I would like them back fairly promptly . I have more I could send you , but I don't want to lend out too many at a time , as you will understand , I'm sure . I have somewhere a binder of Theo's transcribed letters my brother had the originals , his son typed them out reliably . Will look for them later on .. I As for the tapes , take your time and copy if you wish . Both sides , without any guarantee that they will interest you all that much . I donated the ' originals ' to Dance Collection which is perhaps why the topics are not indicated . If you so care , perhaps , in fact , you could write down the main topics raised on each tape , as that might be helpful for future use . Such a listing would , I guess , also mean identifying clearly tape and topic - as a sort of catalogue ? That's imposing on you , but would be helpful in years to come . No guarantee , though , that you will find much relevance . I have four or more " MANYA " tapes . Just remember the official topic was Maud , but Theo comes in frequently , so perhaps it's worthwhile listening . Persoally , I fnd it unpleasant to listen brings back memories of Manya that you don't have . Her memory was razor sharp , as indeed was that of her brothers . Take your time with these tapes they are somewhat often tedious , but I would like them back in the new Year , please , I am also sending you a ' fun ' article of mine unpublished either because the topic has no appeal ,, I don't know to whom to submit ( maybe you do ? ] or , most l ; ikely of all , my account is too wordy foor words publication . It's my only copy , so please return in due course . Somewhere on the Manya tapes is her reference to the sleeping with mamma item . It might be helpful to your understanding if you made a point of reading the Trio book as a means of getting to know something about this most unusual family . Not meant as a complaint , but rather as an aid to unerstanding the tapes. I'll be meeting Manya's youngest daughter this w / e - the one who told Maud to leave the house , but I doubt she will have much more to say or add . Anywaay , expect the mailed material sooner or later , let me know your thoughts - and solve for me the Sutro connection ! You will agree it cannot be ignored !! Felix Original Message From : < cubfan826@mail.tds.net > To : Felix Cherniavsky < fenba@compusmart.ab.ca > Sent : Tuesday , November 06 , 2001 6:38 PM Subject : Re : More Comments 11/8/01 5:24 PM 1 of 2

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