Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1144 51 2008-2-70.jpg
Maud Allan 1144 51 2008-2-70.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Edward Carpenter in hand , I would dabble bare foot in ' the dew , which can be extremely cold before breakfast , steeling myself valorously against the stubble to which the fair soles of the fortunate Maud Allan were , it seemed , so mer cifully impervious . If She Came Again And if she came again , would she again exercise the old spell of 1908 ? And if she failed , what of it ? Is it not ungrateful to turn , even in memory , from any artist who has exercised a practical and beatific influence living lives ? ? " My old friends , Hart and Mohun , " wrote Steele of two of the great actors of his day , “ the one by his natural and proper force , the other by his great skill and art , never failed to send me home full of such ideas as affected by my behaviour , and made me insen : sibly more courteous and humane to inv fri and acquaintances . Preferring to walk all the way home after ing Maud Allan , in a state of arcadian bl on our not fira uratch These men need in California . 66 ... wasn't I the better for it , and inay I not be t quape 10100 euf auſds 134 older . There is a fallacy in the implication of the 4 su [ ITS uzapow Aue yory.s better for it now ? We do not necessarily grow wiser as we grov In 1938 she severely injured consider heavy clothing . IUDDERED ne . nd the Weekly nably , with the ill of no subur -mplete without other . Olympia for which over received . Pelissier , made ith a number in ey all came on lans and sang in saying that Experience teaches , for do we not forget each day as much as we learn ? Are we ! not , indeed , always just about as wise as we need to be ? And is not one man's wisdom another man's folly ? When we plume ourselves at the age of forty ; on the knowledge that was not ours at the age of twenty , we should acknowledge that at the age of twenty we possessed much knowledge that is ours no longer . Secrets of the joy and beauty of life that once were mine have passed out of my ken for ever . Circumstances no longer demand that I should know them , and I have therefore , most sensibly , let them go . But the old enthusiasms that may now evoke in me only a little lemonish smile are not to be despised . Youth scoffs at age , age looks askance at youth . But young people and old people alike know what is best for them . Maud Allan was my best when I was twenty - one . If only you , being twenty - one , could have seen her too ! -15 was performed in draperies shocked the Edwardians . it Though her Salome dance safety . " and enjoy a perfect illusion of just go down in the wine vault “ When the raids are on I it in . Allan's request , I had to burst by bomb blast that . at Miss The side door was so warped Cellar shelter called on her . the short carriage drive , I craters and débris that pitted Picking my way past bomb dos Perky . sion . her sole companion her nattered Regent's Park man choing rooms of her bomb artments among 150 empty , ro - day she lives in three tiny Maud Allan . ther it could possiply be 1. dancar , " they wondered riven named " Miss Maud ation from tould - be 11 the A.T.Ş. received an Co help in the war effort . again and she is nu 120 ſiddely - pom egarding as one ) - ! Semi- * Wono ars ago she broke her then came tragedy . with her exotic dance every topred lan me dance of 30 years ago . is Miss Maud Allan . the dancer , famous for she wants to drive a Service car . has volunteered for the ne ME day Chronicle - 27755 F Repia 169

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