Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

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Maud Allan 1138a 51 2008-2-70.jpg
Maud Allan 1138a 51 2008-2-70.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

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- - 05/04/1998 403-4646436 CHERNIAWSKY FAX PAGE Behind the Veil A 1918 production of Wilde's ' Salome ' in London triggered suspicions of treason and another sensational libel trial . 年 一度 的 中國 OSCAR WILDE'S LAST STAND Decadence , Conspiracy , and the Most Outrageous Trial of the Century : By Philip Moore lilustrated . 250PP . Ne ! York : Arcade Puð.ish , ng . $ 25.95 By Mindy Alofi E provided many momonts of surreai lent : ty : The nudiz , perhaps , Occurred during te lesturnory of a delange Winneis , Dz . Srail Cocke . Sicer coniuration with his colleagues on Horley Street , Cooke vi85 prepared to offer a medical option about Allan , her theatrical producer Jacob Thoins . Grein and OSCA Wilde , DASVI 01 ! Cooke's own close reading of ( and optr ions about ) Krafft Eding's " Puycho pathia Sexuallg . " Billir.g's Interrogatioki began with the wstounding question , " Have you had any experience of pervert od moral or #xal acts beinz Lighted up by reading immoral Utcrature } " Coke who was the testing out is own thout Mer of perverton on his patients - PZO pounded that * Berary text Sko " Se lonne'i could be expected to stimulate ape citic thicughu ! of specific perversions ir the mind of a receptive reader . By the time Biping and Cookt were through , Grein had been diagnosed as a wrobex a hldina . #family men and Allan 19 h prestitute with penchant for #diy il barei endrely on the fact that thway in tended o put on t product of " Sa Jome . " HAVE you ariy opinion where they ought to be ? " the judgt aakki Croke . The answer WAS , " Locked up . " Muit of the original research of the cuv , as well as the historiography con cerning links 65th the case and World War I , is contained in Michael Kodle's mervelously reasoned end elegant " S # Jome'a La Vell : The Libri Coure of the Century " ( 1977 ) , Wha : Hogre has done , In Addition to offer many more anecdotes of right - wwe obloquy and make sce , is to thit the focus from general sex wal censorship to the particular Censor ship of homofexuality that he contende wae part of continuing cujtural war . Modré 3 . vory claver writer , and he makes his now prom plausible . My Tower Vatkaus Kbout the book conxon the imat Inent of Maud Allan Hoare's presiding linaze of her , on trage and oft , is of a high . class ** 0 !, suited up tor sin å vamos profoundly calculazing # 3 in be daunnghi trátorouy . ( More than once Hoare specu latux thu ! Ale might have been a Ger man agent & noon based otirely on the fact that for several yeart ane mad lived and enjoyed theatrical succes in Berlin . ) For Hoere , as for the jury in 1918 ; Alwi Uitle more than her Sakine Kna , a . Fyre in the manner of Schiele's and Klimt's " stylized depiction of orgamis women " as wal " the avengang . cat irating fernale ord vagina dentata . " which u " essential Froudlás , tisterdal . " The record shows her to have been lot more . Allan's curcat 9 dancer cori tinuo Into the 1930's , and the themes of her repertory were ranging . By all reil Able eyewitness gecounts she was more mline than dancer ; however . Ann Pavlova , who had e track record for spot neglied Performert , remarked on Al ian's talent ás & stage artist . Hoare , though , hes other fish to try . Blurring the linetween Allan's portrayal of Sabine and her perconal life , he retails as histor josifast fall ' amount of possip about her jove affaira with individul # of both sexes for most ci which no evidence exists TEMPOH " C4CA wut TAL Maud Allan coxturned as Salome . O ARLY in 1916 , when !! inoked as of Britain might los . World Wer ! , * small right - wing Lon don journal , The Imperialist , decided it was time to Acock Lloyd George , who seernot to be running the war like in kmaleur . The Imperialist's woupon of choice was inuendo . Il rogit ed tha : the energy held a bixck book Hauns 47,090 Individuals in British gnv er merit arts and society who had been veduted by German agents Into " de bevisery " and " * SCİViousness ' --- code words for male homosexualy and les himvam und were therefore vulnera ble to tinckmail . According to The Impe . Twist , these Individuals were lur y un suspecting members of the British mil tary Into bed , uren , during pillow talk , #ripping them of state secrers Such + bcok was never 4 overed . although the Brush secret service was , in fact , compiling & ust of British buss nesses engaging in trade with Germany through the Netherlands and actually subjecting them to blackmal . Nevertha s , the Doctonol a bibis of turcoa18 look nold in the atmosphere or chaos , tortor , griet und distrust . Extremises ning all British realdents of German ancestry ( including the House of Windsor ) with a " International conspiracy " of Jev % and homosexuals whose purported aim was to deliver Brian ko no Kaser , Public outeries for the deportation ct the loc for the recul purification of the British people were lonbed Pe canisters of murdgas Into various editorial pagos . In the midst of this , The Imperialis ! now calling tool The Vigilante , & schap pohled watchdog of Brician inorality on ul fronts , published a little box le 11 about an upcoming theater performance . The star of the show , a Caneden - Amer . can dancer rummed Maud Allen , slapped the journal's editor , Noc ! Peribanon BWing , with a libel suít , thereby pncipl tating a sensational tive - day trial wtowe outrageous conduct and Alien Wonder . and newspaper coverage proved . ** Philip Hours makes brilliantıy and acer brally clear 17 " Oscar Wilde's Lost Stand , " " that the casualties of war were not only the bloodied bodies o ? & snork te or young mer , but also the nocions of thith , justice and toleracion The Vislianie itern , compitte with handune , red " The Cult of the Chioris * TOO & Ticmber of Maud Allan private perform uices in Oscar Wilde's ' Salomo , che has to apply to & Miss sumes from the Vaiecta , of 8. Duke Sireet , Adelphi W.C. 11 Scotland Yard were to reize the list of these meribert I have no doubt they would secure the names of several of the first 47,000 . " Translated , this meant that by ap pearing in Wilde's drama , which had been viited for some 26 years as I de generate's hymn to Socism and Somor rah , Allan was oncourving the practice of lesbianism - and might be nusperle ot lesbio.nlam Seri Namarier what her actual u loriontision ( And Horre Speculates about it sufficiently to maxe one's head spin ) , Allan Wervikud merely für astuming the role of Subme . At the trial , she would be damned 11 : ere ly for having been tori : Pl1 ! ng ( who con . ducted his outi defense ) introduced evi conce that in 1899 Allan's brother , T7 . & . had been executed for the murder of two young women wiose nude bodies had been discovered in the bliry of & church ; Allan's perverted tendencies weit encude in her blog . The jury , ir AXImment , cleared Pilling Eighty yokrylster , one can attord to desmused by it all . and Houre , the blot rapher of Stephen Tefinant and NW Coward , ia keen to the comic Elemente , especially those connected with us . guage . For example , a 1980's reader in the United Statás , for wront detailed sexual átscussions are all too available , may smirk at the fact that much of the British publie in 1918 could not have leon counted on to know what a clitorie WH or an orgasmi during the ( 01011 ny of one witness who used this term , the croStekuninating barrister , puzzled , asked if it were " bomo unnaturai Vice . " The parade of witnesses , promtrent Ilgures in Bridgh culture among them SCAR WILDES . LAST STAND " contain 10 bibl . ography , and so onie pre Hurce soles that Homre HAS red on one took for He account of Allan'a life and work : " The Salome Dancor " ( 1991 ) , by Felly Cherniavsky , & relative of u nusistan who toured with Allan carly th : ber ca reer and whose book is based on closely nekd family papers , including Allan's jounials snd lectors . Yat Chenievky himselt published a biuch better study of allan in 1993 , one more temptres , more achly decalled and considerably More Careful about the parallelt i drew between her llie and ver dagcing . The 1991 bok omita soine of these key points and is more acidulous in tone about it subject , which may have led Hoore to hinarrow chenking . to take one point : Horre's heated WCMptions of Allan'ı mertormancayas Salome wie couchet in whicoric derivatromonteporary re viewe , wnich he quotes : In DAKA HUS liry , ker boty calculating the meets the dyes of Herod , the rhythm of her mo tion accelerates ; he know that she want . " As Cherniavsky showed in 1983 . such inngagé May be traced 10 & P90 motional inoxlsi written by Allen Lon con mt.n82 ¢ r to sti ! Up interest in her Palace Theater debut . Aur #ver pox of lierself publicly us a temptrext : when it cam . onerar , $ 1 € Wát esmedel the point of Ancp141512X , und abe had to be promoted , markatet virer . If Hoarte wante nis inutiotts e but Muud Allan x taken sencualy . hc nuet reconcile de paradoxes of her 4ance Mistory , and that reuter all the available internatior . B. lied 068 more Inp to the library . 13 Mlady Aloft is the dance critic of The New Republic de aw *** Noel Pemberton 6tine in 1915 . THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW

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