Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1129a 51 2008-2-70.jpg
Maud Allan 1129a 51 2008-2-70.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Correspondence with Dance Collection Danse 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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8919 146th Street Edmonton Ab T5R OV7 August 15 1993 Leland Windreich Suite 301 255 Trinity Street Vancouver B.C. V51 1B9 Dear Mr. Windreich . Earlier this month McClelland and Stewart forwarded to me your review of The Salome Dancer in Dance Research Journal 15/1 . I want to thank you and comment on your discussion . McClelland and Stewart certainly did a disservice both to me and to interested Dance scholars in failing to promote ( despite my written request ) on the back cover of The Salome Dancer the computerized Did She Dance ) , released within weeks of publication of The Salome Dancer . You are the third scholarly reviewer to comment on my apparent failure to discuss Maud Allan the dancer . Had my request been followed , there would have been at least less grounds for complaint . As the enclosed ' blurb ' and Preface explain , my main objective in preparing Did She Dance was to provide scholars raw material with which to explore Maud's peculiar ' art . ' As you recognize in your concluding paragraph , my purpose in the The Salome Dancer was to provide an informed account of Maud Allan's " troubled life . " I hang my head in shame for the blunderous reference to Sergei Essenin witnessing Isadora's debut in St. Petersburg and to misnaming Massine . But so must the publisher , who surely ought to have submitted the manuscript to a reader to catch errors of that kind , especially as I have never claimed any expertise in dance history . Unhappily , the entire project was botched through editing to production to distribution . Nor was I consulted in any way as to selection of the illustrations . As regards Maud's bisexuality , I really don't know how else I could have dealt with it . Reading between the lines , it was surely evident that my aunt's relationship with Maud was at one time or another intimate ; in fact , her second marriage was a deliberate attempt to escape from Maud . It was short lived , however ; on her wedding night she discovered her husband was gay . This she told me herself . Her third marriage , some years later , was mutually satisfying .

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