Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1122a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1122a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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THEDA BARA FILMS ORIENT IN SALOME Ietet For THE SCREEN 1923 then does any one attempt it at all ? And lsn't It overrated as a drama , any hote ? Norr Talmadge Acts a Mother Daughter in " The Forbidden City . " KINGDOM OF YOUTH ' SHOWN 14 Madge Kennedy Is Queen ,. Tom Moore King There - Y . M. C. A. Films at the Broadway . William Fox last night presented Thed : Bara in Salone " on the sureen of the Forty - fourth Strert Theatre , in a photoplay which for richness and extent of pageantry , sumptuousness of setting . and color detail " has few equals among motion picture productions . And Theda Bara in the title role was all that tixos . who have seen her in other films might expect - every minute the vampire , . & can in manner and movement and expres sion . According to a program announcement , the story of Salome as told by Josephus , and not that familiar from the Bible , was used as the basis of the film pro duction . How closely this narrative was followed persons who have not read Josephus cannot say , but those who have seen Oscar Wilde's play or heard Strauss's opera will recognize a more : or less familiar character in the screen figure While there is much on the screen that could not be included in either the opera or the play , it must be admitted that tim story itself leses in dramatic power when limited to pictures . Assurances from Mr. Fox Wete to the effe ' , that .. Gordon Edwards , who direc.ed the picture , followed “ the best historial guides " in staging it , and , accepting this evidence of authenticity , one wan inclined to feel indebted to the porod or a vivid presentation of an cient salem : ind the life of its peo ; ple . Preshly barbered John the Bape tist struck perhaps a discordant nota , however . It seemed something of an anachronism to represent the prophet of the wilderness carrying a cross in these scenes . “ The Forbidden City , " with Norma Talmadge in the leading roles , two of them , is the featured offering of the Rivoli this week . When the story of the photoplay begins he is the daugh ter of a Chinese Mardarin who secretly marries an American , for which she pays the penalty of death . But she leaves a baby daughter who grows ur ) , escapes from the palace - prison , finds the father as Governor - General of the Philippines . The girl also finds a lover , an American army lieutenant . Elias Talıradge , of course , is the heroine of the latter part of the story as well as the first - and a very attractive hero ine sho makes in each part , by her acting as well as natural charm . Sidney 1. Franklin , who directed the picture . lost no opportunity for Oriental display in it and succeeded in photo graphing many rich and beautiful scenes . Apparently he paid close atten tion , too . to little deteails , so that no one could charge him with only spotting his picture with the Chinese , but * was , unable to make some of his actors seem like natives of the East . At the Strand the featured film is " The Kingdom of Youth ,. ' with Madge Kennedy in the part of the queen of this kingdom and Tom Moore in that of the king . The story is about the love of two youns people whose youth overcomes the obstacles of age and ex perience , and it is well suited to the light - comedy ability of Miss Kennedy ard Vr . Sloore . One should mentioa . too , that Marie De Wolfe males the part of an unattractive person very - attractive -- which means that she does well . Such a Little Pirate " it the Rialto gains its chief merit from the acting of Th re Roberts as an old sea cap tall . Lee is the star and plass her o the satisfaction of one who does not expect anything extraordinary . 07 , 1918 , 11 : 3 Badcy Sonya . A New Salomo . SALOME OF THE TENEMENTS , with Jetta Goudal , Godfrey Tearle , Jose COLOce , with Mme . Nazimova , Mitchell Ruben , Lazar Froed , Irma Lerner , Sonya Lie , Nigel de Bruller , Rose Dione and pibend . Directed by Charles Bryant . Set Nodell , Elhu Tenenholtz , Mrs.Wein traub and Nettie Tobias , adapted from eines and costumes designed by Natacha Razubova after the Aubrey Beardsley & novel by . Anzla Yezleraka , directed by Sidney Olcott ; Riesenfeld's " Classical drapings in the first edition of the Os Jazz " ; Dance Divertissement ; " Felix car Wilde play , on which the picture is Follow the Swallows , cartoon deed , At the Criterion . " Little Old New York , a novelty played by C. Sharpa Minor . At the Rialto . costumes , settings and photography Jetta Goudal's plquant beauty and her e Nasimova Salome , " which began restrained acting help a great deal in 2 engagement at the Criterion Theatre making the picturization of Anzia Yezl . het eight , is an unusual and , at , the erska's novel , " Salome of the Tene sa time , a visually satisfying spec ments , " agreeable entertainment . It is different but does not de With & Iittle more concentration on the kad upon mere difference for its at possibilities of the story it might have traction . The eye looks upon it and been less obvious and considerably finds it good . strengthened . In his direction Sidney Consistently fantastic , making no ef Cort at literalism in Investiture , the Olcott has furnished this photoplay with pſoture appeals at once as a work of free excellent atmospheric effects . The types imagination . Natacha Rambova , who are splendit and their gesticulations Occasionally the designed the settings and costumes after perfectly natural . subtitles are a little strained , but many the Aubrey Beardsley .drawings . In the of them are quite good . first edition of the Wilde play , has used Miss Goudal impersonates Sonya Men only black , white , silver and gold in del , otherwise known as Salome , & saucy her , materials and has sought her ef little specimen who has implicit confi dence in her power to conquer men . fects in the masses and lines for which Godfrey Tearle ls sympathetic in the the camera is always crying . And in role of a wealthy settlement worker , John Manning , whose name is continu every Instance , it would seem , she has ally on the lips of one or another of made the pictorial point desired , with , the persona who dwell in the Heater of course , the appreciative co - operation Street hives . It does seem 88 11 Sonya's efforts of Charles Bryant , the Director of the meet with rather speedy success when production , and his photographer . It she , informs her friends on the Jewish Ls - true that some'may take exception to newspaper that when she went to see this or that detail of setting of costuming Manning to get an interview he asked her to come out to dinner . She has to Mme . Nazimova's head dress of nothing to write because she inonopo bouncing white balls , perhaps -- but most lized the conversation ! She is reminded of those who accept the fanciful treat that her clothes are too shoddy to go to dinner with such a wealthy man , but ment of the production es whole being a practical girl she goes to see probably will not be disturbed by any Jakey Solomon , who since returning particular feature of it . from abroad runs a Fifth Avenue dress . But , in addition to this pictorial treat- making establishment and calls himself ment , there is the story , the story of Jacques . He is glad to see Sonya , but Oscar Wilde's “ Salome , and its treat reference to the different persons of ment as a dramatic narrative . And this their acquaintance in Hester Street is another matter , in which questions prompts him to be on his guard , and he 20d objections arise . It be re- therefore closes the door and the tran ported that the acting is excellent , as a som . He is a good fellow , however , and rúle ; it is admitted that at different gives orders that Sonya 13 to receive points in the action there is true dra - everything to make herself attractive matic intensity ; and Míme . Nazimova's and presentable for the dinner with representation of Salome as young and Inocent and yearning may even be ac Manning : So she looks stunning when , cépted by those willing to get altogether arrayed in Fifth Avenue attire , she calls on her Hester Street friends , who stand away from logic and reality ; but after this is said there remains the story it aghast at the transformation made by the fine feathers . self , and it is disappointing . It runs Manning is interested , but only inter out in an anti - climax . And the reason is evident . ested , in the young woman . He wants her -- wants her to be his secretary . Mme . Nazimova's Salome is satisfac tory to the censors . Sonya , who in the meantime had signed She takes pride , it a note with Benny the banker for a is reported , in the fact that she was able loan of $ 200 , agreeing to pay the money to make a screen version of the famous lender $ 1,500 " when she marries Mian . story that would win official sanction ning , " is somewhat disappointed ; but , which , it must be granted , is an accom nsvertheless , consents to fill the past . plishment . But can an approvad Salome be interesting , can she be a genuinely doa . It is rather sudaan When a wooud dramatic figure ? Take the dance , for or so laier one secs Manning sympathiz instance . This is the climax of the ing with Sonya because she is working drama . The way is prepared for it by too hard . This is followed up by a real words and action that unmistakably in- O. Henry touch . Sonya is taking down dicate its character . The spectators letters , when Manning comes over to know what to expect as well as Herod her and picks up her notebook , and ob himsell . And when it comes it has the serves approval of the cenors ! The moral mon different penciled clearly I ! nes , " I love you , John Janning - love 1tors of New York permit the dance that you , John Manning . " It is not to be Herod thinks is worth halt a kingdom ! wonderer at that ke succumbs to this Can you imagine it ? You cannot . Nor arttul attack ! do you see the dance . You see an X- Benny the banker ceedingly tame and not remarkably 18 bleeding his graceful performance clients and consequently there is & do that Herod wouldn't have given standing room in maad lor an investigation . Sonya , after bis kingdom for . Yet on the faces ot her inarriago to Slanning , goes to Benny Brod and the other onlookers you see to pay the $ 1,500 , but Benny , the old scourarel , wants to leather his nest exprsasions intended to indicate that still further and refuses to take the such a dance as you have been led to prolered check . Here one sees Benny thagine is being performed . It shows holding the note , after having torn up you part of it and in what you seo there Sonja's check . It is a mistake that he to nothing to account for the gross holás it so close to her as one feels erness in the faces of the men . rather disappointed that she does not the whole scene collapses - and it is sup- snatca the note out of his hand and Boged to be the high climax of the story . treat it as he had the check . But some one may reply that the real There are one or two weak situations cance wouldn't be allowed , and that if toward the end , especially in the posing It vere decent people wouldn't want to of Harning and Sonya , when the latter look at it . Exactly . The real " Salome " lalls to her knees . Why her light weight les impossible on both counts . Why , should drag Manning with her is puz zling , and how they could remain in such an award position is somewhat tan tallzinz . It is a pity more plausibility of action not put forth in these sceres . However , this is a worthy production as all the Hester Street scenes , wbich have a realistic aspect , were inade in a studio . It would have been impossible to have pictured them in such a way in the ghetto , as the interest in such work would have hampered the efforts of the director and the photographers . and on So Wes

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