Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1121 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1121 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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WILOE'S PLAY " SALOME . " Dee 50 SFCC 1905 3 SFC 5/12/05 SFC 51120Di ama . 673 12 / ast Roughly Handled by Two Huni centag bioro tboºking to the head of Jorta N dred Men and Boys , and on In - Salome but " made sensual " licentioun insernoon 1 : ko ! as if there ET TORK . December 29. - In the last scene o ? " Gotterdammerưng " ał the Metropollian Opera - house 5 were going to be a real immriction of Brunnhilde . Siegfried had been placed as ' Brunhilde , ha ? finished her adieu Then , flowing the stage di to fire ihe ! u : ara pils and send names up to demolish Waihalla . moment a member the chorus care lessly tipperi her for . h . dropping the The Abborrent Story as Told in to 6 Lillian Nordica . wilde's " Salomo " has been produced in No York by the " Progterstvo Stage Society , " The Biblical story of Caneing the Bapti is not told or On in " ' . of the Actresses Received Herod has the this ! Inoko ! . on his brother , according to wilde , but has tired Severe Wound on the Head of ber wishe has ed and now his desirous upon the funeral Dire ang Nordica , old eyes are ozod en ber daughter and his neca the beautiful Salome Joho is brought to the ring before returning it to the Special Dispatch to the broalela . " . ' pripomer from the wilderness to stop his Rhine OTTAWA , December 6 .- + Mme . Sa- Am at once and tell him no , but he will not prophecies of Christ . Salome lo enamorod of sections , she seizri a torch with which nah Bernhardt and her company were look at her . Har progresdves nover_finched . At that l'alincked by a crowd pf men and boys pot are the young girls who wore numerous afçer the performance in Quebec last amons , thom . Salom . offers bersoll to Jahn evening . The demonstration was real with much poetic ' mploring , and Jobo rejecu The ly against the actress and was caused her wih Bertplural languago . Then she turos blazing alcohol upon the stage . by an article which appeared in a angry and sends him back to prison . French - Canadian pa per yesterday Now , the actor of Herod may have beon alternoon in which she was made to mooing by an uncle of a nieca with his lo struck bard ! ) when he came to yolce Wildo's say that Canada was a magnificent and bar mother prosent , or his memory may muntry to look at , but the people had mare been distracted from dramatic art by no Ilterary or artistid tastes , no cul- commerdal freed ! or uomo o ! tho coln In thos . ture or reinement . hall doren hata , for he had to be incited in J'hen the performance at Quebec's wickedness by the prompter , sentence by Was Wordlea . concluded the audience went pentanca and it was manllest tha : Salome was Vorwithstaring away , but about 200 men hung around * any s Un : lo Herod's proposal , than museo ! hor part the doors in the mix - up one woman pun ) . bersell together for the chmar of the his desitancy in mating Rem . Horover , who sull sirgin with her feet * 1 * cut about the head . As Bern - drama which is also the climax of Oscar hard : gol Into her sleigh , eggs were wido ' , ollessa She Dies upon John's head therins up her robe in the ther thrown at her . She came to Ottawa u ter price Herod agreen sho dances . The audience broke into hearty ap to - day , head is brought to her . Herod opens his arras Bernhardt made this statement for her Salom rushes , instead . to the About the affair : " I must formally posso ha punished with death . Her vengo bloody bead of the man whose unresponsive deny certain phrases attributed to me iu ! natrod oning rack to Dessionato love ; sho through the columns of L'Evenment of presses her mouin in the Grad ona The cur Quebec regarding the d'anadian people . taln alla and the progressive Stag . Boclety I have never , never stated , on my word hu done that muah to redeem the theater of honor , that the Canadian people from derdenca were Irbquois . I did say . It was true . that the Canadlans have made great progress in agriculture , but not in 110 erature and art . Last evening 200 or 200 young assaulted to women o ! my company with sticks and stons , and severely wounded one of them about the head . I ask if them young men were Canadians . I do not belevet " She added that she ala not say , a reported that the people were domi ! nated by the clergy . chorus xirl tried to subdue the biaze by inieriins her torch , but this only added fuel Nordica raushi sight of the name and strude toward it She was riad in a white robe of a : bir . ! ving texture , just ihn kant thing to catch fire in a strong and vrat weare in cloak of i ! am in less than a minute a crushed the baza holding the forch ! one men

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