Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1112 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1112 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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1908 Sept3 8 NY Times to . Let us tn 10 BOVOUSUDITO TER SALOYE PESTILENCL . trying to suppresa much things othey We are having a Salome epidemio , | always crop up again in various forma Halt - dreamed women in all the variety to plerus the suppressors . As kely thos tres are doing the dance of seven as not , even Strathe's opera mleht never have been revived after a few volls and Joyfully receiving a human performances . In any ciroumntances head ( in papier mache ) on & platter . Its revival would never have been The cartoonists have taken up the daughter of HERODIAS and the nearly sensational . " We all have a " sens du tional revival of it to look forward bare young women and her wicked ways are more or less tamilar to the We shall have this deplorable children throughout the country . Tho dancing creature with us , more or less , spectacular , theatrical Salome hum In all Winter vaded our homes . Perhaps , however , it would be foolish to worry about the moral Influence of this vast multiplication of make - believe Syrian dancing women . The Imitation of SALOX is no wore than the Imi tation or any other Pagan lady of questionable character . The daughter of HRODIAS , in the brief chronicle of the New Testament , by the way , is noteworthy only for saltatorial grace and obedienoe to her mother . Mediae val legend distorted this discrestas count and the precious tancy of WILD gave it a further twist or two . What we most object to in this Salome epi demic is the shockingly bad taste of it . It is rampant vulgarity . It is unpleasant to retlect that we owe this infliction direotly to the exer cise of well - meant moral influence and good taste I STRAD's “ Salome put forward with all the art that por s ! bly could be associated with it , had not been suppressed at the Metropoll tan Opera House two years ago , we should never have suffered our present Infliction . Whatever vulgarity may have entertained the common mind , tbe valgarity of SALOME would have been happily forgotten . Ja

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