Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1107 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1107 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Ny Times Aug 16 NY Ruy 1908 pt5 4 : 1 . > The Call of Salome Midgets and the Rain - Dears and the.oh. team work will go to the dogs ! No mat ter how well ' Salome''dances , it's all in | , dividual dancing - the severed head never Rumors that Salomania Will Have plays up for a cent . Boo - hoo . " It is rumored that Oscar Hammerstein a Free Hand This Season . will introduce the " Salome " dance Into every opera to be given by him at the N spite of rumors which have been prev . , lenna without stopping - conspired with Manhattan Opera House next season . Not valent of late , 10 is extremely im- the leader of the orchestra - present ad- only that , but he insists that all the plots probable that a " Salomo " dance will dress , care Hand Organ Trust - to ruin the of the operas in question must be altered be substituted for the " Merry Widow . " great waltz scene . Just as it started the in such a way that there shall be a logical lady : in question , by some occult means , reason for the said dance . walte at the New Amsterdam . It is announced on good authority that suddenly appeared in e - well , let us ex As soon as he got the idea he at once the management there has been excep - jaggerate frightfully and call it a bathing called an expert play tinkerer and gave tlorally active in guarding against out . sult . Then to the intense , surprise of breaks of Salomania among members of everybody a severed head was handed to him , as a starter , the libretto of " Götter . dämmerung , " with strict instructions to the company . As soon as any chorus girl her from the wings and the orchestra insert the “ Salome . " dance in an artistic shows the very first symptoms of che dis struck up “ Poor John ! ” Prompt action and convincing manner . ease she is at once ' enveloped in a fur by the management and the rest of the cóat - the most efficacious safeguard actors prevented the conspiracy from suc- The “ Salome " . Club met last week for the first time , and elected the following against the Salome dance and ceeding . ly isolated . “ In spite of much criticism , " said E. H. officers : President , Gertrude Hoffmann : Vice President , La Sylphe ; Treasurer , U course , the actress who does the Sothern , the other day . “ I have decided . * Merry Widow " waltz itself is subjected to give “ Hamlet " next season without the membership was imited to fifty Lotta Faust ; Secretary . Eva Tanguay . to a surveillance of the strictest kind . One any " Salome " dance in It . I know that thousand . of the Sonias complained that she couldn't this will be a shock to the public , who so much as take off her hat without have doubtless counted on one , but I There was much discussion as to wheth amusing suspicion , feel sure that Shakespeare would have er or not Jullan Eltinge should be ad In addition to the ordinary precautions put in the dance had he belleved it neces- mitted to the club . The upshot was that Adopted in the case of the regular chorus , sary . he was made an honorary member . the garments worn by Sonia have been That tarantella in A Doll's House , It is rumored that the " Salome " ques provided wita an intricate system of but . remarked a leading actress recently , " was tion win be made a leading issue in the tons , hooks , eyes , clasps , and padlocks , unquestionably put in by Ibsen to give Presidential campaign next Fall . William which are inspected every evening by Salome dancers a chance . I intend J. Bryan was approached on the subject Henry W Savage in person . Dext year to have the whole play , revolve by a reporter the other day . To show how wise are these strenuous about it . What will my costume be ? Oh , “ What will be your attitude concerning precautions it is only necessary to recount do not let us talk about trifles . " it ? " he was asked . what is said to have happened the other * The Pony Ballet has separated . " That , " he replied solemnly . " will de night Just Before the curtain went up on howled a manager in bitter tears : every pend on what Taft's is . " The Merry Widow . * The lady who was one of them has a separate ' Salome ' en- And he hurried away to make compari to the part of Sonla - she has since bena gagement . And the Berlin Madcaps are sons between the eighteen * Salomes ? fired so hard that she went right throust going to break up , too , and the Milwaukee now performing at Lincoln , Neb

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