Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1103a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1103a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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HEAD SCENE IS TONED DOWN Destinn's Salome Leos Subtle Than Fremstad's Orchestra Kept Subdued . SALOME ” IN PARIS , Strauss Conducts and Gete an Ovation from a Brilliant Audkano . May NEW 9 12 1907 Was Special Cablegram Dateht , 1901 , by THE NEW YORK TIMES CO . PARIS , May 8. The musical eritio of Yon TIME , who present at the production of " Balome at the Metropolitan Opera House , writer as follows regarding the Parte fan premiere of Richard Struno's work at the Chatelet to - night : It showed that the New York por formance was something to be proud of , though surpassing it in somo par ticulare , notably in the finesse with which the composer conducted and the manner in which he kept the orchestra wubdued except in the points of great et climax . It rarely covered the voices completely . Destirin's Salome is less subtle , Jees senmuous and feline than Frem The general effect is less fascinating been use of certain traita ot grosser passion and snarling vulgarity that appear in it , yet it is a strongly marked , individual impersonation . Her voice is higher and in that respect bet ter sulted to the part , but she sang pot soldom out of time when forced it . Felnhals had not gulte all Van Rooy's dignity and impressiveness as Joltanaan . Burrian's wonderfully char acteristle portrayal of Herod main wholly admirable . Tho disagreeable features of the much debated episode of the severed head were minimized , not so much by the darkening of the stage when it came on as by the fact that it was partly concealed by a large crimson part encircling it , which Salome threw completely over it at the close of her Jong apostrophe , and also by the fact that she stood during a large part of this apostrophe and put much less em phasis on her caresses of the chastly The stage was very little Garker Tian in New York , but there was evidently little impression of dis put on the part of the audience . * The performance , as a whole , mov with something less freodom than at the Metropolitan , and the stage set ting was in no respect superior except for certain picturesque accessories in . troduced into Salome's dance . A fashionable and distinguished audience , completely filling the the stre , was moved to uproarlous mani outations of enthusiasm at the close , cheering and calling out for Strauss the prinofpal angers many times . ** RICHARD ALDRICH ht , 1907 , NOTORSCO PARIS , May 1h are rehel of the Chatelet Theatre to - night proved a Parslan event of the first order . This initial performa unce on the Paris stage of Plenard Strata muutcal drama w stron under the patronage of an alatoorstle asociation , and the proceeds were de voted to charity , so sento were in groot demand , orchestre staties melling for 820 each , and some of the boxes cost Ing $ 600 Tha audience as one of the most brillant ever seen here comprising men and women of light and leading in every phase of Paris life . ha com poser , who came to Paris to direct the Anal rehearsals , conducted . He appear anco the signal for applause , which was at once checked when he raised his baton , and from the moment the first note was heard till the cur tain toll , a period of exactly on hour and three - quarters , the audience at n unbroken sflence . It is contrary to etiquette to print any expression of opinion on new production before the premiere , but there is no objection to stating that after the fall of the curtain the lead ing artistes and the composer received an ovation , Emmy Destinn was the Salome and M. Burrian the Herod . All the other artistes were Germans , the rôles were sung in German , and the production was altogether German wit the exception of the orchestra , which was the Colonne aggregation of 110 pieces and the exponent of the Dance of the Seven Vells , who was a Russian Mlie . Trouthanowa . Ås conductor Richard Strauss ben trayed little of the excitability which he la said to have shown at the private rehearsals , and he was almost totally devold of mannerisms . The role of Salome is to be taken by Miss Fremstad after the fourth performance here . member .

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