Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1102 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1102 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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" SALOME " WITHDRAWN : CONRIED FULLY YIELD : sillon MORGAN OFFER TO PAY COST Borgers Winthrop , and James Speyer Rumored Statement at Meeting of the expense of the production of sal Mr. Morgan's Opposition . The meeting yesterday between the DI rectors of the Metropolitan Opera House and Real Estate Company and the Con Metropolitan Opera Company THOL Sincerely was well attended . Those of the real es justness of our contention , we shall abide present were tate Directors who were by whatever may be your final conclus efon . But in loyalty and good faith to the George G. Haven , A. D. Juilliard , George composer who gave us the preference over Baker , George F. Bowdoin , Charles other applicants for the right to perform his work , to the splendid singers and Lanier , J. Pierpont Morgan , D. O. Mills musicians who have studied and worked W. K. Vanderbiit . H. Mek . Twombly since months to produce a performance August Belmont , and Secretary Barred from Metropolitan , Won rarely equaled in the excellence of India Frank N. Dodd . vidual accomplishment and artistie en semble , and finally to the thousands of Give It at All in New York . The Comried Metropolitan Opera Com . people who have purchased tickets , we pany was represented by Otto H. Kahn are bound to earnestly urge that you w Robert Goelet . Rawiins Cottenet , Henry reconsider your position , at least to the . extent of acquiescing in the three per formances which were advertised and for The meeting held which tickets had already been sold in Nioors , but it is understood that Mr. Mor large numbers before your letter reached kan declared that he was willing to pay us . Offer to Share Expense . out his than This appeal was rejected , but the board rector . That Decided Fate of have it given again . A Defense of " Salome . adopted the following : Strauss Music - Drama . Resolved . That a committee of three he ap The Board of Directors of the Conried pointed by the Preaident to confer with the Metropolitan Opera Company attempted Conried Metropolitan Opera Company what proportion , if any of the expenses thus to New York its to hear no more perform to induce the other board to reconsider far incurred in the production of the overa ** Salome and pro " Salome " should equitably be borne by this ances of Rchard Strauss's music drama the decision against company , and to report its recommendations Salome , this season . The Directors sented an appeal , in which it was said : as soon as practicable to this board . the Metropolitan Opera House an Rea Strauss's Salome is recognized by Until late in ' he afternoon Malcolm Estate Company definitely announced yerlies of modern music as a the consensus of the inost competent erit Douglas , manager of the New Amster monumental dani Theatre , expected that the produc . terday that they did not want the work work , probably the grentest which mu- tion weuld be brought to his playhouse , to be given in the Opern House , and Hein sical genius has produced in this genera and Mr. Thompson of Thompson & Dundy rich Conried has decided that he will nor tion . It has been performed in more than was busy seeing lawyers and arranging Ve It elsewhere . twenty European cities , including many to set out an injunction to prevent any of the foremost Court theatres , in which such move . Mr. Conried was confined to his house a strict standard of censorship prevails . All he singers concerned in the produc during the progrens of the conference in Berlin , the Emperor , who , as King of tion learned the news early in the day , Prussia , is the official head of the Prot which was held yesterday afternoon instant Church in Prussia , at first refused as there was to have been a rehearsal of * Salome " if it were possible to produce George G. Haven's office , Nassnu his consent , but after further considera | the work to - day . Street , but as soon as he learned the result tion withdrew his objection , and it is now of the meeting be issued the following there to enthusiastie audiences . being played at the Royal Opera House statement : It is a commonplace to state that the At the meeting which took place to - day be libretto of all operas is a subordinate tween the Directors of the Metropolitan Opera feature , and that what people go to bear and Real Estate Company and Conried lis not the text , but the musie . Nota Metropolitan Opera Company It was decided few of the operas of the classical réper that Baloma should be at once withdrawn ( toire are based upon plots and contain from the bills of the Metropolitan Opera House , language which would be decidedly ob The Directors of the Conried Metropolitan Aretionable if they were not overshadowed Opera Company , President , nome the less agreed to wlow tur- in the same way the grandeur and com 18 and idealized by the beauty of the music . ther performances of ** Salome ** to outside of the Metropolitan Opera House vpelling interest of Strauss's musie is the personal direction of Mr. Conried such as to entirely detract attention rom They decided , however , that it would not be the text , which , moreover , is sung here advisable for them to be directly or officially in a foreign language and which , even by associated with any such performances in this Strauss himself , has been held to be so cfty , They offered to aid Mr. Conried indirect- subordinate to the orchestral composition lain tre event of his deciding to produce that when told that the orchestra , aus . Salome under his son auspices at the mented to over 100 men . would drown the New wmsterdam Theatre or eivewhere by voices on the stage , he said : I don't consenting to the co - operation of the Metro - care if it does , never mind the voices or inture performances and the use of the scenery orchestra regardless of the singers . " politan Opera House artists and orchestra in the words , bring out the music of the costumes and properties required They also expreswed their willingness that Mr Conried The only religious personage in the should have all the profits which might be work , John the Baptist , is depicted as a earned by the performances sublime and beautiful character and treat . While appreciating there courtesies at theired with dignity and reverence : the hid full worth . Mr. Conried is of opinion that it cous deed of Salome is duly punished by would be injudicious of him to continue the swift tienth . New York performances of " Salome without However , we are not concerned in de the assurance of the unhesitating support of rending Oscar Wilde s text , though much his fellow director's Even had he determined that has been said against it is based otherwise , he would have refused to accept the profits which mischt have resulted . It would upon willful seeking for hidden motives , be distast ful to him , in any case , to interrupt meanings , and imaginations in no way an the agreeahle relations hitherto existing be parent from the text - but we do claim tween the company of which he is President that the opera should be judged as and the Metropolitan Opera and Real Estate musical not as a dramatic work . Many Company , which has leased the Metropolitan of those most violently criticising the Opera House to him for four more years , by opera have never witnessed its perform running flatly counter to the wishes of his ance , and base their attitude upon sen landlords . sationally exaggerated reports " Salome will therefore not be presented egain in New York this season , and all money be remembered that the appearance oT investert in tickets for the three advertised per . Richard Wagner on the musical horizon formances of that extraordinary work at the not so many years ago was greeted with Metropolitan Opera House will be refunded at + storm of hostility and vilifleation . the box office , ** No take issue with the statement that Much regret was expressed at the Opera Strauss's musle is of the same character and tendency as Wilde's text ; on the con House that the work could not be given trary to quote only one instance , it is again this Winter , and all the afternoon perfectly apparent that the " Salome " there was a line of people inquiring for musio , as distingulshed from the text after the death of John the Baptist , clearly seats for the three announced perform nedas to indicate the turains of her ances in spite of the fact that the " Sa - passion into a purified love and deep cor lome posterg had been covered over trition . with blank paper . After the enthusiastie reception ac corded to the work in Europe , where its Whether Saloma ** will be given in performance everywhere was considered Chicago and Boston is not known . Mr. a musical event of the first magnitude , Goerlitz would make no definite state - before the New York public . We ben we considered it sur obvious duty to bring ment Beve we may claim to have produced it in thoroughly artistic and disabled ' man 08 2 *

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