Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1101 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1101 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Thompson & Dundy Object to it at the New Amsterdam . U HAVE PLAY RUNNING THERE C. Threaten Injunction Sult - Conried or Tere to Modify Libretto to Appease Metropolitan Directors . Jan 27-9 han the Directors of the Metropolitan for an and Real Estate Company vert today in President 1avenn's office * Seat Streist to decide on the fate of alasar 2 the Opera House is oncerto il litrostor Heinrich Conried will kubmit to them certain modifications in with these modifications he ho to obtain their permlesion to put again on the Metropolitan ft . If this is not willingly agreed to Darwever , he plans to remove the Streuse Wide creation to the New Amsterdam l Hut her again trouble arose last night , While Klaw & Brianger , who run the theatre , are very willing to let Mr. Con tied have it . Thompson & Dunay , who now have a drama called “ Brewster's Milon " running there , are not . In fact , they make decided objection to any much Jan 29 Mr. Wonried proposen , falling to persuade the Opera House Directors to socopt ** Salome modified to present the opera at the New Amsterdam on the morning ef next Tuesday , at 11:30 o'clocle . Freder 4ck Thompson of Thompson & Dundy , Brewster's Millions , " said last night , and in a no less positive man er , that he would attempt to get an in function against Klaw & Erlanger forbia ding the presentation of * Salome anaers of * We believe our contract is of much mature " sald Mr. Thompson , that the onnera of the house have no right to put another production in the theatre during our terancy . We were not asked about the " Salome production , and our venience has in no may been consulted . We will prevent it if we can ** To disbelieve in the Salome pro auction because of our standard in al ways promoting only Wholesome and clean productions . But , apart from the moral question , the matter of making are rangements for two such sets of scenery would be most complicated . Our scenery would have to be stowed elsewhere if Salome ' were to be presented on the sane staze " Our contract specifies that we are to have the theatre up to the time of Rich and Mansfield's annual engagement , un jona the receipts full below $ 9.000 for any ono work . Our receipts have been much nore than that amount . In case the re ceipts fell below the stipulated sum we were toelve two weeks notice . This then means for all practical purposen , that we have hired the theatre until the end of our engagement , as announced on Fren , 23 , and that we have fulfilled all the Terms of the contract necessary to hold the playhouse until that time , We have already called rehearsal for next Tuesday morning at 11:30 sharp . We think that we have a right to hold a rehearsal whenever we like " The question to whether Salome can be presented to an opern , audience at opera prices while our company is rehearsing Brewster's

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