Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1099 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1099 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Jan 29 Bally matinées , and it would be difficult to arrange the hours . Either the Lyrio Europe it was ten time antional or the New Amsterdam Available , and It is known that Mr. Erlanger manager of the latter is a close friend of Mr. Conried Has Plan to Circumven Conried ave very different performance The matter was discussed Sunday , when the Metropolitan Directors . several of Dr. Conried's friends visited ** to alter the dance much mal al hiin at bile house . Otto Kahn of the Opera It w whole point . Remember that Teus restore was one of these , and a woman te dancing atter the end SUPPRESSION MEANS A LOSS Alfred Hertz , the conductor of " Salome . " cher people , am for a heade Naturally another che must put feeling into it . At the Unera House last night Charles * It is a great dance , and it is a great Both Finanofally and Artistically . It Henry Meltzer , official spokesman , swald music - drama , something so different from that he could say nothing in regard to Pointed Out - Mme . Froelich De the operas that one heats unity that it futura porformances in another theatre . would be great pity to take it on the fende Her Dance . I only know Mr. Conried's tenacity of purpose , he continued . " When he maken ** Balome " kot into vaudeville at the up his mind to do anything he is quite Fifth Avenue Theatre about 4 o'clock Heinrich Conried he plan on foo ilhely to do it , and I should be surprised yesterday afternoon . | 繁體 now when I carried out will circum #Merve up cherished a project as crowded and anticipadon ran high . The vent the Directors of the Metropolitan this without a wirusgle . " letoh was billed as the * Hint Prenta . Opers and Real Estate Company in theta The sale of seats for the opera continues tion in America and Most Sensational efforts to suppress * Salorne at the big and last night the three announced per and Timely Vaudevine Capture of the Broadway house . It when the Directors formances were advertised as usual in Season . " * Plla Morin and the Baron weet to - morrow they decide that no mord the programunes , although several changes von Elsner In The Dance of the Seven * Salore " performances ahall be given In cast bad been made during the day in Vals from " Salome . ** at the Metropolitan Opera House Me the same programme . The curtain rose and revealed that Conried will obey the letter of their in . Meanwhile the Directors of neither the Was supposed to be Herod's palace . Herod , structions . In such case , it is said , he Real Estate Company nor of the opera who sat firmly on his throne , remarked el produce the In the morning Wide Strs use muela company did anything , in poetic language that he would bke to drams . at another New York theatre , notice was sent out to announce a spe Yee the Dance of the Seven Veila . Va probably the New Amsterdam , at special clal meeting or both boards would be held Hous other persons on the stage and in morning performances , at least three a et noon tomorrow . At this meeting the The audience evidently bad the same de final fate of the opera , so far as the Met sirs . The Baroness von Elsnes straight ** There are no diaficulties connected ropolitan la concerned , will be decided . We began to sing her * translated song . " with the scheme , walde man closely There is small occasion to believe that Mme . Morin , who atood in the middle of Identidad with tho production . All 88 the Directors of the real estate board the stage with her face hidden behind one needs 18 an enlarged orchestra pite will change their minda . Unquestionably what might have been the eighth veil , and we had to make that at the Metropole they will refuse to reconsider their ac exposed her countenance to public view an even by taking out seats . The stage ton . pnd commenced her pantomimic dance . requirements are few , and almost any An operagoer of thirty years ' experience . The song lasted as long as the dance , stage in New Yord could be made to ko . who is one of New York's prominent ilg The appearance of the songstress was not commodate the production . would roa Baid vesterday : It might be Salona Jenchanting , and hor voloe failed to charm . atven every morning but for the difficulty have falled but for this advertising . The The audience refused to take the per of Mme . Fremstad's part , which it would salo was small for the second perform formance seriously . When the seven vetim be impossible for her to ping more then ance , and after it had been given four were unpound , Herod expressed himselk bree times a weal . The theatre could Tiznes to small Houses it would have been a satisfied , and the curtain tell . There stage its regular performance at niet , forgootton . We might have shown Ger was nothing whooking in the performance , and the orchestra could play at the Met . many that we are not willing to accept all The programma declared that the Bar ropolitan . " Marta of men under the name of Art . pness had given this same exhibition , with was declared yesterday that the DI Now , however , nothing of the sort her own singing , successfully at two dir rector of the Conried Metropolitan Opera The advertisement which Ferent Parisian theatres . The point of 1 the music drama bas obtained through Company are not in favor of taking the was all lost of New Yorkers . work of the siage , but that they feel this sensational handling will make it a that in the real estate company Insists socesa , esta financial succue . that it would be the part of wisdom to How it will be given surely one place or another V ne further performance at the Metropolitan Even now the seats for Thursday morn . George G. Haven , President of the real Ing's performance are not all sold , and estate company , when seen last night , The speculators are not calling them out . ** The company could have no ob It is a well - known fact that Mr. Con Jection to this scheme . Conried can do Hled and the Directors of the opera de . anything he pleases , of course . ** Salome to make a finan . only preserving the dignity of the Metro . After the heary losses of pailian Open House . " the San Francisco disaster and the great It further pointed out that the 20 expense attendant upon the new producer ing version of " Salom " was in rehearsal tions this year . It was intended that the at Mr. Corried ' Irving Place Theatre sensational Strauss drame should help where he produced what plays he de . til the coffers The production of " Satome Itselts One of the largo thentical managers 201 pensite one , but the mans or who controls many uptowa theatres seld whestral roarsais , the Kunyantee of $ 10 , last night that any of these were at Mr. to the composer and ilke expenses Oonried ' : disposal . bring laun total up to more than $ 20.000 , * I think any chestre , in town would or cutse , much of this may be made up open its doors to him for the produce the road , but it is telt that more for , " he said . " Itt & great work of money may be made in New Yorkt . art , and it would be shame to supprera Bianca Froelioh , who dances the Dance It altogether the Seren Veits , which is considered Pour theatres are spoleofas espe by many the most daring and sense obily Dielyuthe Academy , the Hippo Transl episode in the music drama , said drone , tha Lyric , and the New Amster It leenid that nogotiations toward Salome is creat work of art and the securing of the letter playhouse are should hate to have it taken oft . The atrendy under way . he is symbolie and master . It can The Academy 18 in some ways beat othing but da du ventne . I ataupted for the performance , but the low Arranged by strata and the belot botod , The Hippodrome rive Dresden hapa 1907 We are pended upon cial success

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