Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1098b 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1098b 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Antony the part of a wiet over laugh of the Stat munis drama is a wonderful work o art . People are spt 14 dit one bearing to become ated and refuse to hear it again . Tha y continued henrings on Toses the set of horror and appreciate the beauty of the musik My part of John is a great one , ike it almost better than anything else I have ever done . Te is noble cher alk . For instance , how much lower the Wotan in Wagner Ring 1 . Wotan 14 degusungly moral many thing in opera and drama more horrible than anything in the Wilds - Strass orl . " The terrible part in the score , to me , decurs at the point of the cutting orlof the head : the musie is frightful in ito intensity " The scene of the kissing 00 the head glorified . It is nusie like the Libetod in Tristan und Isolde . ' We have all of us worked very hard over this . I have been at may part for a long time , and have attended delly ren hearsals for three months . Mm . Frem stad spent many sleepless nights in the Summer while she was learning the role of Salome Mr Hertz has devoted much time and thought to it . I can't believe that the Directors will objetzt now that they have allowed the work to be per . formed once . I shall probably do the part of John in Munich at the Imperial Thea ter text Summer , in any case . ** Salome was the theme conversa ton yesterday in the restaurants , along Fifth Avenue and Broadway , and even in church , where two or three of the direcs tors of the two companies met by acci The same story said that ** several of the Directors of the Metropolitan had expressed the opinion that it would be impossible to consider Oscar Hammer * tein 18 suecessor to Mr. Conrieda director of the Metropolitan . This moved MT Hammerstein to the following out * The use of my name in this matter by thego several directors ? is audacious and impertinent . As the sole owner of the Manhattan Opera House and as the sola director of a grand opera company which within a few weeks has established itself firmly as one of the greatest mu sical institutions of the world . I am not npt to be looking for a job in the Metro politan Opera House under several of these directors , ' to whom there still cling the manners and habits acquirea in their former lofty oceupation around Trinity Church Fence with the limited stoek of hoe laces , collar buttons , and lead per . * The doubt as to my ability or in ability by several of these Directors 19 probably based upon my refusal to accept for production at my Opera House such immoral musical and dramatic master pieces ar ' Salome . ' 1 did not consult Po Hee Commissioner Binghamn nor Mr. An . thony Comstock , In return for the com pliment bestowed upon me by several of Directors , I take the liberty of unloading a piece of advice tipon them . " After having caught a new Director for their opera company these several Directors will do well in securing for him such financial ease that the habitual ap peal for charity for him in the garb of benefits or testimonials may become a thing of the past . Percentages , little deco mnts and the bargain counter must be thought of in an institution devoted to sublime per formances OSCAR HANIMERSTEIN . " The Rev. Dr. Frank M. Goodchild , pas tor ot the Central Bantist Chureh in West Party - second Street , preached last night On * The Real Salome . In the play , he said . John the Baptist is made to serve as the seductive backgrounds for an im moral Princess . In the opera's Salome there was even worse degeneracy than in the playa " The tale of ' Salome In no worse to Raid one operaguer , * than that of Ingry other librettes . There has been too much said about it , and as a consequence many boxholders who have never before perused a libretto have read this one . is a fact that more of these librettos have been sold for this one performance of ' Sa. lome that for four performances of an other work kiven for the first time here , If the boxholders knew what they were being on the stage at some presentations of opera they would probably be just as squeamish " Another man , who took the other side , said that the directors should be exon erated from all share in the producing of the music drama . * Mr. Conried , " he said , " has entire charge of the repertoire , and the directors simply furnish a sort of financial back Inge This statement was sent out from the Dietropolitan Opera House last evening in reply to a newspaper story printed yesterday with reference to certain statements in the ily press to the condition of Director Heinrich Content of the Metropolltan Opera Home , the attending physicians desire to state believing that the reports may warm Mr. Contied's friends that those statenents ue mure frivantion , and without the slightest four dation Mr. Conriet has neither suffered from 31 apopietic stroke nor from locomotor ataxia . He has had an attack of selatte neuritin , as stated to the press before , and although stil fering from it . he is slowly but surely ment He has not for an hour ceased transact business from his home , and We conti dentiy bone to see him soon at his deal at the Metropolitan Opera House Dr. LEONARD WEBER , Dr. LUDWTO WISS . Prof. HEINRICH FRAENKEL

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