Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1097b 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1097b 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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& 1905 See Of hers reporn play somewhat reduced in bulk The drama concerts itself with the Bib . Hical story of John the Baptist and the daughter of Herodias as Wilde conceived Three feature in the drama TV presented themselves as objectionable to way . Iirst , the so - called Dance of the even Veile , whfeh is a sort of sublin #ted Danse du Ventre , almost entirely composed of themes rom the opera woven together to express Salome's feelings Second , the kissing of the severed head or John the Baptist whleh has been der cribed the most repulsive scene ever put on the stage . Third , the use of a Bibleul subject on the stage . The dance and the kissing of the head have both been given in the most realistie manner at the Metropolitan Mr. Bu rian , who took part in the Dresden per . formances , says that they were not soft one ar all there either that they were quite a realistie in disgusting detail . The Oscar Wilde play has just been done in New York by Mercedes Leigh in May , TXT , the New York Stage Society gure what is believed to be the only other American probetion . At the Place Theatre the German version is now in rehearsal . Produced Here at Great Cost . One of the Metropolitan Opera House starr divulged the fact last night that for this production here inore than fifty orcheatral rehearsals alolle were held be . fore the first performance , in addition to numberlums rehearsals with the singers . The work was in preparation for months . Mr. Heri went over the score slth the composer and spent two weeks in Paris lart sommer studying it with Mme . Frem Not one of the singers 18 yet . zowever , Huns received any money for his or her connection with the affair . They are not paid for rehearsals and the first per formance was given on the occasion of 17 Confed's benefit when no one 19 The actual expense of prodution , so Car as costumes , scenery and like expend . tures are concerned , amounts to about $ 20,00 , auccording to member of the opera start . The first performance netted Mr. C'enried . for whose benefit It vas in about $ 100M ) . There is a well - au . thenticated rumor however , that he is under contract with Richard Strauss 10 produce the muste trama at least ten umes , pa ving a royalty of $ 100 a perform ance . besides a share of the receipts . 21

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