Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1096a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1096a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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D Ten 27 17 PRICE PCB FIVE CENTS . Jan 27 1907 TAKE OFF SALOME , " SAY OPERA HOUSE DIRECTORS Protest Formally Against a Rep etition of the Opera , MISS MORGAN URGED ACTION And Her father Brought others to Hlo VievieConried Seeks Conference , with Slight Hope of poversal Morgan's Daughter Mads Him Act . Ie was understood last night anong Chosa tumular with operatie matter the this acilon on the part of the Directors of the Metropolitan Opera and to state Company was directly due to a daughter ot J. Pierpont Morgan Mr. Morran is a Director in this company His daugh ter witnessert the first performance of * Balome on Tuesday night from her father's box , and since that time has been persistent in trging him to try to get the Opera House Directors to le such ac tion as would result in having it taker off the stage Mr Morgan yielded and cated the Directors together . They finally authorized the sending of the letter to r . Conried . Although it was said that at first Mr. Vor had some difficulty a ketting a majority of the Directors to agree with him Whatever the first feeling of tlie 11 rectors may have been the letter was sent , and George G. Haten , who is Presle dent of the Metropolitan Opera and Real Tatate Company , said luut night that he could see no reason for mupposing that tha Directors would nbandon the position they had taken . While he personally was willing to conter with the Directors of the Conried Opera Company , whieh pre sents the operas , or their Executive Com . mittee , Mr. Haven said he could not an . swer for the other members of the board . Many of them . Mr. Norgen , for in tanee , are men who have decided opinions of their own , " added Mr. Haven . As to who fr the company had taken the initiative in the matter , Mr. Haven would only deny that he himself had done so . Regular action by the board had pra ceded he sending of the letter , he said . Asked whether the terms ot the lease under whioh the Conried Opera Company occupies the Opera House AV the DI . rectors of the Metropolitan Opera and Peal Estate Company power to control the character of the productions , he an wered in the affirmative . ** That is the theory we are acting on , he said . " We belleve that no production can be offered contrary to our wishes . Of course the lawyers of the Conried Company may think differently . " It is the Boxholders Who Act : ** The Wealthy men who own the Mot topolitan Qren Hou have put their bank on ** Salom . They have notified Herr Direktor Conried that they consider the opera objectionable and stridental to the best interests of the Opera House sind Have protected against the Earthier presen tation which means that the second porn Formando of the opera acheduled for next Thursday may never be given . A conferense was being arranged It night between Hort Conried and the di tuators of his opers company or the one hand and the Directors or the Metropole can Opera Real Este Company , ow ers of the Opera House , the other , but with uttle prospect of the latter pleiding , Director Conried who for sbveral wees hos beon il sat hin residence in West Ber anty - flrat Stroet . rereived this comment cation yesterday : Heinrich Conried Dear str : The Directors of the Metropolitan Opera and Restate Company consider the the performance of alome " objectionabto and detrimental to the best interest of the Metropolitan Opera House . They therefore pro Restakainst any repetition of this opera . By FRANK N. DODD . Secretary . While comments on the daring charace ter of the Strauss - Wldo opera have been general , and a to some parts of the pro duction , notably the Dance of the Seven Veils and the leasing of the head , unta vorable , such action by the real backere of opara In this city was hardly expected , and there were many theories yesterday as to its origin . oder

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