Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1089 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1089 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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NY Times Feb 8 Igor , 8 ९ ०१ BARS , " SALOMEX " LECTURE , 8 2 Acorn Club Members Cancel Engage . ment , But Orpheus Takes Reeltal . Spedal to The Netv York Times . PHILADELPHIA . Feb. 7. So kroat has become the agitation over the coming production of " Salome " by Oscar Ham mersteln in this city that a lecture on the opera which was to have been given Tuesday morning at the Acorn Club , un der fashionable auspices , will not take place there . Miss Amy Grant was to have been the lecturer , and the Strauss music was to have been played by Bruno Hahn . Last week Miss Grans received a telegram in New York stayng that her lecture could not be given in the Acorn Club . Tlen ring of this , Arthur Church and A. B. I. Jackson of the Orpheus Club arranged to hitve Miss Grant give her talk in the rooms of that organization , at 1520 Chestnut Street , at the same hour as previously arranged . A large number of women who are lead ers in the city's fashionable set had been mentioned as patronesses of the lecture at the Acorn Club , but since matters have turned out as they have several have withdrawn and declare they will not go to the affair . Mrs. Sara Yorke Stevenson , President of the Acorn Club , said to - day : " It is a rule of the club that only members can rent its drawing room . in this case the room was taken in the name of a member for a recital of the nature of which she was ignorant . When the member found that ' Salome ' was to be the subject of the recital she canceled the engagement which stood in her name . This made it impossible for the recital to proceed . The Acorn Club hrad absolutely nothing to do with the trarsaction . " Edward T. Stotesbury , who took a $ 400 , 000 mortgage on Oscar Hammerstein's Philadelphia Opera House several weeks Ago , and thereby Insured the continua tion of the highest class of performances , has accepted the post of Chairman of the Committee on Boxes for the opera . Many sormone were preached against the opera in the churches to - day . O

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