Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1087b 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1087b 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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" EY VON 2 So much for the Manhattan Salome . " Å glance at her history previous to her invasion or West Thirty - fourth Street hag , like her activities there , hardly Jus tified her sobriquet of " peaceful . " In so far as that history concerns the manifestations of her in drama , dance , and opera no adjective in our language could be less appropriate . Comment is unnecessary regarding the shock and excitement caused by the " Sa lom . " dancers , Maud Allan et al . , still with us , many of them . They are un questionably an outgrowth of Strausa's " Salome " -of its great vogue in Eu rope and its ' brief and sensational ad ventures in New York . But , of the his tory of “ Saloma " from her appearance as the heroine of Wilde's play down to her arrival at Hammerstein's - from Oscar to Oscar , in short - some words here will : hardly be amiss . Oscar Wilde wrote his " Salomo " in French , as a drama in one aot , and he wrote it for Sarah Bernhardt " All I have wished to do , " he told her , " is something curious and sensual . " Sarah . however , never appeared in it . When it was given in Paris , on Oct. 28 , 1890 , at Vie Nouveau Théatre , Mme . Lina Munte took the leading part . A translation of the French version was made in 1894 by Lord Alfred Douglas , and first performed 1 1 In London on May 10 , 1903 ; this English version was performed in November of the sa ma year in New York by the Progressive Stage Society . It was also performed here in 1907 by Mercedes Leigh and her company . Germany , Italy , and Spain also know the Wilde play , and in all those countries it has been highly successful . A fact of interest to Americans is that the Herod , in the first Lerlin production of wilde's " Salome , " was , Ludwig Wulla ner , now making a tour of the United States as & singer of German SONs . This piece of news became the tople ex while on the same occasion one of the conversation all over town At first It minor parts was tnken by Eugen Burg . looked as it there might be more pat at present manager of the New German formances after all . The sale of sesta Theatre at Madison Avenue and Firty went on ir nothint had happened ninth Street . Then came the now that Director But , thougli It achieved success . Wille's ried was willing to make modificatione in play also arcused in scme quarters howls of hostility . It was the il retto , especially as regarded the branded by critle kissing of John the Baptist hes : 1 . And after critic as a plece of disgusting deca . the Dance of the Seven Vells , which dence and irrmorallty . After 2 while , however , excitement , both pro and con , caused more critem than anything in dwindled . though concerning the dance in " Salume " was known only to those who cared to seek her on the book . anea onlich , who ermutet here , palnt shell . ed out that a done all over Eur 18 Then she burst again into raming no . Wien Umeå Borse I al 11 inne torlety . Richard Strauss , whose musical European way at rehearsal , she declared Iconoclasm had already made the world " but was told to tone it down gasp , cast his eyes on Wilde's play , and Later came rumors that Mr. C'enre on Deo . 9 , 1005 , a German operatio ver despairink of obtaining permisiin te pro eion , by Hedwig Lachmann , duce " Salone anymore att Metro music by Strauss , Was performed at the Royal politan Opera Huse was makin antan Opera House , Dresden . ments to Nivent rather than Marie Wittich was the Salome on this and on the play hot mentet occasion . Possible I been Carl Burrian the Herod , Irene HA von Chavanne the Herodias , Karl Petron were the flippodrome , the Aten Murte , New Amsterdam , the Jokanaan . Success was instantane Anit ho ous and immense . Strauss's new Lyric work That steps to give more performance WS given throughout Europe ; every . or " Salome " should be taken in pli where people listened , aghast but de of the attitude of its name was quite lighted . natural in view of the tornou amsynt Raising America's Expectations . of time and money expended on 10 ra To America , came descriptions painting had been no less than Pirineutral Salome now as the extreme height in hearsal and A #re 11 art , now as the uttermost depth of deca- hearsals of the water in the dence . Public Interest grew keen ; on cat , Mr. Herit conduit tha overy hand there were " Salome " con memorable performat weer the versations , Salome " articles , " Salome " Bcore with Stra nell lectures , a " Salome guide book . two weeks is l'utie pre to the Thus heralded , it is not to be wondered ing of the fetud riis at that the first performance in New it with MIR rental The rest of th York of ** Salome , " on Tuesday evening , production witu estimated at $ *** ) . Jan. 22 , 1907 , was one of the greatest In Defense of " Salomc . " occasions in the njustcal history of the The detenders of the work in time otty . In spite of a scale of prices , rany . ing to induce thone portile in re Ing from $ 2 to $ 10 per geat , the Metropol sider their stan in a report on the inat Itan Opera House was promptly sold out , ter , pointed out that Hiru *** Halina Before the curtain rose on the new was recognized by competent critte of Strauss opera a concert programme was modern musie 31 mena ! WON glven , in which , among other singers , probably the rearst produced by must . Mmes . Eames , Sembrich , Farrar , Cava- cal genlus within a keneration that I had lierl , and Homer , and Messrs . Caruso , been performed 1111 i wsy Plangon , and Burgstaller took part , cities , including many where striet Det Then came " Salome , " with this cast : sorship prevalled , and that in Herits the Salome , Miss Olive Treinstad ; Hero Emperor , though at first refueine hieron dias , Misa Marlon Weed ; Herod , Carl gent , had withdrawn his objectes after Burrian ( who created the part at the further consideration first performance in Dresden ) : Jokanaan , The report went on to say that papa Anton Van Rooy ; Narraboth , Andreas go to opera to hear the must not to pay Dinpul . Paras Mmes . Jacoby and Matt- attention to the threfte , that not # few operas of Une clasica repertoire Peld ; Jews , liessrs . Reiss Ilayar . Parall based on libretto Wich would bey Bars , and Dufriche , Nawarnes Messre . objectionable or not overshadowed by the Journet and Steiner , Sollers M. beauty of the music Muhlmann and Blass : A Cappadocia , Mr. * We are not concerned in defend Lange . Stage Manager , Anton Bartol Oscar Wilde ' text , " said the premalom Conductor , Alfred Terti Directors , " though much that has been Whatever opinions there may have been said againnt it is based upon wilirul kerk at first as to the morality of Paloma ing for hidden motives , meaning and me and the advisabillty of performing it wore aginations in no way apparent from the lost in the enthusiastic burst of praise text - but we do contend that the para for Strauss's score and for the interpreta should be fridged as musical , tot *** t1on of the work by the Metropolita singers or the excellence of the par . dramatic work . Many of those no 1 . formance spocially there was no que olently criticising the opera have never tion . All concerned in it were laudad 1 witnessed its performance , and base their high forms , first honors kalng to con attitude upon sensationally exwterate ductor Tertz and Miss Fremstad . reports . It may be remembered that the Encouraged by such wuccess the Metro appearance of Richard Wagner on R. politan management promptly announced musical horizon not so many years ako three further performances of " Balone , was greeted with a storm of hostility and for Jan. 31 , and Feb. 0 and 12 villification . " Then the storm broko " Halonna " for But nothing came of all this . On Jan. ever lost all right , No far as New York is 81 the definite withdrawal of the opera concerned , to the appellation , " l'savo from the Metropolitana repertoire we ful . " announced ** Salome was , for the time A few days after the brilliant first per being , doomed . Now , exactly two formance the Metropolitan Opera House years later , directors notried Director Conrial that aprings into me again . Will barther they considered the opera objectionable career in New York be peacefult and detrimental to the best interest or the Opera House . It was declared at the time that foremost among those who pro tested against any further performances ot " Salomo was J. Pierpont Morgan , und that his attitudo in the matter w brought about by what his daughter , who had attended ** Balome formance , told him about it . TA

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