Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1087a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1087a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Sundan Jan 24 1909 NY Times " A stago manager can never ta tion on the stage which is at varla any way with the idea intended conveyed by the librettist or the poser of an opera . I have read , sure , every book ever written abou lome , ' and have had many and long with every artist concerned to th duction . " It's the only way . " S falº 41 PTO . ** NB The arties accompared * Se by Beardsley T Clusterious Portrait a ) artists 2 the producan R а & Waknors subdivision or the strings into ALOADED , " In Hobrow , means " Peace . atxiren parts for the accompaniment of the love duet in " Tristan and Isolde , " But- & you should have the was sufficiently complex in its day . And tarperity . Just at present , to bring yet Strauss , in some spots of the score of " Salome , lebst lact to the attention of anyone con has subdivided the strings nected with the Manhattan Opera House , into as many as twenty different parts ! Instead you will without doubt , hear the short of four French horns , with which the ordinary pocratie composer is hod usly word . content For nowadeys everything at the Ham Stru . uemands olx for his mestein home of opera is a parlous Salome " orchestra , likewise four trom and beverlsh state , and the reason there bones Instead of three , three flutes and " Salome . " Everybody about the a piccolo Instead of two flutee , three bassoons , not two ; all sorts of special plase , from Oscar Hammerstein bimselt to the clarinets - E flat , B flat , Aflat , bass man who performs upon the clarinets - two beckelphone , that weirdly mysterious in harps , six kettledrums , xylophone , tom - tom , tambourine , triangle , strument , caught and tamed by Richard snare drum , babs drum -- extra large - cym Strauss himself expressly for his Bomo " soore , talks , thinks , looks , and Englieh language lives out -- glockenspiel , bale , castanets , and - here's where the Wreams noming but " Salomo . " celesta , and heckophone . Pescarull The glocken spiel is a thing with bells , used by Mozart Aak Sries Bary Garden whether the in " The Magle Flute . " The celesta is word confuzes up in her mind the tranquil & fort of plano whose notes are produced vista of peace ! by percussion on glass . The heckelphone Ask Stage Manager Jacques Coint , who --that is a specialty of " Salome . " " IT IR s excitedly staging the opera in half a ha enormnoug bass oboe , and he who would dozen languages , or Mr. Dalmores , who How It requires at least two months ' of purposes being the wicked Herod , or Jr. Dofranne , who , As Jokanaan , has begun to practice climbing in and out of the fateful cistern , and , above all , you practice , even though he knows already must ask , ask Maestro Cleofonte Cam- how to oboe perfectly . panini , who will next Thursday evening . Peaceful , indeed ! pilot singers and orchestra through the So enormous is the orchestra required Beerningis hopeless wilderness of the to render - Balome that , last Monday , Etra 1198 score Practically every day . when all the musicians got together for since Dec. 3. Jaestro Campanini has been ! the first time to go over the score , they holding " Salome " rehearsals . Their found that there was not space enough strenuousness beggars description . To for them to perform , so close together weld into team work Richard Strauss's had their chairs and desks been placed . Sdea of an orchestral scora 18 - oh , Cam- At once there was much nervous and ex panini's stock of explosive Italian phrases ploshvo talk A violinist , in tuning up . and gestures is getting positively shop- stuck his violin bow squarely into the worn ! " What what hectic man , OL man , that eyo neighboring clarionet Strauss : he exclaimed the other day . player . All over the place shock - haired when after bringing & grand general virtuosi sprang to their feet , inveighing “ Salome " rehearsal to a conclusion , he violently against the state of affairs . was hurrying in an exhausted condition " Calma , calma ! " roared Maestro Cam toward his automobile and hone . panini , wildly waving his baton about . " Why , when the musicians in the Man “ All will be arranged - Don't get ex hattan orchestra first began to play that cited ! In obedience to his orders , twen music they were crazy - yes , crazy ! They ty or thirty of the musicians who fancied used to leave the opera house - like this ! " they were incommoded by their neigh and the conductor grasped his head in bors , climbed out into the auditorium both hands and gave a most realistio while a squad of employes of the opera picture of nervous despair . houso descended into the music pit and " Before I held the first general orch- rearranged the furniture there in such estra rehearsal last Monday , " he con- a way that , at last , the 117 performers tinued . " I held no less than elghteen re- acknowledged that all was well , and be hearsals for separate parts of the orches- gan once more to blow and saw and pound tra . You see , I went to Berlin not long with pacified nervous systems . It is no ego to see the ' Salome ' production there , wonder that they felt a bit crowded - for and Strauss himself particularly impressed * Salome " no less than forty - eight extra on me the necessity of holding these sed musicians are pressed into service . arate reloarsals . ' I know that " Salome What the Heckelphone 15 . 1s in good handy , ' he told me , when I left him . " At rehearsal the Sunday Times reporter Though M. Campanini has never con asked the very first thing to be intro ducted ** Salome , " he is by no means un duced to the heckelphone , expecting to acquainted with Strauss , having led sev- see something portentous and bizarre . But eral orchestral pieces of his at concerts , the heckelphone 1s , scenically , a disap such as " Death and Transfiguration , " pointment , as it is merely a modest , un Don Juan " and " THI Eulenspiegel . ' ' assuming oboe , which the layman cannot He first met Strauss at Madrid , where distinguish from common or garden the two led the local concert orchestra oboo It is played by a young man with on alternate evenings . & moustache , who already looks tired . After Rehearsal , the Battle . To see poor Maestro Carpanin lead that first general rehearsal of the or . " Alter the dress rehenryal , with sing chestra was to get a dim working idea ers and orchestra , next Tuesday , " con- of what Richard Strauss's music is . Over tinued Campanini , “ I intend to hold.a and over again he made the musiclans go last rehearsal Wednesday morning , the back to various starting points and be day before the first performance or sin all over again , he leading with grand Salome . ' I shall devote my attentlon on sweeps of the baton , singing excitedly that occasion to such musicians and sing . as they plunged forward , stopping now ors 28 seem to me to need somo last and then , and bowing his head in anguish touches After that the battle . " et some shortcoming or other in the seeth For Salome . " 28. It will be given at ing mass of sound surrounding him . the Manhattan Opera House , there will be an orchestra of 117 pieces . Not only that - for this great convention of instru mente Strauss has written music surpas alng in complexity anything ever known Take the strings alone : as a general rule , composers write for the strings - that in , Violins , violas , ' cellos , and double basses - as ir they were four vzoiced or five - voiced choir . Expressivo ! - molto expressivo ! - you with the violin ? " he towled , or else " Ah , dio mio , il corno ! " which caused the man who was Industriously blowing on a gigantic and unprincipled horn to stop in great astonishment , wondering what was a miss with his doings . Then the heckelphonist , after making obvious and careful preparations to blow one solitary note , was told , as soon as he had perpetrated it , that it was far too loud , whereupon - back to the mark again went the one hundred , Peaceful , did you say ? The French version of " Salome , " which is the one to be given next Thursday at the Manhattan . Opera House , was made soon after the sweeping success of the opera in German and was first per : formed on March 15 , 1807 , at the Theatre de la Monnaie , Brusseis , under the dit rection of Messrs . Kufferath and Guide , the former of whom is a " ' Salome ' ex pert and the author of a book about it . * The cost of the Manhattan production is estimated at fully $ 40,000 . For three months and a half Stage Manager Jacques Coint and his staff of helpers have been at work on the scenic department of the undertaking . During the last year , more over , Mr. Coini has witnessed the pro ductions of the opera at Berlin , Paris , Brussels , Amsterdam , and elsewhere , and has sought , in his designs for the scenery . to take whatever he has deemed best in those productions , and to discard what ever was perfunctory or anachronistic . " It seems to me , " he remarked the other day . " that I have had a great ad vantago over those who staged ' Salome two years ago at the Metropolitan , in that I have been able to study so many different productions of the opera , The scenery for the Manhattan production will be far richer and more elaborate than any ween so far . " And a very important thing about it is this : it will be strictly acoording the principles of Syrian architectu Take the cistern , for instance . In all t productions of ' Salome ' which I ha witnessed the cistern has been separe from the rest of the decorations , plan squarely in the middle of the stage , such & way that , as soon as the curt rises , people are bound to exclaim : . there's the cistern . That's where Jo naan 19. ' It was there merely beca the play demanded it - It was nothing & hole from which at the right mom the baritone was to emerge . Yet , the sort of cistern , in w ! Jokanaan was confined is a very frequ and striking part of Eastern architect It is invariably connected with the ho lito which it belongs , and is , archi turally , thoroughly in harmony with I have been in Jerusalem , and have there a number of such cisterns . resolved , in inaking the scenery for lome , ' to make the cistern exactly those in Jerusalem , and thoroughly harmony with the Syrian architec of the rest of the stage set . " Of all the ' Salomes ' I saw in Eur only that in Brussels had a cistern nected with the rest of the scenery , even there , it was not quite right . " I belleve that unless one know about a work one cannot start in to orders and arrange for Its product Here Mr. Coint bustled into his office got out his copy of the score . In it he pasted little slips of paper , marked blue pencil , at every point where the the least change in the positions o people on the stage . Every ten pag so there is a rough drawing of the scene , with the positions at the mo of everybody in the cast . " Oh , a stage manager has to W resuned . " Before doing any about ' Salome ' I set out to get an of exactly what wilde and Strauss I In ft . ( Mary Gadner ete i in opera . he a

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