Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1086a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1086a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Debut Review Jun 23 Richard Bedruch ( 3 DEL NEW YORK och 1905 smoke The visted in their time it was over there were numbers of them who decided to go to the corridors and thepeopolaus for the head before her , the horror of the thing But when , following the lines or wilde's tied the recalled started a party of men and women from play , Mme Frerustad began to sing to the renas strictly I the front row and from Boxes 27 and in the Golden Horseshoe two parties tumbled precipitately into the corridors and called to a waiting employe of the house to get their carriages , Many Disgusted by the Dance and the might look down upon the prima donna But in the galleries men and wonten left their stats to stand so that they as she kissed the dead lips of the head of Join the Baptist " Then they sank back in their chairs and shuddered . HOW THE AUDIENCE TOOK FT . Vrtec ITO in her dane after the first of the Heves vells had been csstoff , she was represented by Miss Blanca Froehlich , whe carried through the rest of it in a mer conclusively Oriental , with all to appropriate posturings and shivering and serpentine movements , now measured , not wild , frenetic . Mr Burrian bome from Dresden with A Preng ating created part of Herod , the Tetrarch , at the first performance of Strauss ' work there var asko last October and with the er Ferience of any repetitions of it . But nobody was prepared for the extraordi . nary porira al he fare of the most dir Michit charaeter ' He had completely pen etrated into all the crooks and crannies of that cocentric and devious personality , and he had the expert command of his trionic resource to reproduce its line ments His impersonation was full of npt ad characteristic traits , the uneasy air , the incessant movement , the unstable purpose , and the repeated forgetfulness of toe neurasthenie are all there . His deca lamation was most expressive , his enulis clation clear - cut . For Jokannan Mr. Van Roor has strik ir physical qualifications , and he sang the muste with immense sonority and Impressiveness . He is a wonderful figura of the prophet . It may be that it would te still mare effectitely treated with erialer indleation of the ascette krmness ce the main than dr . Van Rooy gives , but there is consistency and conviction in his taiment Vise Weed surprised her friends hy tho wholly mirable manner in which she nacted the part of Herodias . lcre , too . there was consistent delineatio the character and there was absolute pertain in or selity of the musie . Praise is de Mr. Dippel's en matically effectivementation of Nirrahoth hle ein ins and likewise to Messrs . Band stuntman 18 the soldiere The Quintet Of I already msntioned were Veste Reke Diver Parali . Bars , Duirieha and the two Nazaret.es . V Tournet and Steiner The single scene in the drama is * aerd was handeomoly presented there the back drop , representing the dis Tant landscape of Judea trained in with dark cypress trees , and the gramming and marskaling of the thrones Of courtiers sitendawo eftir There wontert Before the sama . in which most of the principals not en . saged in " Salomon It was pret Toge vidstly highly prized to hear so may famous singers together , The programme was as followe : yrare . Der Freischuets . Peber Entrance of Sulamits . Aot 1 De koin Saha Goldmark Mnre . iarte Rappold and uplis of the school Quartet " Mir ist so wunderbar from Ceathacen mer . Faischer Edet and Bella Alten . MM Alots Burgstaller and Otto Garit . Duo Le of dare is ano . Mona 31 ** Geraldine Farrar and Mr Antonio Sout ! Metin Tele Hoito Mme Lias avalier . Harea zote Helle Va Orrenbach d Kissing of the Dead Head . Ten extra policemen ware required inst night to handle the crowds who tlocked o Metropolitan Opera House to hear the Oscar Wilde version of the story of Salorae and John the Baptist set to music by Richard Straus . The dance of Selome before Herod for the trend of the prophet , and the report that the opera would contain many other sensational features brought a throne or men and women such as no previous opera has drawn to the Metropolitan . Herr Conried was il , but his assistants were on the spot , and they with the police , trled to control the crowd . 8:30 o'clock the speculators in front of the building Jere , and the man in the box office declined to sell even a tteket for standing room . It was between 9:30 and 10 o'clock when the preliminary concert was over and the curtain went up . The three balconies over the horseshoe were packed with men and women anx jous to hear the music that Strauss had written for the Wilde play . There were many Gormans present . Those who were nof Germans bought Ilbrettos giving the German and English versions of the work . In tho orchestre the sests were all filled , and the aisles behind the seats and al the slds were packed with Branding men and women . Puccini and Mme Cavalleri were in the grand ter ue seats began to 1111 & few minutes before the musical tragedy bocant , Although it was 600 a Sutorinim night and the Pub seats , there 3S rustle or Own ! am craning of necks in the pit which told oi the arrival of this or that social celebrity After the curtain went 17p on Salome there is no susittion until the dance bugan . It was the dance 01 : at women turn away from , and many of the wornen in the Metropolitan Opera House last right turned from it . Very few inn in the audience gerned comfortable . They twisted in their chairs , and before it was over there were numbers or them who decided to go to the corridors und smoke But when , following the lines of Wilde's play , Mme . Fremstad began to sing to the head before her , the horror of the thing started a party of men and women from the front row . and from Boxe , 27 and 2 in the Golden Horseshoe TIVO parties tumbled precipitately into the corridors and called to a waiting employe of the house to get their carriages . Bin the galleries men and women Puccini present turned away from it very few menu . Seened comfortable , the audience

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