Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1085a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1085a 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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" Salome You 230 Dotar Review Salome Strauss The First Time here . Mine Frenstad as Salome . Supert Impersonations by Burrians Van Rooen . Alfred Merty Wens new hamets me . Freman 2. Batted M Pay Hans Toyota さやか な Valarener Jur 1907 8. Muehimano est . M. Lange torred Her Star manager , Anton Soliertel Jon 23 43 Das art of foreboding expectancy as well as with eyldent and Inslerend Interest , Riche a transa's w drama , Salome , " WAS Metropolitan Opera Hot last atentie . It was the first per formann in the country of work that for more than a yoy has been the storin centre of the musical world , about which discussion has aged on many points shout it repugnant features or realison , $ t alleged sininorality , decadent spirit : artistic perversity , or about its signifi care in a philosophical way : its de sion of types and human desires and pas . minns , its showing of a turning point in taman development , the first collision of the pitcan world with the basis of and ove ution aree rain The eifect of Strauss's composition was profound , Of that the most determined opponent could harbor no doubt . strong ala bit deep into the consciousness of all who saw and heard it . And wlieth er the effect was to call forth wonder , admiration , and deilght , or to cause re puguance , deep dissent from all that was aimed et and achieved by the composer s clear that the work was the crea top of a most potent musical force of a sy . If not productive or beauty and er uplifting influence , then certainly won derfully powerful in execution , of inex orable logie , of marvelong technical sk !!! in the treatment of all the resources that tan evolution of music has slowly acou related and of endless fecundity 17 16 invention of new ane The score of is questionably the most stupendously difficult that has ever been titten , the most complex , the most ex acting upon the skill of the individual The subject of Salame , as it has recently been presented in Tue TIMES , is ebtožtent : the characters , except of him who represents the Biblical figure of John the Baptist , ignoble , weak , or per The whole picture is a baleful dintlosure of decadent human character in * period of universal decadence one of those pations at the end of an epoch in history when weakened and corrupted samaa natnre is ready for the unima ! e from whih salt 180 Nettorex To use no Boclety De blood and in new ideals . Oscar Wilde is said to communicated to Sarah Bernhardt , ter whom he wrote the play , his desire to producent Bizarre and ensui Suelt intind it is It is a picture set the time of the Jewish decadence lated the Roman domination , mes in which Iminorality wate perstition , sotie sensuality , and is cruelty were the prevailing forces Jure which is set forth the stern figure of the tanist with his proclamation of a Hent and an ethical standard . The whole is welche down with a scifitne 2 heavily erotic atmosphere , like Panastie oppressive htmare sorange and intangible feeling of horror des itse olindatinable dread Tide's play in the prenduct of a brill Dauetive innattom - un masi on this projeto for us a strong it bichly colored pictured of the time and paleto the characteristle poin o view the people in it are attained th diterentiation ti puid the delin : eat of the essential nature of the te tri Heroi , the restlessisequen instante e pervers Sn . Tee the intacable Herodas the stern dile John 1 et fascinatink . The malerei estably one of them et dol rotations that it Verbo put onon the stage . The delv Sorence herines alle condition of whitela 10 hetitors but there is no need of Tutustinia de esteries and ecrophile nity that is voked with fable and destrong od ohudder the porte teure Shae Sot dhe text to music that * sus 1333 *** 2014 Stora as present no from alt at the at sputtaneous that he us whole effect with rugt i ta rip tre isteners Tea Hot bean the Strandarar He has the steagerly when it the exigencles of tortes sulted staron of in SabiReconfrontrbisteiter - temuan jar , because the Sand Duel kus 0103 PO 100 and aut 10 st cu o podemos 102 103 104 € pustollis001 200 stortal out of witch to build up terelamumerus Thore results from mit friety and full of in complexity in the core that makes onto base the nipiicity of Haydn And this complexity has purpose the new trumets and the new combinations istan fremd The performance of this remurkable work As it in afe to say , itself one or the most remarkable achievements in the way of dric production over aerom pilebed for the country It had not the aborateness of Mr Corried's famous presenta ton of " Parsifal in New York in 10. nor we are fain to say , had it the artistie importance of that presenta But so far the misto is con med , there were difficulties triumphant or greater than have ever be nounded to means the singing and acting or the prines pel caracters problems were solved , and wolved with complots success of a com pe that miglit well dishearten the tified and accomplished of lyric dim , Fremstad , Mr. Burrian . ta Rooy have done wonders in theresentation of Salome Herod , donan . There was , moreover , not les inadeguata factor in the per But above all and through in this performance as the com medios 19enre of Alfred Hertz , the educto whose unllanzing zeal and nataus enthusiasm , whose complete nastery or the score and authoritative ex . ption of it brought forth last night's Yetkne performance after months of the most exaeting preparation . The ore apon whom ially perhaps the 91305+ arduous burden of all this task , ac . torinished wonders . It played with im SA Door and color , with all the hade of dramatic mance demanded of Everyone connected with this pro

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