Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1084 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1084 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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CONRIED FEELS VINDICATED . Jane 1907 Delighted by Success of " Salomo " in SALOME " IN PARIS . Parl - Still Wanta teung Hero The Parisian wita and critics have Copyrient , 1907 , by a Nav Yoses de had their fair shot , or their foul shot . BERLIN , May 11 .-- Heinrich Conried , at New York , which declined " Salome * Director of the Metropolitan Opera without thantes . That " Puritan . House of New York , sad to in ism according to come of them . 21 regard to the production of " Salomo " they had said that it was be uses they in Paris : would possibly bave been barer the " I am immensely pleased by the enormous success of the Salome per For a truncated human bend formance in Paris . It is just what I simply did not appeal to Ne predicted and expected . The best on as the crisis of a trosedy . octety in Paris was , it seems , present . eise it appealed to them too much . I hope the Directors of the Metropoli may be question comparative tan , both the Real Estate Company payébology . But , evidently , * Purttan Directors and the others , who attended the French performance , had nothing to do with it . And change their minds and allow the now one moton eth Joy , the state presentation of the opera at the Metro capital , which boasta ftaelt to have poltan . According to the reports the bone but artistio mandard , French theatre - goers must have been Where Dvn andek to God , My brother work , just as I was when I attended spellbound by Strauss's monumental My brother . I ond with the the performando in Dresden . " Parts itself has its own trouble with Mr. Conried , hs an Austrian , regrets kama thao Del ROLAND ( that he was not in New York dur ing the visit of the Vienna Singing Society . " I should like to have ottered the Metropolitan Opera House for a concert , " he said , " but unfortunately it was erigaged for the Actors Fund Fair . " Mr. Conrlod says that eighteen years that botason to ago he urged the Vienna society to visit the United States and offered to pay all the expenses of the organiza bant would you hmypenwith Mr. tlon . The offer was declined on the Rooma idons to ground that a trip to America wonla wametives of the series , bo tremendous and unprecedented for the law in repelwell an at undertaking google toot herr 12 thay 190 ) 12 May ( 90 ) & Rio Mand front meor sto Kohnm Pans STRAUSS MAY GET THE CROSS . President Fal Composer of Salome " the Lion of the Hour in Paris . Special Cablegram . Copyright , 1907. by Tam NEW YORK TIMES CO . PARIS , May 11. It is expected that Richard Strauss will receive the deco ration of the Legion of Honor before his departure from Paris . Heres , who attended the first perform ance or " Salome , " personally congratu lated the composer , who is the lion of A grand dinner was given in his honor by the German Ambassador , and he is being specially invited to the lead Many well - known Americans In Paris attended the dress rehearsal and pr . miere of the opera , among them being James Stiliman , Otto H. Kahn ulott Gregory , and WK Vanderbilt . So far as can be learned , J. Pierpont Morgan has not attended any performance yet . Parisian musical critics are unant mous In declaring that Strauss is the greatest living German musician , Ser . erai rind much to criticise in Wildo's ing social functions . poem as the outcome ot sensual deca the hour . dentism , 12 May 1907 1900 ? & Sanel porabe

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