Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1081 51 2008-2-69.jpg
Maud Allan 1081 51 2008-2-69.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Depictions of Maud Allan's "Vision of Salome"

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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the sketch Malcolm Scott . June 1190 Igok < MR . MALCOLM SCOTT AS SALOME AND IN DIRECTOIRE DRESS . Mr. Malcolm Scott , who is appearing at the London Pavilion , now gives a " Salorne * dance in the Maud Allan manner ( more or less ) , and also dons a Directoire dress , When next he goes to Manchester , will the Watch Committee who decided to ban Miss Allan's " Salome ” dance bar him also ? If so , Manchester will sulfer yet anoiter

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