Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1070 51 2008-2-68.jpg
Maud Allan 1070 51 2008-2-68.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Cumulated Dramatic Index , 1909-1949 Allan , Flizat eti -- ( continued ) Portraits ( in groups ) in Tomorrow the world . Theatre TVorld 40 : 0.44 , 9-12 , 14 , 17-18 . Sketch . por . Photoplay 49 : My.'36 , 82 ( b ) . Allan , Martha Bryan , actress . Portrait . Classic 19 : Je.'21 , 33 . Biographical account . por . Jus . Cour . 73 : Ag.24 , '16 . 83 . Dancing of . I. S. Metcalfe . Life 66 : 720-1 , 0.28.'16 . Description of her dances . Mus . Cour . 73 : 3.28 , '16 , 12-13 . Her barefoot dancing stirs London . pors . Theatre 8 : 164 , 166. Je08 . Portrait ( by Otto Marcus ) . Mus . Cour . 73 : S.28 , 16 , 1 . Portrait . Burr Mc 18 : Mr09 .-- Portrait as Salome . Theatre 8 : 235. $ 03 ; 9 : 130. Apo9 . Portrait . Burr Mc . 22 : 421 , My.'10 . Portrait . Graphic 104 : 178 , 0.22 , -21 . Portrait . Graphic 107 : 498 , Ap.7 , " 23 . Portrait . I11 . Lond . N. 138 : 306 , F.18 , '11 . Theatre 14 : 96 , S.'11 . Portrait . Munsey 60 : 208. Mr.'17 . Theatre 23 : 3. ) , Ju.'17 . Portrait . Mus . Cour . 72 : Mr.16 , '16 , 64 ; 73 : N.23 , '16 , 32 . - N. Y. Dram . 76 : D.2 , 16 , 7 . Portrait . Mus . Cour . 81 : S. 2 , '20 , 28 . Portrait . Pall Mall M. 52 : 535. 0. 13 . Portrait dancing the Spring song . Hampton 24 : 403 , Mr.'10 . co

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