Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

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Maud Allan 1064 51 2008-2-68.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

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2017 OPERA - General - cont Pani ned May 12 pt 3 1 : 4 3 1 esut Janel - 8,3 Love June 29 158 OPERA - Reviews - Cont 3 pt 2,8 : 4 Article on speculation in Ger about Strauss's new opera , N 24 , pt 5,5 : 1 Mme Tetrazzini int on her US singing tour to begin in '08 season under contract with Hammerstein , N 11,1 : 5 Annual rept of French Min of Arts complains that higher salaries elsewhere are robbing France of her most talented performers , N 18,5 : 5 Mme Tetrazzini reptdly may sing in NY this season if other contracts can be arranged , D 1 , pt 2,11 : 5 ; Hammerstein makes new offer to Mme Tetrazzini for her appearance at Manhattan Opera in Jan , D 5,1 : 2 ; Mme Tetrazzini contracts to sing at Met Opera , beginning Jan 16 , D 8 , pt 2,1 : 5 Bass F Chaliapin int on his role as Satan in Met Opera's upcoming production of Mefistofele , N 11,7 : 1 Newcomers among Met Opera boxholders noted ; parterre boxholders listed , N 12,7 : 1 Article on major singers at Med , N 24 , pt 5,4 : 1 Austrian singer L Slezak declines $ 15,000 per yr contract to sing at Imperial Opera House , Vienna , D 1 , pt 3,1 : 5 Editorial holds Mme Tetrazzini dominates opera world , D 2,8 : 3 M Messager of French Opera commissions M Garden as talent scout while she is in US , D 2 , 9 : 3 G von Hulsen , dir of Ger Royal Opera , sees talented singers inevitably drawn from Eur by Amer money ; says Eur operas cannot match US offers , D 8 , pt 3,2 : 5 Annual Theatrical and Operatic Almanac shows Gers have high interest in music ; repts Berlin has 4 halls open yr - round for grand opera , 3 for light opera , and 11 for concerts , D 8 , pt 3,3 : 7 H Russell , dir of San Carlo Opera Co , says he has financial backing for plan to build opera house in Boston , D 14,5 : 5 ; announces new opera house will be built opposite Symphony Hall , D 19.7 : 5 4 little - known operas written by R Wagner between 1830 and 1839 are rediscovered by Ger music experts , D 15 , pt 3,2 : 2 Hammerstein and L Nordica agree to dissolve contract for her appearance at Manhattan Opera , D 15 , pt 2,11 : 1 ; unnamed friend of Nordica says contract was terminated because music dir C Campanini refused to direct Ger operas , D 18,1 : 3 Hammerstein decides not to build Phila opera house ; offers land for sale , D 18,1 : 2 Met Opera may drop Conried as dir ; Opera Bd discusses possible replacements , D 20,1 : 5 P Gailhard of Paris Opera , retires to become sculptor ; denies rumor he is taking over direction of Met Opera , D 20,3 : 2 Hammerstein scores pub for lack of interest in Manhattan Opera , lr , D 23,1 : 1 ; ed attacks Hammerstein's appeal , D 24,6 : 3 A Dippel , Met Opera tenor , discusses his frequent appearances in variety of opera roles as stand - in , D 23,9 : 3 Singer C Albani , under arrest on Hammerstein's charge for breaking contract , is guarded by policeman while he performs at Majestic Theatre in Boston , D 27,1 : 5 ; ed comment , D 28,6 : 3 Manhattan Opera's Campanini threatens to quit after orch refuses to rehearse more than 5 hrs on Don Giovanni , D 28,7 : 1 Borrowed Husband , by E D'Alberto : Hamburg , Ger , premier called fiasco , D 8 , pt 3,2 : 6 Carmen , by Bizet : Mme Bressler - Gianoli accidentally wounded on wrist during stabbing scene , Manhattan Opera , N 10 , pt 2,1 : 2 ; is hit by curtain after 2d act , D 29 , pt 2,1 : 5 ; Paris Opera and Opera Comique combine for Paris production , D 30,1 : 4 Cavelleria Rusticana , by Mascagni : E Kraus makes debut in West End Theatre production , Je 19,7 : 4 Donizetti : L'Elisir D'Amore , Manhattan Opera , revd , Ja 10,9 : 1 Elektra , by R Strauss : reptd nearly finished , N 10 , pt 3,1 : 2 Ernani , by Verdi : 1st performance at Manhattan Opera , D 12,7 : 4 Faust , by Gounod : 1st performance at Met , Ja 1,9 : 1 Gioconda , La , by Ponchielli : opens 2d season of Manhattan Opera , N 4,9 : 3 ; L Nordica sings to capacity audience , N 5,1 : 1 Iris , by Mascagni : 1st NYC production in 6 yrs , Met , D 7,9 : 3 Lucia di Lammermoor , by Donizetti : Mme Tetrazzini sings at Covent Garden Opera House , London , N 17 , pt 3,1 : 6 Madama Butterfly , by Puccini : 1 st performance at Met , F 12,9 : 1 ; H Savage engages 2 new tenors for role of Pinkerton , Ag 8,7 : 3 ; Gerry Soc refuses to permit 2 - yr - old child on stage at Belasco Theatre , NYC ; blocks matinee performance of opera , N 22,9 : 6 ; performance reptd well recd , D 15 , pt 2,11 : 1 Manon Lescaut , by Puccini : Met , Ja 19,7 : 1 ; Puccini attends Met premier , Ja 19,6 : 2 ; Puccini discusses performance , int , Ja 20 , pt 2,7 : 1 Merry Widow , The , by F Lehar : E Jackson forced to relinquish starring role for wk because of exhaustion , D 4,9 : 4 ; article on opera's successful runs in NYC , Boston and Chicago , D 22 , pt 4,8 : 1 Rigoletto , by Verdi : Manhattan Opera ; Melba and Bonci sing ; police called to control record crowd , Ja 12,1 : 2 ; notes , Ja 12,11 : 3 Salome , by R Strauss : 1st US production to open at Met Jan 22 , Ja 7 , 1.2 , artiele by R Aldrich analyzes opera , Ja 20 , pt 4 , p5 ; police called to control crowd ; audience reptdly was offended by dance scene , Ja 23,9 : 3 ; Met dirs order cancellation of opera because of morally offensive character of production , la 27 , pt 2,1 : 7 ; premier revd , Ja 28,9 : 1 : dirs reptdly arranged cancellation by telephone , not format meeting ; tickets still on sale , Ja 28 , 3 : 1 ; Met manager H Conried reptd seeking other theatre in NYC to produce opera , Ja 29.1 : 1 ; ed eritieizes Met for banning production , Ja 29,8 : 2 ; opposition to plans to produce opera at New Amsterdam Theatre believed likely , Ja 30,3 : 1 ; mgt of Boston Theatre reptd interested in production , Ja 30,3 : 1 ; Conried decides against producing opera outside Met , Ja 31-3 : 1 ; Met to perform opera on road tour , E 17.pt 2,9 : 3 ; opposition forces cancellation of plan , Mr 2,9 : 3 ; Conried to pay expenses of production ; refuses to let Met owners share loss , Mr 4,9 : 3 ; announces he will produce opera next yr at Met , Mr 7,9 : 3 ; Conried denies he will resign ; says he will stage opera next season at another opera house , Ap 9.9 : 5 ; opens at Chatelet Theatre in Paris , My 7,9 : 4 Paris production reptd well recd ; was performed without offensive scenes . Mv 9.9 : 1 : Met , D 22 , pt 2,9 : 1 ; Mme Eames performance revd , Ja 3,9 : 3 Traviata , La , by Verdi : Mme Melba's performance revd , Ja 3,9 : 1 Tristan und Isolde , by Wagner : singer Burrian makes last appearance in title role in Met Opera production , F 24 , pt 2,7 : 3 ; performance with strengthened cast fails to draw large audience , Mr 7,9 : 3 Wedding , The , by R Strauss : scores of 3 scenes pub by Berlin magazine , N 3 , pt 3,1 : 2 OPERATIONS , Surgical . See Surgery OPERETTAS . See Opera ( for ' classic ' operas ) . Theatres ( for works of non - classical opera , such as musical comedies ) OPIUM . See Drug Addiction Mr 21,22 , My 26 , Je 22,26 , Jl 26,0 29 , D 13. Food and Drug Regulation N 1 OPPENHEIM , Edward Phillips . See Book Revs OPTICAL Society ( NYS ) . See Eyes O 28 OPTIMIST Club of America OPTOMETRIC Society ( NYS ) . See Eyes O 28 Club forms in Salt Lake City ; plans chaps throughout Amer , D 19,8 : 7 OPTOMETRY . See Eyes ORAL Hygiene . See Teeth ORANGE Township ( NJ ) Celebration of 100th anniv noted , Je 15 , 9 : 5 ORATORIO Society . See Music D 29 ORATORY . See Speech ORCHARD , Harry . See Murders , Steunenberg par ( for Haywood - Moyer trial ) Biog , Je 7,2 : 5 Por , Je 9 , pt 5 , p7 ORCHARDS . See Fruit ORCZY , ( Baroness ) Emmuska . See Book Revs OREGON Short Line RR . See Railroads JI 3 ORES . See Metals and Minerals . Names ORGANIZATIONS and Societies . See names . Subjects of activities ORLEANS , ( Duke ) Louis Philippe Robert d ' Article on Duke's pretentiousness ; por , Ap 21 , pt 5,8 : 1 O'ROURKE Engineering & Construction Co. See Railroads My 29 ORPHANS and Orphanages . See Children ( for inclusion ) . Masons . Orgn names Automobile Club of Amer sponsors Coney Is outing for 3,000 orphans from Manhattan and Bklyn , Je 13,7 : 5 Sup Ct decision on suit against St Joseph RC Orphan Asylum bars insts from holding children as collateral for payment of orphanage fees , S 14,4 : 2 Phila millionaire R Carson wills $ 5 million to establish coll for orphan girls , O 23,1 : 4 P W Lindsay opens home for children at Glen Ridge , NJ , O 29,7 : 4 152 orphans safely evacuated as dormitory is engulfed in flames at House of Providence orphanage , Syracuse , NY , D 9,1 : 4 Fire in Norwegian Children's Home in Chicago causes panic among 60 children ; no injuries reptd , D 29 , pt 2,1 : 5 ORTHODOX Churches . See Russia Mr 1 , Mr 24 par , S 25 Bishop Plato chosen head of Russian Orthodox Ch in US ; was reactionary member of Duma , Ap 25,4 : 1 Former Chief Procurator of Holy Synod , CP Pobiedonostzeff , dies in St Petersburg , Russia , Mr 24 , pt 2,5 : 3 OSBORNE , ( Mrs ) Penelope Deuel Judged sane 2d time in her ct suit for release from asylum ; Sup Ct to rule on cousin's claim she is incurably paranoid , Jl 27 14 : 6 19 Reviews and Notes Africaine , L ' , by Meyerbeer : performed in Ital neCAD IV :

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