Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

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Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

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Cukan Bilhang Trial London Times 1908 1913 11 Notes on the significance of Barefoot dancers in 19083 1913 In England On May 20 , p.90 a " peeress " denounces in the strongest terms " the current fad in dancing.In her letter to the Times she damns as imports from the States such dances as The Tango , the Turkey Trot , the Boston , and is equally critical of such dances as the Bunny Hug , the Banana Glide . Her concern is , ofcourse , with the debutante dancer and although she recalls the horror of an ancient relative of hers upon seeing a new step a couple of generations or so earlier , she finds the present practises very offensive . Letter of Man 22 hady Florence Over 25 letters to the Times followed this outburst . Qne correspondent , referring to Beerbohm's view toon of the period as the Age of the Decline of the Graces " suggested that the present trend was a reaction against the intolerable tedium of a valse advanced a few years ago by the average young man and woman . Bell ( not a peress ? ) Father Vaughan [ Spiritual Director of the Catholic Womens League see supra ] addressing a meeting of the League on May 26 1913 , said that he didn't think it necessary to express an opinion about those so called dances which had been recently imprted into the London Drawing room from the Zoological Gardens . The animal names by which they are known imply the sort of animal pleasures they are intended quickly to arouse and at once gratify.??10 To awaken and satisfy passion is their only raison d'etre . Noone pretended there was in them music , symbolising the lapse of the wave or the flow of the tide , but veryone recognozes that they kindle passion which leaves behind it the sting of remorse and a sense of loss and ruin . What is bad for working people can not be good for leisured folk . If David danced to soothe a King's passions , Salome on the other hand danced to awaken them . omission ? ) See also lres Canon Newbolt ( possibly a relation of Sir Henry ? ) preached on August 25 1913 that the current evil is the indecent dance , suggestive of evil and estructive of x & NEX modesty . I urge parents to assert " I will not allow my daughter to turn into a Salome even although Herod were to give me half his kingdom and admit me to the most coveted ssociety of a world which has persuaded itself that immodesty is inartistic and that anything is inartistic which removes the intolerable monitoring of its pleasures ! w ohtoriela ) Ny Times 26 august for OVER Schtonal Comment

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