Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

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Maud Allan 1060 51 2008-2-68.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

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NY TIMES 1912 -- N 10 , pt 5 , p11 Editorial on enjoyments of social dancing even though only 2 % may dance perfectly , N 25,12 : 3 Patronesses of Junior Cotillion ban Turkey Trot , NYC , N 26,12 : 1 Emperor Wilhelm completes scenario of new ballet , Corfu , to be performed at Royal Opera , Berlin , D 14,5 : 2 London Daily Mail lauds Mrs S Fish Sr ban on ' freak ' dances at her social functions , D 17,5 : 2 1st of several dance halls planned by Com on Amusement Resources for Working Girls opened , NYC , D 29,10 : 2 DAN ING . See Opera - Gen Ja 16 par , Ag 23 . Russi i ballet performs Coppelia , Met Opera , Ja 3,1 : 4 new dances , Ja 16,13 : 3 ; New Haven , Conn , police Ń C Amusements & Vacation Resources of Working dances , Ja 21 , pt 4,12 : 3 ; dancers at Rubenstein Club chief bans Turkey Trot and Grizzly Bear at pub Girls om watches Turkey Trot and Grizzly Bear at soc d : ices as part of study on how best to eliminate annual dance at Waldorf Hotel do Turkey Trot out in hem tom halls , Ja 4,1 : 7 ; both banned from corridors , Ja 24,11 : 3 ; Club ushers says dance was Phi , toc dai . Ja 5,9 : 5 ; ed , Ja 5,12 : 3 ; Irs , Ja Chicken Trot not Turkey Trot , Ja 25,1 : 6 ; 8,12 : 5 ; Ja 13,12 : 5 ; Internatl Art Soc bars Grizzly Maurice ( Mouvet ) disclaims introducing Turkey Trot , Bear and other new types of dances at subscription Grizzly Bear and Bunny Hop into US , Ja 25,10 : 6 ; soc affairs ; Hotal Astor , some other NYC hotel owners workers attend NYC Working Girls Amusement Com state views on their duties and patrons right to adopt exhibition of variations of Turkey Trot and other questionable dances ; discuss reforms , Ja 27,1 : 3 ; Rubenstein Club floor com denies any objectionable dances were performed , Ir to NY Times , Ja 28,11 : 2 ; Ir asks if fault lies with dances or dancers , Ja 29 , 10 : 6 ; Ir in reply , Ja 30,8 : 6 M Mordkin dancers sign for special engagement at Winter Garden , Ja 4,14 : 2 ; Mordkin and L Lopoukov give recital , Winter Garden , Ja 16,8 : 2 ; Mordkin starts ballet school for members of Winter Garden chorus , Ja 22,9 : 3 Premier danseur Raymond of Paris seeks funds to build country home for aged dancers , Ja 14 , pt 3,2 : 7 Lyric Dance Hall , NYC , license revoked for improper and illegal operation , Ja 23,3 : 5 3 members of Monnaie Theatre ballet , Brussels , decorated with French Academic Palms ; members not thonored go on strike , Ja 30,3 : 6 Newspaper reporters barred from soc dance at Bellevue - Stratford , Phila , hosted by men ; Turkey Trot , other questionable dances said to have been performed , F2,1 : 6 ; many NYC dance halls agree to bar Turkey Trot , other ' immoral ' dances but face problem of ways and means to do so , F3,20 : 3 ; disputed dances barred at NYC Settlement House affairs , F4.pt 2,15 : 5 ; cartoon on current controversy over dances , F4 , pt 5 , p16 ; London reaction to Turkey Trot , F6,3 : 3 ; annual Soc Charity Ball , NYC , bars Turkey Trot , F7 , 11 : 1 ; Ir notes Bunny Hug was being done in * 02 , F 16,8 : 6 ; Punch cartoon deriding new dances illus ; London soc leaders opposed to spread of disputed dances ; Monkey Scramble is latest dance in Paris , F 18 , pt 3,2 : 3,7 ; London Graphic denounces Turkey . Trot , F 25 , pt 3,3 : 6 French dancing Masters Acad , Paris , issues de calogue to guide students , F11 , pt 3,4 : 1 ; article on decalogue , My 26 , pt 7,4 : 5 Mordkin files $ 50,000 libel suit , NYC , against Russian Imperial Consulate Gen VP Polevoy for sending dispatches to 2 Moscow newspapers attacking his work as ballet master of Russian cos appearing in US , Mr 3 , 10 : 4 Parisian dancer A Villany acquitted , Munich , of giving immoral performance , Mr 10 , pt 3,4 : 4 Greater Berlin dancing masters campaign against disputed dances , Mr 17 , pt 3,3 : 6 MC Cummings says ragtime music is cause of inuch undesirable dancing , s , NYC , Mr 20,7 : 3 Working Girls Com gives exhibition for soc mem bers of proper way of dancing , Mr 26,13 : 1 CA Perry of Sage Foundation proposes using pub schoolrooms for supervised dance halls , S Orange , NJ , Mr 27,5 : 2 ; Perry article details his proposal ; illus , Mr 31 , pt 5 , p5 ; Foundation to show motion picture film entitled Charlie's Reform to spread idea of converting classrooms , Ap 3,4 : 5 Lost 18th century ballet by Gluck on theme of Don Juan found in Bibliotheque Nationale , Paris , Ap 7 , pt 3,2 : 6 French Dancing Masters Acad bans Turkey Trot , other disputed dances imported from US , Ap 8,3 : 3 W Nijinsky performance in G Astruc production o L'Apres - Midi d'un Faun condemned by Paris critics ; press incensed by FAR Rodin defense of performance theatre mgt makes radical changes in production , Je 2 , pt 3,4 : 1 ; press continues to attack Rodin , Je 3,4 : 1 ; ed , Moral Reaction in Paris , Je 3,8 : 2 ; press continues attacks , Je 9 , pt 3,3 : 6 ; Nijinsky's costume , also under fire , illus , Jl 14 , pt 4,3 : 1 United Professional Dancing Teachers conf , Indianapolis , approves Skaters Waltz , other dances , Je 27,24 : 3 Rev E F Hannigan calls Turkey Trot immoral and criminal , ser , LI City , JI 8,10 : 1 Mis S Fish Sr inaugurates ban on Sunday dancing by ending her ball at Newport at midnight , JI 14,11 : 1 Ballet of 1830 , a mimo - dramatic ballet , performed , Winter Garden , JI 23,9 : 1 Working Girls Com plans model dance hall , Newark NJ , 01,9 : 2 ; ed comment on acceptance of dance halls as legitimate phase of urban life , 0 2,12 : 5 Aviation Glide and Tangle Twostep seen replacing Turkey Trot , 0 11,9 : 5 P Singer to fund Isadora Duncan Greek Theatre , Paris , O 29,13 : 4 Chicken Flip introduced at Copley Plaza , Boston , by E Sears and R Vanderbilt , N3,1 : 6 Article on Mrs CH Israel efforts to make dance halls respectable ; her por ; dance hall scenes illus ,

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