Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1035b 51 2008-2-68.jpg
Maud Allan 1035b 51 2008-2-68.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Research Notes

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MRS . YZNAGA TO MARRY . Queer Announcement of Her En : gagement to Count Bglazichards ang ging À Cousin of the Prospective Groom Mikes a Somewhat Remarkablo Stato . ment Regarding the Lady . NEW YORK , August 8. There was ixsited to day from the one of the Hungarian Her au , " a publication edited in this city by Cound Herman Zichy , cousin of Count Belaxichy , the Tollowing marvelous statement " There is a romance in the circle of the 40 . The Astera , Vanderbilts and others will receive in the next few days the following gold band cards ng ked - Fernandes Wright and Henry Beyor . Yankton , Dakota , 1900 , " Who are the engaged people Very sim ple . Fernandez Wright is none of than F'er . manda Yanaga sister - in - law of wullam H. Vanderbill , and Mr. Henry Beyer is the very puma Count Delachy who has accomplished che great at Newport among the fol ** verydady koow there is in oxistence in Yankton , South Dakota rolony of strangers whose members are sojourning there only a short time to be divorced without pain 3 member of that famous colony is sira Fernat dey Yunaga , whose husband has a follywood time in Rome , Italy , and does not care for his wife , even whethe divorce seeker to Dakota . In company with Mrs. Yonage when 28 everybody knows is the daughter of Car tonnist Curtis Wright , there is a young no bleman of the modest name of Henry Beyer He will become in a short time the husband of beautiful Mrs. Yunaga , when she is divorced legally in court . Through William H. Vanderbilt whоко first wife was a born Yunaga , Mr. Yunaga is atlied with the Four Hundred Her husband , who is immensely ich has freely supplied her with money Recently umor was afont in Newport that William K. Vanderbilt , when die vorred from his wife his intended to become the husband of Mr. Yenaga Now it is wi tire that Count Bela tehy will be the husband of the lady . He is young and has heet quainted with the Four Hundred from the very moment he came to this country . At the most exclusiv parties in Newport he was al . was a leading member , and furthermore at the winter entertainments in the mansions of the Four Hundred in New YorkHe was in Vited to be present at the Castellane - Goud wedding Notwithstanding the abome odd revelation that Fernandez . Yanga ik & sster - in - law William Vanderbilt whose first wife was a Born Yenaga . and the Information that I'm K. Vanderbilt divorced from his wife has in tended to become the husband of Mr * Yanaga . Wright announced tonight that his daughter . Mr. Yuna ca is to marry the Count Prinzichy Mrs. Yunaga , who is now in Yankton will acquire the six months residente necessary to hein divaree proceedings within two weeks As 10 answer fe her charges will be entered , it is expected she will win her suit by default . Count Belazity is not in Hungary on a scret mission Bar huis Government He will return America with three weeks , when if the dicure is granted the marriage will take place . The couple will liveabroad . "

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