Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1024 51 2008-2-67.jpg
Maud Allan 1024 51 2008-2-67.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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THE YORK RUSSIAN BALLETS AT WINTER GARDEN NB illusnahon for this Gertrude Hoffmann Shows Nov. elty in ' Cleopatre , ' ' Les Sylph Wides ' and ' Sheherazade , ' a article . Jos i poss ret A MAD MAD WHIRL OF COLOR ' pinpopes .. Gertrude Hoffmann appeared trorous Queen : but did not dance re Baltina at the role of the artern weetheart . The fore konloft played the arrher , and twin lammukowa and Alexis Korloff had the rolex or lav Toward The end of the brile alle . Tapoukowa had a brief volo , dance an leader of Greek Balkanale , and her went much of the applause the end of the first num . 1 - s Silphides rones Park , thie more conventional hellt , with the filmy . him skirts , and the dancing hingle was ( hoptis , and the dancers 1.dia Tapoukowa . Alexander Vol . Mlle ( ' orhin . Mario Baldinn . and Gluck with a corps de ballet of IWM y - two With a back round of a for . ** t . * nocturne was first danced by the nainenjuals and the coriphren and then followed a waltz a mazurka , another wally , another masurka , winding up with * waltz brilliant Ant for this the audience applaunan again an : again . ** llink baik all of the pin ipb demandink to me the rory . pie * gain and finally in inting on the diretor . There har , ap one of the INA NAKT Morri , Gent hink broukht Infare the rurtain Even then the An . De reminuri 190 large floral piece * continued to se over the footlikts , un . ei Mlle . Loroukowa inok a cari alone . Then the enthusiasm Increased What ever the pubile in going to do about the hallata this particular principal will hold the place whe arquired last night for a long time It will be remembered , in this connection , that he was one of the Run nin dancers who appeared in " The Eho hix Renson and hose debut was marım hy " lippery stara Wheherazade ** the linu 1 ballet . is collect on the programa a “ chorographic Arana Ita * tory in the introduction to The Arabian Nigher Entertainment and 10 min in the huren of the Kink of India and ( ina The contuming . the mi . tink , and the arrangment of the music ' IKKE * ancient Peinla The Kink and His brother start on 1 journey . Jen vink their wive , in the keepink of the chief of the haren No rexoner have the monarch departed than the women wheedle the keys from krever and Ime in men niex from another part of the palace A noisy i ir tuke p . drink hinkind his brother return Soldiers are and all are killed except the Kine interite She bags for merry and . when her hand orders Kution . he kth her ri ! 1th knife whe Iakon finin one of the soldier : The effort ballet of Oriental lans . foliow ' the rematon in that has and in w114 dancing manager The NAK 1 TTT ... * t ! men and women in kaleido niin ostume and the finale before the Entrar of the King and the soldiers in ma 4 horl of ioler that brought a bure of ABAUR last night in this piece Miss Hof'n las the role of the Morito * 74 * , ostue of lex * menke The Cleopatra dra Milo 1. Mlle Paldina , ang Mile c'ex ' ) Aparna altaques , and the prin Italia .. roles were taken by Alexis Vola . Bolanikow . Theodore Kosoft *** Alnus Koalore The music 1. Simak herenko nuh malpred . dr Torfmann who surora 1- olin . ( Eilent result V nn . Ane ke taste have to : Tato it preparition of them Taliet th'herihe taste that mele.it ..leopatra and the Arabian Night met * * , mallar Insuunle will probabis 1111+ erotie Art the sene A * 1 ' murh realism as lur 1 annantrime can be realistic n . 1k " le viphide prob A mich fexr 1ts delleary as for it ** 1 performan Mlle . Lopoukowa Applauded in Solo Dance as Leader of Greek Bac . chanale - Acted with Réalism . NY Times Maza 1 1909 -pt3 2 : 2 Gertrude Hoffmann began her * Saison des Ballets Russes at the Winter Gar . den last night , and New York was Intro . duced to another novelty to be added to the list the season has afforded . Just how much New York will like this new entertainment remains for further nights ta deride . Lust night audience liked much of it a great deal . It , the entertainment , comes in three parts , three ballets of differing types . The first , Claopatre , " is a short love drama , with a tragic ending , the second . las Aylphides , " is a series ' of dances to ( hopin ' music , and the third , She harnzade , " is another love drama , with Another tragedy to end it . Scenery , cos . rumex . Ilght affects , and the ensemble of the company are of high merit in all of them The scene of " ( Irojmira " lat a shine on an onals in the desert . The stage ren resents a high colunned hall of Egyptlan tyre , with a view of the Nile briwern the pilars at the back Here an archer and girl meet , love , and are joined by a prlest . Then Cleopatm . the queen . arrives at . tended by slaves of hull a doan dirar ent nations Forrome reason , precuma . try " simbolir , dhe arrives in mummy r *** ind has to le rised of nur TOUR bind.no of roleie ) scarf : Xhe falls in love with the atoner . wins him froni ne sirl . And permits him to drink polson . Nina ! the end Whiling framerie of firerk dancers . the hrilliant colored Oximes of Ihrews And , E.Rinn- ll the tase during this Halle ! with the DURI R Taneeli . Rimsky Kikowan Glazon ' There le un . + and eine male numbers and marches all of them well dane , if not rrintl mrrined portunity to Mre dance of this sort has hanno slikhi thai 10 ingossible to Judge the merits of the players in this balle .. re .

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