Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1021 51 2008-2-67.jpg
Maud Allan 1021 51 2008-2-67.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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N.Y.Times March 24 1904 p.1 : 6 If Weary Try Dancing Dr. G. Stanley Hall Says it Brings one near to Paradise Boston , March 21 " It is probable that man gets nearer his lost paradise when he is dancing than at any other time . " These were thr words of Dr. G. Stanley Hall of Clark University Woreester in a lecture in the Second Chutch this afternoon . Dr. Hall's general subject was " The Rhythmic Dystem of the Univrrsel " A philosophy of the Universe mi t be written in rhythm " he said . Thus there is a rhythm of years . We get ou entire annual growth inna matter of pants three or four months in the Spring . In the Fall we broaden out . The month has rhythm . At the end of the mon h we dream more vividly . e All muscular effort is in rhythm , the action and reaction , but the climax of all rhythm is in dancing not dancing as it is known to - day , but dancing as ot was don years ago . If a person is tired ,, he should dance a minuet ; if apathetic , something fast . Dancing has great curative powers . The best thing , th great thing , is health , which means holiness . The best kind of happiness is the happiness of being alive , and that is the spirit of the dance . I can't understand the apathy of some peop ; e . Men at age 50 , 60 , 70 , and 80 ought to dance when there is dance music . Why , how can they helpit ?

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