Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1020a 51 2008-2-67.jpg
Maud Allan 1020a 51 2008-2-67.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Illness takes toll at 91 T May 19 1967 Redlands Bowl founder Grace S. Mullen dies Grace Stewart ( Mrs. G. E. ) ( of the most unique summer mu - Price , Shirley Verrett , John ( at a country school near Fill Mullen , whose name is synony . sic projects offered anywhere . Raitt , Ruggiero Ricci and The more after coming to California mous with Redlands Bowl which Such recognition did not come odor Upmann has been credited in 1902 and later at Whittier . she founded in 1923 , died late the easy way . For many years , by these artists as greatly re- On a visit bome in 1904 , she this morning at the age of 91 . Mrs. Mullen almost single - hand - sponsible for starting them on met George Emmett Mullen , a The indomitable " Mrs. Mu- edly booked the artists , raised their climb to success . native of Kentucky , whose fam sie , " as she has been known the necessary funds , handled all Born on a farm near Sparta , ily had been friends of hers for for 45 years , succumbed to a correspondence and arranged Tenn . , Mrs. Mullen was first years . They were married Au final attack of pneumonia at for housing the artists during trained as a teacher . She taught ( Continued on Page 3 ) Heritage Gardens convalescent their stay in Redlands . Her rep hospital in Loma Linda . She utation for perseverance was had been confined to bed with widespread and it was because crippling arthritis for the last both agents and artists found it several years of her life . difficult to say “ No ” that her The courageous patroness of dream flourished . Most artists music , who did not allow per- became immediate " converts " " sonal misfortune or the disas- and return engagements were ter of a national depression to many . sway her from her goal , re- Mrs. Mullen's insight for bud mained the mainstay of Red- ding talents was widely known lands Bowl from its inception throughout the music world . until her death . Even in recent Through her extensive travels years of physical disability , in the interests of the Bowl , Mrs. Mullen was the guiding she was always on the search spirit of her beloved Bowl , soon for bright young geniuses in to open for its 44th season . need of encouragement to start It was there that she first them on the careers she knew started presenting the musical were within reach . Her recog attractions which have become nition of such potential " greats " known the world over as one as Jerome Hines , Leontyne GRACE STEWART MULLEN Photo by Wm . Elmer Kingham

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