Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1014 51 2008-2-67.jpg
Maud Allan 1014 51 2008-2-67.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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CURT SACHS DIES ; EXPERT ON MUSIC Authority on Ancient Works Wrote About Instruments -Lectured at Library COLUMBIA LIERAR UNIVERSITA UT RM16 CITY NEW COLUMBIANA Is the son photographer ?! 1959 79 1880 Dr. Curt Sachs , noted musi cologist , died last evening in Mount Sinai Hospital . He was 77 years old and lived at 1781 Riverside Drive . Dr. Sachs was perhaps best known to New Yorkers for the series of lectures he gave on the history of music at the New York Public Library , Fifth Ave nue and Forty - second Street , during period of several years beginning in 1949 . These weekly lectures in E. Sachs cluded a series , " From Beet hoven to Richard Straus , " ten Dr. Curt Sachs lectures on the operas of Wag ner , talks on Berlioz and Chopin , and a series on " Music , Dance and Life . " In 1937 Dr. Sachs was ap pointed visiting Professor of Music at the Graduate School of Liberal Arts of New York University . He served many Left Nazi Germany years in the post . He resigned his German posi Wrote on Sculpture tions in 1933 and left the coun try rather than remain under He was born in Berlin and the Nazi yoke . After sojourn educated at the University of Berlin , specializing in the his- ying in Paris and London he received a grant from the tory of music and art and re Rockefeller Foundation that en ceiving a Ph.D. in 1904 for a l abled him to carry on his work . thesis on the sculpture . of Ver . In France he served as curator rocchio . a of the instrument collection of He first entered the field of the Ethnological Museum . Hist art criticism , later conducting recordings of ancient music wont an intensive research in musical him the French Grand Prix history . Delving into hitherto five times , unexplored fields , he became Dr. Sachs received his ap convinced that a study of the pointment at N. Y. U. before musical instruments of the past he came here . On arrival hel would reveal much about an was also made music consultant cient music . Much of this study to the Public Library . Later bore ultimate fruit in his book , the Metropolitan Museum of 1 " The History of Musical Instru ments , ” published here in 1940.1 Art commissioned him to re - k store the Crosby - Brown collec- T Dr. Sachs had achieved con tion of instruments . siderable note in Germany by Among the leading books 1919 , when a number of insti- published by Dr. Sachs here tutions of higher musical learn were " World History of the II ing began to seek his services . | Dance ” ( 1938 ) , " The Rise of : The Berlin State Museum of Music in the Ancient World Musical Instruments was placed ' East and West " ( 1943 ) , “ The in his charge . He became Pro- Commonwealth of Art ” ( 1947 ) , I fessor of Musicology at the Uni- " Our Musical Heritage ” ( 1948 ) versity of Berlin and later Pro and " Rhythm and Tempo " fessor of Music History at the ( 1953 ) . German National Academy of Dr. Sachs leaves his wife , Music . Irene ; a son , Ernest , and two During the years before the daughters , Miss Judith Sachs rise of Hitler he also held many and Mrs. Gabriella Koenigsberg . other important posts . He pre pared a series of phonograph records of ancient music , com pleted in 1930. Lecture tours took him over many parts of Europe and to this country . S 11 ?

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