Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

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Maud Allan 1011 51 2008-2-67.jpg
Maud Allan 1011 51 2008-2-67.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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2 SINCLAIR , Ven . Wan Macdonald , Bon . D.D. Glasgow ; Y.X.8.I PL0.8 . , F.R.H.S .: examining chaplain to Bishop of London , honorary chaplain to 31.1 . the Klug : 2. Less , $ aduna 1850 ; 6. mrs . # of labs Her . Willam Olnclair , Prebedury of Chichester ( 501 5. of Rt Hon . Bir Jolin Sinclair , 1 BL , and Dlara , d . of Alaxander , 1xt Lauri Waedonsid ) . Edec .: Ratou : Balliol Coll . Oxfund ( Scholar ) ; Ind clans Moderatious and Classic President Oxford Union Society , 1978 ; amalkiant ministar of Onebec Chapel , 1970 ; reminderst chaplain to Blekop of London , 1877 : Vicar of St. Helen's , Wastaninster , 1880 : trembet Ledion School Board , 1865 ; Grand Chupam or Wagland , 1994 ; Chaplain to Order of SL Jolan of Jerusalustad , 1000 : eluplain - in - ontinery to Que Victoria : Ron . Chaplain to King Edward VII : Arch deacon of London and Canon of 4. Henlx , 188 1911 ; Elector of Shermandairy , Heulield , Sex , 1911-1 . Imedioafions : 178 l'un in the onynal Rhytha , 1879 ; Cornisery on the Eastles et St. John , 180 : Lons on the cool of $ 1 . John , 183 : The Mervant of Christ , 1221 ; The Christian's influence , 181 ; Clontanalester Times . 1884 : Word : lo lle Laity , 14 ;; Laulers of Thought in the English Church , 1896 ; Simon piicity tha Christes 1804 ; The New Law , 1807 ; 2 d J ww . The Happy Life , 1897 ; Unto You , Yoang Men , 1930 ; Words from 8. Paulo ( Orst series ) , 1900 : 1.lkevise the Younger Wonen , 1901 : Words from St. Paul'u ( second serier ) , 1902 ; Johan NscWhirter , PA , 1908 : Dificulties of our Day , 1905 : Merd origin of 8L Paul's Cathedral ; " The Chapaix Royal , 1914 ; -Joseph Hatquhurson , A.R.A. , 1914 ; short eclition of Menorials , 3923 ; charges.Condition of the People : The Church , Visible , Invisible , Catbólie , National : Sacred Studies : The English Church and the Canon Law : Points at usue between the Church of England and the Church of Home : The Ancient Dentish Churches ; The Churches of the Best , 1898 : Church Courts . 1899 : The truties of Archdearous , 1901 : The Church and the Non conionaists , 190 : The Authority of Sunday , 10s ; Catholic and Protestant , 1900 : The Catholic Paith and the New Theology , 1907 ; The Part of Paith in the llealing of the tiek , 1910. Jocreations : riding , cycling , and with mitix . Clubs : Athanasan , Author ' . Diad do Dec. 1917. ) 2e . H 1 EX une eze St. Alban's during the patronal foutisol at a luncheon which followed the sea made a friendly reference to bia the church in the ' seventies . In 10 , was nominated by the late Bengali Burdett - Contts to the Vicarago Stephenol Rochester - row , where he worked with great eng success for nine years . In 1889 began his long connection St. Paul's Cathedral , when he was by by Bishop Temple as Archdeacon of and Canon of St. Paul's , in succezion to Gifford . Both as Archdeacon and Cherokee deroted himself with great thorought his duties . His sermons were paindlik productions , and that they were of many was shown by the fact that occasions be pablished by request webs from them under the title of Women 86. Paul's . His published worla special words to the laity , to young and to women ; also Ckrist and other Difficulties of our Day , and Memories Paul ' . Cathedral . Some years ago Archdeacon Simehe an greatly ob'ect to the description . sly GON 6721917 was frequently mentioned to Press when a vacancy occurred in a plo , bat bis promotion to the Examen IN MEMORIAM . never carae ; and in January , 2001 , mi . announced that acting under man he advice and on account of sympkannads VILUAN MACDONALD INGLAR . troable , his resignstion would take Dr. William Macdonald Sinclair , Arch - 4 on June soth . His last sermon na deacon of London and Canon of St. Paul's in - reaidence at St. Paul'a was partes om 1889 to 1911 , died on Wednesday in on Sunday , June 25th , 2011 , om ist week , at Armadale Oastle , Isle of Beauty of Christian Loyalty . " " If anze Skye . For many years Dr. Sinclair occu- in fall in The Guardian of June 30tkocs pied a prominent position in the Church year . On retiring from St. Paul's and in the public life of the metropolis . Sinclair accepted the country and . He served first as resident Chaplain and Shermanbury , Hexfield , Suanes , WHAT afterwards as Examining . Chaplain to resigned last year . ied Bishop Jackson , andas Examining Chaplain The funeral took place at Daere , Femei to his three miccansors ; and se Chaplain to on Monday , the chief moarnera inmin ds , Queen Victoria , King Edward , and the Oanan and Mrs. Hasell ( brother - in - ley present King Born at Leeds in June , Vaister ) . A Memorial Service was baie 1850 , he was the eldest surviving son of the Tuesday at St. Lawrence Jary , a late Rev. William Sinclair . Prebendary of ibe King was represented by Dr. She ose Chichester , who was the fifth son of the Sub - Dean of the Chapele Royal , a ant Right Hon . Sir John Sinclair , first Baronet , Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's of and Diana , dangbter of the first Lord Mac O. E. Hopwood , F.S.A. al donald . One of his ancles was Vicar of the Kensington and Archdeacon of Middlesex . " EDWARD SANUEL BEWICE ley Dr. Sinclair was educated at Repton , [ From a Conrepondeat . ) til and in 1869 won a scholarship at Balliol . ist He gained a Second Class in Modera ARTHUR JOMN WEBSTER TO ew tions in 1871 , and Second Class ( Lit. lso Hum . ) in 1873 , taking his B.D. degree The Rev. Arthur J. W. Thorne 200 in 1898 and his D.D. in 1892 . He was of St. James the Less , Western elected President of tbe Ozford Union suddenly in his church on Bandera Society . In 1874 he was ordained by Dr. He took all the services durim Ellicott , Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol , and had just said the prayer in ok to the curacy of Tortworth , Gloucester before Evensong wben he fell fragen 1e - shire , but in the following year removed to Mr. Thorndike , who was sixty şbt London ag assistant - minister at Quebec of age , had suffered from heart at Chapel ( now the Church of the Annuncia- and was greatly distressed by the om tion ) , of which the Incumbent at that time action last August of his son , oly was the late Rev. F. J. Holland , afterwards Thorndike , R.B.C. , but continued ng Canon of Canterbury . , Mr. Sinclair was He graduated from St. John's on algo erening lecturer in Logic at King's Cambridge , in 1876 , and we are al College , London . In 1877 he was appointed same year . After serving home Resident Chaplain to the Bishop of London he became in 1884 Minor Canan ( Dr. Jackson ) . His tactfulness was shown of Rochester Cathedral , and from in an unpleasant duty which he was called 1902 was Vicar of St. Margus apon to perform at St , Alban 8 , Holborn . Rochester . From 1902 to 1908 ba When in November , 1879 , Mr. Mackonochie of Aylesford , and in the latter yet of was suspended by Lord Penzance , Mr. Vicar of St. James - the - Lean , cm W Sinclair was sent to the church to officiate , He was an Honorary Canon of bat upon Mr. Mackonochie informing him from 1909 to 1912. One of his stund * st be parposed officiating himsell , Mr. Russell Thorndike , the well DO eu SINCLAIR , William Macdonala , Atkendum Club , s.v. - Late Scho . of Ball . Coll . Oz . Ind cl . Mod . 1871 , B.A. ( 2nd cl . Lit. Ham . ) 1873 , M.A. 1875 , B.D. 1888 , D.D. 1892. F.B.S.L. 1910 . F.R.G.S. 1911. & and p 1874 G. and B. Chap . St. C Jo . of Jer . 1900 . Hon . Chap . to the King 1910 . R FC . of Tortworth , Gloe . 1874 : Asst . Min . at Quebec Chap ; Ev . Lect . in logie st K.CI. 1875 : 0 Chap . to Bp of Lon . 1877-83 ; V. of St. Steph . Westmr . 1880-89 ; Aest . Exam . Chap . to Bp ( Jackson ) of Lon . 1888-85 : Hon . Chap . to Queen Victoria 1889-95 ; Chap . in Ord . 1895-1901 ; Hon . c Chap . to King Edward VII , 1901-10 ; Exem . Chap . F to Bp ( Temple ) of Lon . 1885 ; to Bp ( Creighton ) of Lon . 1897 ; Archd . of Lon , and Csn . of St. Paul'a e 1889.1911 ; Ezan . Chap . to Bp of Lon . 1901-11 ; R. of Shermanbury 1911.16 . Author , The Psalms , the Authorised Version in the Original Rhythm , D 1878 ; Lessons on the Gospel of St. John , 1895 ; The Serrant of Christ , 1892 ; The Chr han's Influence , 1892 ; Christ and our Times , 1893 : S wo Words to the Laity , 1894 ; Leaders of Thought in the English Church , 1895 ; Simplicity in Christ , Clerc 1896 ; The New Law , 1897 ; Chapters in the Christian Life , 1897 : Unto You , Young Men , 1900 ; Likewise o the Younger Women , 1901 : Words from St. Paul's , 2nd series , 1902 ; John FacWhirter . R.A. 1903 : OLOR Dich ***

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