Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

Added 19th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 19th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 1009 51 2008-2-67.jpg
Maud Allan 1009 51 2008-2-67.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Contextual Research

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SF EXAMINER Oct 30795 D out 30 18 895 EXAMINER Archbishop Corrigan to : Perform the Cere . While Mrs. Yznaga was gaining a resl . mony at the Rosidence of the dence in South Dakota Herman was sur Bride's Parents , prised one day by a communication from Archbishop Corrigan , requesting his pres ence at the Archiepiscopal residence . When Herman Zichy called he found Countess NEW YORK , October 29 .-- Count Bela Zichy had written to the Archbishop , ask Zichy and Miss Mabel O. Wright , formerly ing him , if possible , to prevent the mar Mrs. Fernando Yunaga , will be married riage between her son and Mrs. Yznaga , or , during the second week of November . Arch- failing that , to make some arrangements by which the Catholic traditions of the Zichy bishop Corrigan will perform th ceremony , family could be preserved untainted . Tbe Miss Wright having determined to join the Countess suggested that Herman be called Catholic church . Numerous obstacles be upon to assist the prelate with hl . advice . sides that of obtaining Miss Wright's divorce Appeals from the Archbishop to Count Bela in Dakota have delayed a marriage long failing to shake the latter's resolution , Mra . since resolved upon . Yznaga was approached to the end of per suading her to embrace the Roman Catholic By permission of the Count persons with faith . whom he has confidential relations told of Here another obstacle was encountered . the conditions under which the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Wright were strongly opposed will take place . When the Count notified to their daughter's leaving the Protestant his mother , Countess Zichy , of his engage faith , of which they are zealous adherents . The act of the Archbishop , combined with ment he received a reply emphatically for the persuasions of the Zichys and the plead bidding the marriage - Arst , because Miss ings of Mrs. Yznaga herself , induced Mr. Wright , then Mrs. Yznaga , was a “ com- and Mrs. Wright to give their consent . Mra . moner " ; secondly , because she would be Yznaga is now undergoing a species of re a divorced woman , and , lastly , because she ligious training in a retreat in South Dakota was of the Protestant faith . His mother's | Zichy's family has been withdrawn . and all opposition on the part of Count main objection was the religious one . It is said that family influence at the Vat The Zichys are one of the most prominent ican overcame the difficulty presented by and powerful Catholic families in Hungary . that tenet of the Catholic Church , which forbids its priests to perform a marriage Cardinal Jacobini bas Zichy blood in his veins . The family has founded churches bishop Corrigan is now in Mexico , but will cermony between divorced persons . Arch and ' endowed Catholic institutions , and it return to this city November 4th . has received - repeated tokens of favor from Mrs. Yznaga is to reach New York Satur , the Vatican itself . The Countess was dis day or Sunday . On the day following the mayed on learning that her son was to Archbishop's arrival she will be formally re marry a Protestant . A long correspondênceceived into the Roman Catholic Church . The was begun between , the Count and men marriage will take place eſther on the 6th bers of his family , the drift of which was- or 10th of November , the probability being his determination to marry the woman of his that it will be performed on the first - named choice , in spite of threats , entreaties and date . The ceremony will take place at the expostulations . bome of the bride's parents in this city , the Finally the Countere hinted as Archbishop oficiating . According to the laws of the church , a divorced woman can Finally tue Countess hinted at casting not be married in a consecrated edifice , him out of her will it he insisted on disobey- henos the home weddings Not more than if ing her wishes . This threat , serious as it twenty or thirty persons are to be present . . was , failed to move him . The Count is the The sisters of Count Bela Zichy are married . elder of two brothers , and until the death to two of the wealthiest noblemen in Hus of his mother is dependent on her allowance gary . One Count Andrassy is the son of the and an income derived from some small ex - Prime Minister of that name . The other estates left him by his father . The Count is Countess Andre Hadik de Fultak , her hus ess , under the Hungarian law , was in posi- band being the head of a Magyar family tion to carry out her threat , but Zichy was that leads the Hungarian nobility . unshaken . Then the Countess tried another course . Count Herman Zichy is a distant relative of Bela Zichy . Herman came to this coun try rather more than a year ago . He was a meraber of the Hungarian parliament , but he resigned in January last . He became editor of the Hungarian " Herald " of this city , but sold his interest in that publica tion last Saturday .

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