Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Music Training

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 992 51 2008-2-64.jpg
Maud Allan 992 51 2008-2-64.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Music Training

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Dieren , Bernard van , important composer and writer ; b . Rotterdam , Dec. 27 , 1884 ; d . London , April 24 , 1936 . After studying in Germany and Holland , he settled in 1909 in London as music correspondent of the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant ; later devoted his timne exclu sively to composing . His works show radical tenden cies . WORKS : 6 Sketches for piano ( 1911 ) ; i string quar tets ( 1912 ; 1917 , performed at the Donaueschingen Music Festival in 1920 ; 1919 ; 1923 , performed at the Frankfurt International Music Festival in 1925 ) ; Symph . for Soli , Chorus , and Orch . on Chinese Texts ( 1914 ) ; Diaphony for baritone and chamber orch on 3 Shakespearean sonnets : Overture to an Ideal Comedy ( 1916 ) ; Les Propous des Beuveurs , introit for orch . ( af ter Rabelais ; London , 1921 ) ; Sonata Tyroica for violin and piano ( 1927 ) ; many songs ( also with string quar ter and chamber orch . ) . Author of a book on the mod ern sculptor , Jacob Epstein ( 1920 ) ; and a collection of essays , Down Among the Dead Men ( London , 1935 ) . BIBLIOGRAPHY : E. Davis , " B. van Dieren , " Musi . cal Quarterly ( April 1938 ) : G. Grouse , “ Bernard van Dieren - Three Early Songs in Relation to His Subse quent Development , " Music Review ( May 1968 ) . Remy , Alfred , American music lexicographer : b . El berfeld , Germany , March 16. 1870 : d . Ver Tork . Feb. 26 , 1937. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1982 : studied piano and violin ; lectured on music history and onlar . guages at various schools in N.Y. and Brooklyn ; from 1906 to 1915 was on the inusic staff of Colunbia Univ . He contributed articles to various American reference works and was editor - in - chief of the 3rd edition of Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians ( N.Y. , 1919 ) . Rémy , Guillaume , Belgian violinist : b . Querée . aug . 26 , 1856 ; d . Nantes , France , June 16 , 1932. He studied at the Cons , of Liège ; graduated in 1873 sharing the first prize with Ysaye ; continued his studies under Massart at the Paris Cons ; awarded first prize in 1878. Settling in Paris , he became concertmaster of the Colonne Orch . , frequently appearing as a soloist . From 1885 to 1930 he was prof . at the Paris Cons .; played recitals with Saint - Saëns and Gabriel Fauré at the piano . He also formed a string quartet . During the last years of his life he was head of the violin depart ment of the American Cons , at Fontainebleau . Moenulka , Francis

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