Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Music Training

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 988 51 2008-2-64.jpg
Maud Allan 988 51 2008-2-64.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Music Training

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Pins Maud Stanley ) ( 6 Toowoomba , Queensland , id Cape Town , 27 June 1976 ) . South Afri She was playing publicly in Australia was ten , and at 12 played at the Paris und was favourably reviewed in London by w . Her principal training was under Ernst the Berlin Hochschule , where Joachim was The gave innumerable concerts in some 90 ublic performance and played under Joachim Oct 29 196 Mand this and and Elgar among others . In chamber music her partners included Casals , Draper , Tertis and the Loewenguth and Griller quartets . Settling in South Africa ( 1920 ) , she toured extensively over that continent and abroad . She played works unfamiliar in South Africa : Glazunov's Piano Concerto and works by Skryabin and Metner ( she included his Danza festiva op.38 in her 90th birthday recital ) , though her programmes were customarily of Bach , Beethoven , Schumann and Brahms . A highly com petent and professional musician , her numerous hon ours included an honorary doctorate ( University of Cape Town , 1957 ) . BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Delius : ' The Amazing Elsie Hall ' , Cape Times Week - end Magazine ( 28 Nov 1964 ) E. Hall : The Good Die Young ( Cape Town , 1969 ) [ autobiography ) Anon : ' Elsie Hall " , SABC Radio Bulletin ( 22 June 1970 ) CAROLINE MEARS Coneer Dec ** CUCI UI the Berlin Royal Orchestra . GABRILOWITSCH , Clara . See CLEMENS , CLARA . GABRILOWITSCH , Ossip Solomonovitch ( b . St. Petersburg , Feb. 7 , 1878 — d . Detroit , Sept. 14 , 1936 ) , Rus sian ( naturalized American ) pianist and conductor . Showed musical aptitude when four years old and at six began study of the piano on the advice of A. Rubinstein who assumed the direction of his musical education . In 1888–94 at St. Petersburg Conservatory he studied piano with Tolstoff and Rubinstein , and composition with Navrátil , Liadoff and Glazunoff , graduating as winner of the Rubinstein prize . Again on Rubinstein's advice he went , after that master's death in 1894 , to Vienna for two years of study with Le schetizky ( 1894-96 ) . He began his career as a virtuoso with a concert in Berlin in October , 1996 ; then followed IN successful tours in Germany , Austria , Russia , France and England , before his first visit to America in 1900. The impression of his excellence as a pianist made then was deepened on subsequent visits in 1901 , '06 , '09 , and '14 . One of his noteworthy achievements was his series of six historical concerts illustrating the development of the piano concerto from Bach to the 20th Century , at which he played eighteen concertos by Bach , Mozart , Beethoven , Weber , Mendelssohn , Schumann , Chopin , Liszt , Rubinstein , Tchai kovsky , Brahms , Franck , Saint - Saëns , Grieg and Rachma ninoff , giving the series first in European capitals and repeat ing it several times in America . On Oct. 6 , 1909 he married the contralto singer Clara Clemens , daughter of Samuel L. Clemens ( Mark Twain ) , and thereafter frequently ap peared with her in joint recitals . From 1910–14 he lived in Munich where he conducted symphony concerts by the Konzertverein Orchestra ; he had previously tried his hand at conducting , having appeared in 1906 with orchestras in Paris , Vienna and Manchester , England . In 1914 he settled in New York and took out his papers to become an Amer ican citizen . In 1917 he made his American debut as a con ductor with an especially assembled orchestra in New York , creating a decidedly favourable impression . From 1918 un til his death he was conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra which he built up into a first - class ensemble , being also largely responsible for securing to that city its new $ 1,000,000 concert hall . He composed many piano pieces , songs , an Elegy for cello and piano , and an Ouver ture - Rhapsodie for orchestra . Coincident with his activity as conductor he continued to make recital tours of the United States annually , until stricken by his fatal sickness in 1935 , and it is as a pianist that he is chiefly to be remembered . His playing was many sided and always evocative of keen delight . Primarily a poet and a student - he was endowed with a truly marvel lous memory v - his plaving was often more reflective than کا a egeu gegeben Schulze , Adolf , * 13. April 1835 zu Mannhagen bei Mölln , † 9. April 1920 in Jena , war anfangs Schullehrer , bildete aber unter Karl Voigt in Hamburg und dann unter García in London seine Stimme aus und lebte seit 1864 als Gesanglehrer sowie als Konzert- und Oratoriensänger zu Hamburg , bis er Mitte der 70er Jahre als erster Gesanglehrer und Abteilungs direktor an die Königliche Hochschule zu Berlin berufen und Kgl . Professor und Mit glied des Senats der Kgl . Akademie wurde . Im Herbst 1910 trat er in den Ruhestand . Schulze , Johannes Friedrich Justus , 13. Jan. 1851 zu Celle , Schüler seines Vaters im Klavier- und Orgelspiel sowie des Stadt- und Schloßorganisten H. W. Stolze , des Leipziger Konservatoriums ( 1870 ) sowie , nach Heilung einer Kriegsverwundung , der Berliner Kgl . Hochschule ( Joachim , Rudorff , Kiel ) . Im Jahr 1873 zum Hilfs lehrer an dieser Anstait ernannt , rückte er allmählich zum angesehenen ordentlichen Lehrer der Solo - Klavierklassen auf ( 1884 kgl . Professor ) dramatic . Yet juir as oftenke wasimpelled pelled by fery Russian Semperament a astounded his listeners by the ningung power of his performance it bullianico , its partic beauty

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