Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Music Training

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 984 51 2008-2-64.jpg
Maud Allan 984 51 2008-2-64.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Music Training

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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c NOTES ON MAUD ALLAN'S COLLEAUGUES , CONTEMPORARIES , FRIENDS . Theodor Szanto ( born Vienna 1877 ; died Budapest 1934 ) . Hungarian pianist who evidently played with Maud Allan in Brussels in 1906 * Studied with Chovan and Kossler at the Landesmusikakademie , Budapest . Composed a Sonata and Piano Busoni in 1900/1 by invitation of the Grand Duke Carl Alexander , he found a new pleasure he found a new pleasure and stimulus in the free and intimate intercourse with a number of ardent and enthusiastic students . Max Stange Hochschule Professor whom Maud states was such fun to listen to . German singing Teacher and nephew of Herman Stanger , German Organist . Composed many solo with orchestra works as well as Adagio for cello and orchestra . Maria Tebaldi Chiesa Ernest Bloch Turin 1933 Translated into England in 1933 . Suzanne Bloch was daughter of Ernest , born 1907 . Came to U.S.A. with her father . Lutenist and harp sichordist E.J.Dent Busoni : a biography H.H.Stuckenschmidt Busoni A biography F.Schnapp Busoni : Briefe an seine Frau Translated London , 1970 w Robert L. G. ford 2 1231 s El Molino Ave s W note & Nand April 21 , 1949 Aptc 5 Pasadenas Calef To : 1323 N. Columbus Glendale Bil

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