Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 940a 51 2008-2-61.jpg
Maud Allan 940a 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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NY Times Editorial 3/6/12 ATTACKS ON RODIN LATINUE IN PARIS y Times 3/6/12 p4il MORAL REACTION IN PARIS , A theatrical exhibition so boldly in decorit as to shock Paris and impel the Meanwhile , Rodin contact to the denounce it in editorial Attempt to Oust Sculptor from butt of harsh attacks in the daily press . ble suppressing the ordi te is charged with being an advertiser jeviews , is such a novelty Hotel Biron May ' Become and a clover business mhn . It also a the world . Paris is not pointed out that his recent promise to ut the ballet founded on Political Issue . ' bequeath his works to the State on condition that he be allowed to retain | Après - Midi d'un Faune " even the Boulevardiers his present quarters in the Hotel Biron MUSEUM PLAN CONDEMNED amounts to nothing more than an un- IINSKI , a male dancer , 1 official promise , and its value as a great Parisian favorite , surncient Guarantee is openly ques . ndemned for a perform Cost Too High to Pay for His Works , tioned . In some quarters doubt is ad sportive faun which is vanced as to whether , il a hard - and ital . " This newly coined Says One Paper - He Finds fast agreement were reached , it would Many Defenders . not even then be too expensive for the enough to mean almost Siate to pay $ 30,000 a year , which rep resents the interest on the capital in- to very clear idea of the S , Marconi Transatlantic V treiens Telegraph Vested by the State in the Hotel Biron , leatures of this perform fo The New York Times . , PARIS , June 2. - As foreshadowed in for ten years or more , for the privilege politely worded Marconi E SUNDAY TIMES , and it previous dispatches the Chatelet The of acquiring Vor the nation Rodin's works . As the Liberté puts it : we should not . But we atre ballet , incident has now outgrown " Dane Fashion is very fickle , and it the boundaries of the mere matter of is quite possible that after Rodin's ' s the sort of exhibition sage morals and is attaining almost death $ 100,000 vould be sufficient , to flot have been generally the dignity of a national controversy purchase as many of his works as will ſmperial Rome . Even so , d against Auguste Rodin , the be wanted . " pted shows quite as bad Arucor , who defended the perform On the other hand , the Rodinsards rmur . Is Paris really Ance which the critics condemned . The are indignant over the suggestion that ? Patriotism has been question of whether the famous sculp the great sculptor ' be made to leave tor shu ! be allowed to continue resid- his lofty premises and the magnificent Paris , uplift is in the ing in the Hotel Biron is being bitterly gardens where he has conceived and as been a movement to 1 discussed by two parties . executed his masterpieces . In support iterature and art . But The first result of the press campaign of thetr theory ,, they quote the opin- s in the past : have had das been the appointment by Minister : fons given by prominent men and wom- kak of . of Finance Klotz , with whom rests the eng keeks ago , when the question of a published approval of responsibility for the future of the Rodin museum first discussed . Hotel Biron , recently purchased by the Anong those quoted were · Poincare , 18 has brought him into Loubet , Briand , Clémenceau , State for $ 1.06 ) .000 , of a board of spe . Hano which is raging , as cial commissioners to study the situa- taux , Rostand , Henry Bernstein , Henry I rage over such mat tion and submit a report . Bataille , laul Boncourt , and the Duc But Rodin notes only The outcome on the controversy is de Rohan . of the dancer , and the aisficult to foresee , as there appears Feeling is strong on both sides , but , proper field . His re also to be a possibility of the affair although a section of the public , after ident is trilling . The heing taken av a pretext for a political reading thie Figaro's assertion that issur . In fact , Le Figaro , the great Rodin's unconventional drawings and s in a furor because organ of the Moderate Party , on which studies from life now adorn the walls gard for decency and the Poincare Ministry relieg to a of the former chapel and rooms where that will interest the tain extent , was the first to deal with the nuns of Sacré Coeur lived and im it is a true sign of the matter editorially and in such parted refined education to so many putcome should affect #trong terms as to place the Govern- prominent women of France , America , here . When a balle : Inent in a somewhat delicate position , and other countries , strongly resents too humanital " for Inasmuch as its decision , one way or the suggestion that this state of things the other is bound to displease either be allowed to continue . The spectacle be a change of heart of the greatest livins seulptor being aste in the audacious erate or Radical party . As far as thus openly discussed and questioned lich influence , is still can be judged now , no decision will be is deplored and condemned by the taken for some time , and efforts will greater majority . the stage in all other countries . Surely , nothing too " human be made to suppress the inatter . ital " for Parisians had been produced previously , though the exact signifi . cany of that word still eludes us . Was * cel 6

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